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One time I...
Finish the sentence and tell us a fishing story. This could be fun.
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/22 12:11:57
Shouldn't this be in the OT?
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/22 12:33:01
I thought that since I was asking for fishing stories, it would be cool to have it here. I thought the OT was for things other than fishing.
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/22 15:16:32
...was fishing for perch with a 1/32oz minifoo tipped with a Gulp Alive Minnow and 4lb test on a 5ft lightning rod. I was running my bait under a slip bobber. I was watching the drift and my bobber just disappeared. GONE. I set the hook, knowing that there would be no perch on the end of it. I was right. My drag took off like I'd snagged a jet ski. The fish came awfully close to spooling me. I had to pull anchor and chase the fish. When I finally got it to the boat, I couldn't believe my eyes. I landed a 14lb channel cat on my perch rig! LOL! That was one of the best fights I've ever had. It's always nice to get a suprise like that.
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/22 15:23:35
was fishin darn near the same rig as slabdaddy. Live minnows on a chartreuse mister twister under a float. We were crappy fishin. When too my bobber disappeared and when I set the hook, the reel started screamin. I managed to land a mid 30 inch, 1 eyed Northern..
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/22 15:31:47
One time I was fighting a big king on the salmon river in Pulaski,and I needed to turn the stubborn fish so idid not lose him in the rapids. Needless to say I turned him by holding the line with my hand and walking up stream hard. I ended up getting him but not before he took off on another drag peelin run and burnt right through my fingers with the line. Had to go to drug store for band aids but all they had wAs sponge bob ones so I wore Em. All in all totally worth it.
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/22 18:13:44
.....Was fishing the southside, floating the shorelines for smallies. It was a beautiful summer morning, not a cloud in the sky, light wind which made for a perfect shore line drift. It was a very productive morning I was using a 6'6" medium light rod, casting a june bug colored twist tail worm with a split shot about 6" inches up. I casted the same spot 3 times and pulled out 3 average to small sized smallies, On the fourth cast, almost immediately following the worm touching the water my line began to peel hard, after a couple minute fight or so I landed a 10lb Channel Cat...Totally unexpected and alot of fun.
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/22 18:45:21
. . . was fishing Lower Twin Lakes in Westmoreland County with my dad. 'Bout 18 years ago. We had rented a peddle boat to troll spinners and Hus Lures for trout. He had what he thought was a snag, and handed me the rod to see if I could get it loose. Wasn't a snag. We got dragged around the lake for a good 20 minutes, as I fought the beast as carefully as I could. As I knew the end of my line was getting closer, suddenly an ultralight spinning combo surfaced! I grabbed the rod, and realized the beast was on the ultralight. Another 20 minutes of tug of war all around the lake. Closer, closer, closer. The hook came shooting out of the water, and the beast returned to the murky depths without me ever getting to see what it was.
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/22 18:57:27
...was fishing the lake at Godfrey run mid September. No one there but me and a friend. We were haameerin the stElYs on spoons and rooster tails. I was fishing a 1/16th ounce white rooster tail.Hooking up about every 3rd cast. When I brought the lure in I noticed something hanging on it. It was an emerald shiner about the same length as the spinner. I looked closer and I swear somehow the shiner managed to get the hook IN it's mouth, one of the hooks went into it's mouth and out the bottom jaw. I figured what the heck, and made a cast with the shiner still on there,can't hurt right? The lure(with shiner) hit the water, about 2 cranks into the retrieve WHAM fish on!!! Now I always knew Brown trout loved minnows, but have know way of knowing if the 5lb Brown that hit the spinner/minnow combo would have bit the spinner alone without the shiner on the back. But anyway, back to back casts I caught a 3" emerald shiner and a 24" brown trout (same lure kinda). How could I make that up?
post edited by Stillhead - 2013/02/22 18:59:00
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/22 19:14:48
rsquared . . . was fishing Lower Twin Lakes in Westmoreland County with my dad. 'Bout 18 years ago. We had rented a peddle boat to troll spinners and Hus Lures for trout. He had what he thought was a snag, and handed me the rod to see if I could get it loose. Wasn't a snag. We got dragged around the lake for a good 20 minutes, as I fought the beast as carefully as I could. As I knew the end of my line was getting closer, suddenly an ultralight spinning combo surfaced! I grabbed the rod, and realized the beast was on the ultralight. Another 20 minutes of tug of war all around the lake. Closer, closer, closer. The hook came shooting out of the water, and the beast returned to the murky depths without me ever getting to see what it was. Maybe a bass rod? 
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/22 19:15:35
pushed a steelhead out of the water with my foot. Bent down to pick it up and it jumped between my legs and landed in the water. Reaching between my legs to get it back I lost my footing for a second. There goes my rod slipping in. Fight was on again. It went over a 3ft waterfalls and yes I got wet. There was a log that crossed the mouth of the creek and the fish went under and into the lake. Got the fish back to log but couldn't get it under. So I try to fish the rod under the log to deep to hang onto it. This thing will not get away. I went in water trying to grab the fish while holding the pool. Water up to my arm pit 2 more inches to go and I swear that thing looked up and laughed and took off.
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/22 19:42:58
....had been fishing for steelhead for 1 hour , I knew the water was going to rise cause of the recent rains. Buddy of mine met up with me but 30 minutes later where we were standing on non flowing ground there was 8 inches of flowing water now. While standing there I thought some debris hit me in the ankle but it hit me on the downside of the current. I looked down and it was a steelhead passing by where once there was no water flow. Since the water was now unfishable for a rod and reel I handed my friend the rod and said " I dont need no stinking pole" to catch these fish. There were literally fish swimming up stream all over where we were standing. So I positioned my self to grab one swimming by. 5 minutes later I saw one and reached down with both hands to grab it up. Low and behold I snatched one up that would have swam right between my legs. If I can find the original thread from here I will link it below. tru story... Found the original thread but the pics have been deleted. After reading it again I took some flack for doing what I did but if you read the whole thread ..........well you'll get it .
The Deetz Fishermen are born honest,but they get over it
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/22 20:14:41
... when my now wife was going to Gannon in the mid 90's I was visiting her the first weekend of trout season. I kick myself now because I was there every weekend almost for 2 years and never knew about steelhead. Anywho, we went to fish for pelletheads at the McKean hole.
The water was up and moving pretty good and temps were in the 30's. There was a kid there prob about 15 or 16 stumbling all around in his new hip waders. Casting over lines, non-stop talking, etc. Someone yelled at him and told him to move on. He made his way upstream of the hole and around the bend. 5 minutes later he comes floating down the middle of the stream, really struggling and looking like he was about to go under.
Bunch of guys at the tail of the hole formed a barrier and plucked him out. And he stayed and fished - soaking wet - for another half hour or so. Think it might have been guru.
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/22 20:26:41
deetz as i said at the time, that's pretty cool u were able to catch one... iw woulda tried it too! slab-good idea for a thread. one time i....was fishing the allegheny river in venango county after midnight. 20 lb spiderwire, one small splitshot and a nightcrawler. Catchin walleye and bass. Got a great fire goin. mid 60's perfect temp, good beer, good company. All of a sudden somethin grabs on! I fought it for about 20 minutes, it got stuck under a big boulder, and 10 minutes later we pulled it out from the rock. Then another 25 minute battle, and i landed it. I have no idea how big, but it was at least 3 feet long and at least 25-30 pounds. I was a teenager at the time and the look on my face is absolutely genuine-i had never seen a catfish like this. I was shaking! Ill try to find the other pic where im holding it horizontally.
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/22 20:29:01
One time I lost what I believe to be a state record steelie. Longest , fattest steelie I've ever seen it was many years ago on upper Elk I was drifting thru the back half of a hole. I saw a wake come out of the bolder strewn tailout section and my float disappeared. I tugged on the rod and thought i had a snag ...then i felt a headshake. The pig went to the bottom of the hole and wouldn't hardly move no matter how hard I pulled . After a couple/few minutes of that, I figured I flush him out and walked into the hole...big mistake. The pig got on his horse and headed straight for the fast water ...I'm stumbling and bumbling down the creek trying to catch up. i never did ..and there went my trophy of a life time  ..L.T.A.
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/22 21:47:39
Amazing stories! This is exactly what I was hoping for! Thank you. Keep them coming! Post as many as you can think of.
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/22 21:52:04
Genie, We all know what you felt was a tail shake, not a head shake and you just had an average 6lber snagged in the rear. Get real snagger!! :-) P.S. You should have known you're too dang old to bring them in backwards anymore!!
post edited by Stillhead - 2013/02/22 21:53:23
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/22 21:57:00
...was fishing at a local lake and suddenly got that, "I'm gonna poop myself" feeling. We pulled the boat up to a big boulder. It was the only place on the shore that wasn't covered with poison ivy. I climbed atop the rock, dropped my shorts and let 'er go. Ever seen those woodpeckers that live in holes in trees and shoot poop about twenty feet from the tree? Yeah. That was me. Well, I finished up and pulled my britches up, looked around, and saw a dude in a green (camo) kayak paddling like Hell away from me down the shoreline! I don't know how close he was when the wind blew and the poop flew, but I knew he was getting the Hell outta Dodge in a hurry! My guts hurt for two days from laughing over that one.
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/22 22:17:20
HAHAHA! Karma sucks! I was using a J-11 black&silver and got a hit. It didn't feel like a very big one. Suddenly the weight got a lot heavier and the drag peeled. I finally got my lure in and saw that I had two smallmouth on. One was about 8" and the other about 14". No witnesses and no pics, but it happened. lol.
Wally Cat
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/22 22:53:17
Fishing Erie(PI) in a boat with my wife, throwing sticks and catching a few northerns. Landing one northern about 34 inch I reached down and picked up the fish and turned to show it to my wife only to have the fish slip out of my left hand and drop, driving two hooks of the free treble hook into my wrist on the inside of my arm. With some help from my wife I managed to release the fish and used a pair of side cutters to cut the hooks from the plug. A trip to the hospital followed to have the hooks removed because they were right in the tendon/vein area of the wrist. The attending doctor said I was the third "hooked" person he worked on that day.
Enjoy Life, Be Happy, Go Fish - Often! "God has blessed America - may He continue to do so, even though we are not worthy of it". Author..... Wally Cat
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/22 23:11:23
watched a boy of about 12 swing to make a cast with a big rapala and caught his brother in his biceps. His went to thrust forward and ripped the muscle out in a strand. I ran over and removed the hook and the kid took off screaming. By the time I got to him a ranger was there and they took him by ambulance. Grossed me out!
Wally Cat
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/23 08:14:32
Fishing at a small flood control dam(100 acre) near where I live for bass one day with worms I thought I was snagged. Kept messing around trying to free it and was about to pull and break the line when somrthing pulled back. A few seconds later and game on when the critter took off and started ripping my 8 pound test line quite rapidly. After a bit of give and take I was able to put my hand into the mouth of a 27 pound flathead. Took him to a local bait shop, took pictures, weighed and measured it, then returned it to the original water where caught. Sent the information in to the fish comm. and received an "Angler Award " certificate which still hangs in my office today. I needed several band -aids for the backs of my fingers where they were rubbed raw from carrying it one handed back to the car.
Enjoy Life, Be Happy, Go Fish - Often! "God has blessed America - may He continue to do so, even though we are not worthy of it". Author..... Wally Cat
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/23 08:18:58
Once while fishing the first day of trout on Oil Creek we were at one of the bridge holes. Saw this young man about 12 wading under the bridge toward the hole we were fishing. Little did he know the bridge cement ended and the hole got deep below the bridge. He didn't listen to our warnings and stepped off of the cement into 6 foot deep water. I was able to grab him by the collar on his second bob up out of the water and drag him up the bank. Gotta give him credit though it was cold and he was soaked to the bone but stayed and built a fire so he could keep on fishing.....
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/23 09:01:42
A few years ago I started making my own crank baits. It was a slow learning process with allot of fugly scrap wood was the main result. It did end up with a couple decent looking small deep diving cranks that I thought would be great for trolling for crappie. The first time my dad and I took the boat out for crappie I took them with me only to find the water was too high and the launch was closed. We decided to fish the outflow for a couple hours since we were already there. Fishing was poor as the water was really ripping. We fished for a bit and my dad shouted over that he thought he'd had seen a musky a couple minutes ago. So I went over to the area he had seen it with my new crappie lure and sure as $h!t second cast with the lure swinging through heavy current and diving hard the muskie came flying out from under a log right under my feet and smashed the tiny crank bait. A few jumps and a blistering up current run and my 4lb line broke. that was the first muskie i had ever seen let alone hooked. Never did catch a crappie on that lure.
post edited by FishinGuy - 2013/02/23 09:03:19
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/23 19:23:01
One time I was fishing for trout at paradise lakes in Washington county when my buddy's dad hooked a large fish with a spinner. When he got it in it was not a trout but a large channel cat with a decomposing brown trout in its jaws. Ironic huh
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/23 22:37:56
Stillhead P.S. You should have known you're too dang old to bring them in backwards anymore!! I can barely bring 'em in frontwards....damyoo fishing for a mess of bluegills on July 4th in my brand new float tube maiden voyage on a 10 acre pond ... I make a cast and as soon as it hit the water the float dunked. Set the hook and start reeling...the fish put up little to no fight as I reeled . when it got close enough to see it, i saw it was HUGE bass...and then it started fighting HARD. 4 pound test and tiny jig I landed the hog ...she measured a full 25"long and was fat. No scale to weigh her, but i'd estimate an easy 9 pound'r I already had 23" 7 pound'r on wall , so I sent her on her way back to the coontail from whence she came ..L.T.A.
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/23 23:07:57
That's a big bass duud. Nice.
dakota kid
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/24 06:10:45
We were drift fishing for walleye with weighted crawler rigs off shades beach after finding zero perch. I thought I had snagged bottom or the anchor rope. As I was attempting to break it off, I felt it's head shake. Forty minutes later I landed this guy. BTW he bend the net handle. He might have been the reason the perch weren't there. I've posted this before, but it fit the thread so here it is again. Any of you cat fishing guys have any idea to this fishes weight? We didn't have a scale.
dakota kid
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/24 06:25:50
Another perch story came to mind. My father had gotten the anchor snagged on something and was slowly bringing it to the surface. The closer it got the heavier it became by the time we got it up, three grown men were pulling the rope. It turned out to be a gill net someone had cut loose. From the feel of it, I'd say it was still attached to the bottom somehow. We thought about trying to get it out of the lake somehow, but it woulda sunk our boat even if we managed to get the whole thing up. At least it was all twisted up and couldn't catch fish anymore. It had been there a pretty long time by the looks of it, several years anyway. My Dad actually ended up slicing his hand up pretty bad while cutting it free. I bet if he woulda known how it was gonna turn out, he'd of just cut the anchor free.
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Re:One time I...
2013/02/24 06:32:15
slabdaddy That's a big bass duud. Nice. Biggest I've caught, Slab. I was bass fanatic for years ...fished pret'near every evening for 6-7 years . (it was my therapy when i quit drinking in '92) Had permission to fish a dozen or more local private ponds . Here's a cool story about the one on the wall of my den/office ; When i started bass fishing, I figured to kill and mount the first 5+ pound'r I had caught countless 3-4 pound'rs before i landed my first hog...which I decided to release anyway. many dozens of 5 pnd hogs came and went back in the following years ...still none for the wall. Some years ago I was chucking a spinner bait beyond some bluegill redds when POW..a big'un munched my offering . I landed it and saw she was a beaut ...didn't have a scale, but knew from years of weighing and measuring she was well over 5 I gave some serious thought to bonking her for the wall. I decided to let her go....and immediately regretted it  ...thinking I just let the wall hanger I've chasing for years go. The very next fish I caught 10 minutes latter was a near carbon copy in length, but with larger head and girth . I didn't think twice.... 23" 7.2 pounds ..L.T.A.