EPACBA Meeting

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2013/02/21 15:43:02 (permalink)

EPACBA Meeting

The newly-formed Erie, PA Charter Boat Association (E.P.A.C.B.A.) is proud to announce its first public meeting to be held on Saturday, March 9, 2013.
Tom Ridge Enviromental Center
301 Peninsula Drive
Erie, PA 16505-2042
We welcome our guest speaker, District-1 Commissioner Ed Mascharka of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission.  He will discuss the Lake Erie Stamp and the distribution of funds.  Also, PF&BC's Northwest Regional Manager Bob Nestor will discuss law enforcement changes.
Open to the public. 
Membership forms and dues will be accepted at the meeting.
We hope to see you there!
post edited by Ironhed - 2013/02/22 08:00:32

Blacktop Charters

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    Re:EPACBA Meeting 2013/02/21 15:50:12 (permalink)
    Not trying to make waves here but why announce a public meeting for a private club. The general public is not allowed to join this as per what was stated before. So why invite the mass of us that cannot be a member. Seems like a waste of time to post because you probably have all of the charter boat captains and first mates around emails and or phone numbers. Why not a mass emailing because let's face it your club does nothing for me or the general public?

    Unless you guys changed soemething since your last post.
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    Re:EPACBA Meeting 2013/02/21 17:59:27 (permalink)
    Yes, things have changed since the last thread.
    This club is NOT private.
    We offer Captains, Mates, Business and General memberships.

    Blacktop Charters
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    Re:EPACBA Meeting 2013/02/21 18:29:47 (permalink)
    So how do I Joe Schmoe benefit from your club? What are you guys doing differently that every other group in this area isn't already doing?
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    Re:EPACBA Meeting 2013/02/21 19:00:27 (permalink)
    Why not show up, talk to the guys, and find out what they're all about? Then decide whether or not there is a "benefit" to joining.
    The speakers alone make attendance at the 1st meeting worth a couple hour's of your time.
    post edited by spoonchucker - 2013/02/21 19:02:15

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    Re:EPACBA Meeting 2013/02/21 19:27:18 (permalink)
    Because when the group was first presented it was for just captains and mates and I don't see anything that would show a benefit to a general member. Look at the site it's 100 percent geared towards the charter captains so why do they need money from general members. I can understand the business membership but not the general. Just my 1.5 cents here chucker. I'm sure I'm not the only one with questions just the only willing to push the buttons.
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    Re:EPACBA Meeting 2013/02/21 19:57:43 (permalink)
    Because if they work toward changes in the Lake Erie stamp requirements, or how the money is spent. It would/could benefit ALL ( "general public )  lake anglers. If they work toward increased enforcement of not just the charter licensure laws, but also creel & size limits. It would/could benefit ALL ( "general public" ) lake anglers.
    Which is why I say. Why not attend a meeting, and talk to the officers before pre-determining that they offer no benefit to you, the "general public"? Not trying to "push any buttons". Just suggesting what I consider to be a reasonable approach for adressing your concerns. You may still find that they offer no benefit to you, but you might also decide otherwise. At the very least, you'll get to hear from & talk to the top PF&BC guys in the region. And get some information on how your stamp monies are being/ have been spent.

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    Re:EPACBA Meeting 2013/02/21 20:08:19 (permalink)
    Thanks spoon for clearing that up for me.
    Rough House
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    Re:EPACBA Meeting 2013/02/23 14:04:16 (permalink)
    Sounds to be a very informative meeting. Lots of important information supplied by the pfbc. Looking forward to attending.

    Lake Erie Fishing Charters out of Erie, PA.

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    Re:EPACBA Meeting 2013/03/01 08:50:28 (permalink)
    Hides the women and children...da captains is coming ta town, and the lakes froze up, so they'll be no fishing, and the carryin on might could be heard in Buffalo.
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