baiting deer

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2013/02/20 09:16:08 (permalink)

baiting deer

I just read an article in the Greensburg Trib that reports Representative Gary Haluska, a Dem. from Cambria Cnty, Pa. wants to legalize using corn for bait for hunting .He is a minority chairman on the Pa. House Fish & Game Comm. so unfortunately he has some clout. Even though the PGC own Bioligists advise people not to feed Deer on thier own property for fear of overcrowding deer in one area & possibly helping to spread diseases. His reasoning is that hunting near a corn field is the same as hunting over bait,so baiting should be legal also.Never mind that hunting near a cornfield that is possibly hundreds of yards wide & long, require you to use skill & effort to pick out a spot,whereas (hunting)? over bait lets you pick out a spot almost anywhere & let the deer find it.I guess that the Rep. doesn't feel that we are killing Deer fast enough now. This bill is H.B.679    I know that as an old codger I think that there are too many changes being sought to increase the killing of our Wild Game & that they are ruining the concept of Fair Chase. Seems like it is all about killing now & people wonder why we are losing hunters. I ask that you take the time to contact your State Rep. & let them know how you feel on this subject. I personaly feel that baiting is as bad as road hunting is.   sam

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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/20 12:24:44 (permalink)
    It's interesting that the number of licensed hunters rose by 9% nationally over the last five years while they dropped in Pennsylvania over the same time period according to the U.S. fish and Wildlife Service.
    Apparently the PGC's logic of giving hunters more time, seasons, weapons, and methods to hunt a ever decreasing game population is not leading to hunter satisfaction as they claimed it would.  Imagine that.---------It's not the amount of time spent looking for game that counts, it's the amount of game seen while looking that leads to hunter satisfaction.
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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/20 14:09:17 (permalink)
    Here in Ct baiting is illegal. The exception being certain specifically designated areas  along the Coast line.
          In those areas the Deer herd is highly overpopulated, however, Urban landowners generally do not allow hunting or individual lot size is too limited.   The baiting exception is  designed to draw Deer from those properties and hopefully achieve some kind of decent kill rate due to the general overpopulation and avoid disease or starvation.
       Used in such a limited manner its a useful tool of Game Management.
           Baiting works when ya want a higher kill rate.
      Personally I hope never to see it Statewide here or anywhere - takes the HUNT outa Hunting.
    post edited by retired guy - 2013/02/20 14:12:59
    Dr. Trout
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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/20 18:47:38 (permalink)
    it's the amount of game seen while looking that leads to hunter satisfaction.

    Still not a true statement for the  hunters I know and talk to...
    They buy a license to kill game.. if not successful at that...  they are not satisfied.. plain and simple..
    I do not know too many deer hunters, for example, that complain if they harvest a deer... sure they may say they saw less deer than in the past but are happy as hell they shot one this year and last year...etc
    I remember hearing hunters talk about a lack of deer (because they did not shoot one ) clean back in the 60s, 70, 80s, 90s, ...
    and as we see .. some are still complaining.
    the folks I hear doing the complaining are the ones that (for the most part)are not succesful at harvesting a deer
    most want to kill something and do not care how they do it as long as it is legal....
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2013/02/20 18:53:22
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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/20 19:20:12 (permalink)
    There is no doubt that folks like to be successful at whatever it is they are doing.  However, I suggest that if they are seeing deer on a fairly regular basis and do not kill one due to missing, no shot, etc, their level of interest remains high and they will continue hunting knowing that the stars will eventually align and they will be successful.
    On the other hand if they go long periods of time without seeing their quarry many will soon become discouraged and will look for another activity that gives them more satisfaction. 
    I am glad that you said (for the most part) as several on here are normally successful but still do not like the direction the PGC is heading and the  resultant loss of the less hard core hunters and their monies.
     Myself, I would rather hunt deer and turkey than watch bluebirds and wood rats but as deer and turkey numbers decline the PGC concentrating their time and money on the birds and rats.
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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/20 19:32:12 (permalink)
    I know a guy who baits deer in Ohio(legal). Said it made the larger bucks feed more in his area BUT they are feeding at 2 AM.
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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/20 19:35:52 (permalink)

    I know a guy who baits deer in Ohio(legal). Said it made the larger bucks feed more in his area BUT they are feeding at 2 AM.

    That's the same experience the folks I know who bait have had. You may get one crack at the better bucks before they go nocturnal but that's about it.  Lots of pics on trail cams but mostly after midnight.

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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/20 19:38:47 (permalink)
    I will disagree with you Doc. I believe most hunters would rather see afew more deer then harvest one. The only tags I have burned, the last 10 years, have been at my chosing and I have been vocal about the diminished deer population. I can see the long range affect the low population will have and it doesn't look good for our sport. Personally,I am not for baiting but it don't mean I'm correct. As retired points out, it does have valid reasoning in some applications. Maybe ways to pull deer from the private, posted areas. If one looks at it that way, it sounds reasonable....WF
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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/20 20:42:45 (permalink)
    Places  thick  as Texas or  heavily posted like many Urban areas likely NEED baiting to keep herds in control. Ohio may well have access issues - dont know.
        Wont find  folks who think like me in those kinda spots -big Deer numbers and big horns or not.
        You will never find this guy sitting in an elevated box over a dirt road with corn all over it - may as well be punchin holes in paper at the range IMHO.
     Cant get around like in the past  but  wanna HUNT - even if it means less opportunity- meat aint what its all about
       . Please dont respond that ya NEED the meat either- After taking a week off and buying a tag or three and spending all the related cash ya could go to the marked and buy lots.
       Agree with what Doc pointed out but its not the same for all--some still believe in good old fashioned 'fair chase' as opposed to gratification.
     Different strokes----
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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/20 23:34:53 (permalink)
    Retired guy, I agree with your views on Hunting versus killing. I believe that the downfall of deer hunting around here was the advent of A.R. & the proliferation of hunting shows plus the term(management bucks).How the hale can a person sit in a tree stand for hours &,sometimes days, reading books & playing video games then when they finally shoot a buck look into a camera & state that they are proud of the deer they so skillfully shot? I am embarrassed as a hunter to look at all of these techno gadgets that come out daily to help kill a deer. From guns that now can kill a deer  from 600yds away & scopes that can help you see at night, to range finders that rival what our military uses & trail cameras that can send you info to your easy chair in the den, to help you scout out the deer's time table, then you can consult your lunar time table to see when the deer should be moving so that you can jump on your quad & drive to your heated tree stand. Now some want to use bait & chemicals. All of this to harvest an animal that has a brain the size of a lemon! As far as baiting goes,what happens when a hunter sees someone put out a bucket of corn,that hunter then puts out 2 buckets of corn & so on. That has happened in states like Wisconsin & Mich. with those hunters first using corn ,then sugar beets. Now I read that those states either are considering outlawing baiting or already have done so because of the chance of spreading e.h.d. Whatever your thoughts are on this subject PLEASE let your rep.know how you feel. Don't let this decision be made by a politician for you.  sam
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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/21 17:30:16 (permalink)
    The motive behind the bill is deeper than it appears. With the recent find of CWD in Pa, there was a rather swift push for the elimination of all deer farms and a ban on the feeding of deer statewide.
    Many feel that the ban on the feeding of deer would unfairly target sportsmen while ignoring the rampant feeding of deer by non hunters. Birdfeeders are a big deer attractant and they would get a pass but a pile of corn in front of a trail camera would get the pinch.

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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/22 05:48:17 (permalink)
    Baiting deer?
    I don't know what you guys are fishing for, but I think deer area little too big for bait.
    You should be using flies anyway.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/22 08:52:38 (permalink)
    Perhaps  have misunderstood the initial post- Believed it said Baiting for HUNTING- not passive baiting like a like for a Cam or a yard feeder for birds Etc.  Still dont like Cams or corn for finding a spot- like to Scout and figure it out pre season the old fashioned way.
     Heck - put out bait in my upstate NY backyard  to see the occasional Deer or Turkey come by- dont hunt there though.
    Also gotta say -consider it Hunting to be  sitting on a trail or in  a Tree with the bow like many here as well as Still hunting ( mostly still hunting) - wasnt trying to say stand hunting aint right IMHO - just the bait part. Even for a stand or post  ya gotta do your homework-its just the bait method that dont cut it for this old guy..
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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/22 08:59:03 (permalink)
    I'm all for it now. Fatten them up before I take them out...WF..
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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/22 18:05:23 (permalink)
    the biggest thing I see here is the baiting-feeding corn results in deer coming to the pile after hunting hours .. according to my trail camera of my feeding station since Xmas,  the majority of the deer come after dark.. in fact it is almost like they know what legal hunting hours are... one or two may show up about a half hour after legal hours with the most showing up from 11pm to  4am to feed...
    NONE have showed up during daylight hours.. at least at my feeding station....
    I had a great conversation today with two guys about licenses sales and hunter numbers dropping...
    here's the question I will send off to Harrisburg... what about lifetime license buyers/hunters  ......
    let's say I buy my lifetime this last summer.. that will show up as one lifetime sold for 2012 ..
    I now no longer have to buy a license.. so that is one LOST sale for 2013... and forever...
    multiply that times the number of lifetimes sold for 2012 and that will result in a loss of that number for 2013.. 2014 etc etc...
    As for the number of deer hunters... same thing the PGC now has no idea if I am still a deer hunter or not...
    at best the total sales and number of hunters are estimates
    for hunter numbers or the number that stop hunting because of not being satisfied with the sport
    with all the "baby boomers" now getting lifetimes  I can see a steady down=fall in total sales regardless of deer numbers... since youth are not and will not be entering at any where near the number of folks 65 buying lifetime licenses and there is no real idea on how many lifetimers are still hunting or have given it up for what ever reason...
    I'll see what the PGC says about it........
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2013/02/22 18:08:43
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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/22 18:45:06 (permalink)
    Doc, you still have to get a new license every year, the difference is you only have to pay for some of  the extras. If you stop buying they will immediately know.
    I ran a spin feeder in my back yard from May to Sept last year.  I had several 2-1/2 and a 3-1/2 in my yard all hours of the day from late May through early July.  Mid July through mid Aug they came in after midnight and some right at daylight. From mid Aug on it was midnight or later if they came at all. The feeder was set to go off at daylight and dusk.  The doves and blue jays got most of the feed from the AM spin most of Aug.
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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/22 18:58:17 (permalink)
    Doc, you still have to get a new license every year

    NOPE.... it is NOT A SALE... you get license ...  a tag for your harvest of a buck or turkey...and an application for doe tags... no license sale...  that is why I still buy a senior license every year and not a lifetime....
    it is not recorded as a as I said == total sales go down each year for the number of lifetimes sold the year before...
    same as fishing --- only you do not even have to come back for a trout, erie or combo permit.. one and done..... forever ...
    all though the PFBC is thinking about changing that ....
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2013/02/22 19:03:02
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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/22 19:38:40 (permalink)
    S-10 is correct as far as knowing if they continue to hunt or not.. they will know that number... the guys I talked to were wrong...
    I could not wait for an E-mail on Monday so I called a buddy from the PGC at home to get clarifcation on this.....
    In the annual report they state how many renewals they have...
    but they are not counted as sales..
    in 2012 they SOLD (sales)
    5,049 new lifetime
    5,584 new combo lifetimes
    and 591 new upgrades ( going from a regular lifetime to the combo).. these are SALES...
    and they had 80,826 renewals .. not sales...
    so I stand by the % of increase or decrease in licesnse SALES from one year to another is flawed because renewals are not counted as sales...
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2013/02/22 19:40:05
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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/22 19:41:25 (permalink)
    PALS treats it as a sale. They also enter it into the data system the PGC uses to keep track of such things.  At any rate, be sure to let us know what the PGC says.
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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/22 20:55:26 (permalink)
    It is NOT listed on the monthly sales print-out thru the PALS system we use every month to balance our sales figures with them either.. it shows up as a license issued for that month (lifetime renewal)..... we still get  a "cut" because we issued it.. but it isn't a sale....and there is no amount charged to us to issue it and it's not in the amount of money we have to send in for sales or replacement licenses fees..
    that is how the PGC knows how many renewals they have each year for the lifetimes...
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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/23 08:15:11 (permalink)
    Actually Doc, the way they treat sales appears to be a bit confusing.  They do count and report Sales as you stated in house.  However, when they give that information to the  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  they apparently include the renewals in the sales. At least the FWS reports it that way. That is why you sometimes see a different set of numbers. It may have to do with how Pittman Robertson funds are allocated.
    At any rate those are the numbers the FWS uses to compare the states from year to year and with each other. That means that as originally posted, nationwide we have gained 9% more hunters in the last 5 years and Pennsylvania hunter numbers have declined during the same period.
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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/23 09:31:41 (permalink)
    Just think how much more Pittman money the PGC would get if they calcualted sales/renewals the same way they calculate deer harvests.

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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/23 11:15:38 (permalink)
    Another example of flawed numbers. If something as simple as that gets screwed up, how can anyone trust the other numbers the PaGC spouts out. As I always say, you can force numbers to say anything...WF
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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/23 16:49:57 (permalink)
    If they counted renewals the same as sales then we would have had almost 90,000 senior lifetime sales in 2012.. and that is NOT what the sales reports or any other sales figures show anywhere.... I even double checked at work today == renewals are NOT counted as sales at all on the PALS system...
    so lifetime sales are already 10,000 down for 2013...
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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/23 19:15:04 (permalink)
    PGC wants flawed numbers
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    Re:baiting deer 2013/02/26 20:53:36 (permalink)
    Not trying to hijack but this aint worth a new thread--just an honest observation---
      Nother year with no Bigfoot sightings by hunters.  Darn.  Not even a decent trail cam photo.
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