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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/10/27 20:06:30 (permalink)
Fish were hitting very lightly today, even the bass were taking gently, except for the Hybrids, which hit like trains as always. I actually had to switch to a delicate setup just to detect most of the bites.

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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/10/28 08:51:19 (permalink)
I tried my luck yesterday too.  Yes, very light hits.  Too light for the size minnows I was using, and the wind wipping down the Muddy Creek arm.  Probably had a few more light hits, that I couldn't detect from the wind pushing the boat and bobber around too much.  I was expecting to get into them, but didn't happen.  Not a skunking, but not a cooler full.  I think waders unless there is absolutely no wind.  Just too hard to position in the limited spots holding fish.  I didn't hook up my sonar on my tin can, so no water temp reading, but it is getting cold.  Probably going to drop another 5+ degrees in the next week.  Hopefully that will have them really biting?
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/10/28 09:42:33 (permalink)
Water temp was 51 AM...55 PM
Tim I'll PM You later.

Got Walleye???
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/10/28 14:36:04 (permalink)
Today was the nicest temp of the week, but the WIND!  I got blown off my porch.  Thursday the wind is supposed to be near zero if you don't mind the mid fifties.  Might be the day to go.  if I didn't have to work.  Sigh.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/06 19:30:51 (permalink)
  Gonna wade in the morning a couple hrs. Should be good 38 - 40*, rain & 13 mph winds outta NW.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/06 19:54:28 (permalink)
Crappy, Should be good, we have been hammering them ( Crappie & bulls) the last couple of days,but the wind is making it tough to watch the floats. Oh well,keeps the skeeters away.  sam
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/06 21:37:54 (permalink)
  Gonna wade in the morning a couple hrs. Should be good 38 - 40*, rain & 13 mph winds outta NW. crappy

I left you a few bobbers in the weeds (yesterday). One of my homemade LED ones too. I'm done using flourocarbon leaders. NW wind is better than SW if fishing Muddy Creek, IMO. 38* rain doesn't sound like fun though.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/07 16:07:16 (permalink)
crappy,  you're old school and hard core.  they don't make many like you anymore.  and everyone eats mrs. paul's  fish pieces instead of real because they won't do what you do.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/08 09:59:54 (permalink)
  Sam, It was good. Tim, I like green line on M/C & was sleet/hail/snow & winds over 20.
 Rich, Didn't say I was the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree  The old ladie thinks I should get a cell phone for fishin' down there especially for night. That ain't gonna happen anytime soon. Got 'bout 20 Perch in a hurry & left .  Fry tonight.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/08 10:23:09 (permalink)
chris, 30-some years ago, i would fish in snow and driving rain right after ice out at pymatuning.  buds amd assorted relatives told me i was crazy.  maybe, but my freezer was full.  hope to someday be able to do it again.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/09 22:17:43 (permalink)
Chris, Went out with my father in law on Saturday, day time sucked. 50* my butt... SSW @ 10-15 = 15+ sustained and 20-25 gusts on 40* or less water temp = 35* if that. Frozen hands fishing with minnows within 2 hours. Especially if fish aren't cooperating. Got 3 keeper perch in 4 hours tween us, some bass and gills in there. Luckily crappy turned on at dusk, rather nice. Left you another LEDS boober in the bush next to the nice brush pile. If you want the formula to some pretty bad ace night bobbers for cheap, send me a pm.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/09 22:18:55 (permalink)
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/10 08:15:06 (permalink)
tim, i heard that nasa took a picture of lake arthur at night and it looks like the shoreline is decorated with Christmas lights.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/10 09:20:25 (permalink)
 Rap, I hear ya.
 Those 2 floats were tempting on the weeds to the right ov the rd. bed. Was gonna hang 'em up on the Christmas tree this yr. Patton 'em & sell for Christmas ornaments, prob. make a mint. Timmy has 2 big plexi glass display cases full ov assorted Thrill Floats prob. somewhere in the 1,000 range. Had problems in past with unopened packs ov light sticks being bad. Do freeze 'em when done using for the night & can get a extra night from 'em. Send me your secret for your night floats.
  Was gonna take my brother down yesterday but opted for the Steeler game instead  Did you have a dog with you on Thursday?? Head next launch area  for Perch if you get out again any time soon.  Crappie always seem to turn on at dusk well into the night in spring/fall. Some nice ones at that. 
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/10 10:04:26 (permalink)
I was out on Wednesday after a meeting in Clarion, so no dog.  My dog still has a lot of puppy in him, so no fishing yet.  I've done pretty good at that launch as well as your area.  I'm guessing anywhere you can access some shallow water weed beds has fish.  Hopefully another warm up, or the waders are done for the season.  I'm tempted to take a vacation day tomorrow, but don't think it's going to happen.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/10 13:34:06 (permalink)
lol.  i took a vacation day today figuring i would go fishing.  instead, we took our daughter back to school and my six maple trees spawned a whole new run of leaves for me to rake.  sigh.  
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/10 14:53:02 (permalink)
Leaves can wait, get out there and hit the dusk bite.  25-30 mph winds coming in with this cold front will end up having a new run of leaves for you (or your neighbor).  
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/10 16:16:41 (permalink)
every time i go out, my neighbors flip me  they hate me this time of year.  49 leaf bags and not close to being done.  i need a herd of beavers to come through at night and take care of business.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/10 22:57:18 (permalink)
  Wow!!!, Tim that bobber you lost the other day is still going strong tonight. Kept blinding me out my side view.
  Went down 'round dark & stayed 'till 10:15. Was gonna leave 'round 9:00 but noticed the moon was gonna be a rising shortly so stayed for the Arthurmoon bite.  Ended up bucketin' a Jumbo & 27 slabs, released a couple L/M a couple Gills & some smaller Slabs under 10".
  Next time gonna use the canvas chest highs though 
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/11 08:09:50 (permalink)
Dang, nice haul.  Good to hear that thing was going strong.  I'm guessing they'll last a few fishing trips before needing the batteries replaced.  Kind of a nice indicator of where that bush was while fishing.  Those things are pretty bright.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/11 11:07:14 (permalink)
  Tim,  The float moved to the middle ov rd. bed. When fishin' brush piles & even around thick cabbage after dark If I take a extra rod I'll use it there with 10 lb. test.  fish don't seem to mind.The hook on the jig will straighten most times & get your float back. I took a heavier line set up last night & it saved me a good bit ov time spending retying. Only jig I lost I'll get back today while filleting.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/11 13:11:13 (permalink)
Retying in the dark with numb frozen hands sucks.  I've been wearing latex gloves (cheap cleaning type).  They seem to help at least for a few hours, but extra pain retying.  Catching fish helps get the blood flowing more than anything though.  It would be nice if minnows weren't the go to bait.  I tried switching up to gulps and no love.  I'm going to make sure to use a minnow net, rather than just reaching in the water.  Who knows when I'll be making it out again.  Not much of a hard water fisher, but looks like that is right around the corner.  Maybe one more warm stretch.  I'm surprised you aren't out there hammering them right now.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/11 18:13:36 (permalink)
I hope to get in an evening or two at the Muddy Creek arm before ice up but I can't drag myself away from the creeks. The bite is too good.

You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/11 19:56:27 (permalink)
  Tim, I tie the minnow net to the end ov string on the minnie bucket handle this time ov yr. I could have 10 minnie nets but would have a hard time finding one  when ready to head out. Should just spend a few min. & do this to all the buckets. Easy to leave behind or drop while shore fishin', esp. after dark. The one jig I had to replace last night was a real pain, had to have the headlamp on & a maglight  in mouth to see good enough to tie a polamer  (sp?) on the tiny jig. Almost gave up in disgust & head home.
 Might call it quits 'till spring.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/17 11:28:34 (permalink)
The perch bite good, crappie nite bite even better. Water is getting cold, skim ice starting to form in the shallows near shore. Fun time yesterday kept 8 perch 10"+ could have had more lost few in the weeds and 16 crappie 10"+
lot of bass, a few small pike and dinks in the mix as well. 

Got Walleye???
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/17 20:32:56 (permalink)
Hopefully this week doesn't put too much ice on the lake.  Next week looks like back to normal.  Hopefully get another day out wading, or shallow boat trip to stay out of the water.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/19 22:11:53 (permalink)
To much ice on the smaller ponds for this time and weather. Hope the big (little big one) doesn't get to bad to quick! If the ponds are freezing this quick... hmmmm.... not a good thing.....

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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/19 22:51:17 (permalink)
Weather dudes are calling for a warmup starting Sat. with 60 forecast for the 'Burgh' on Monday.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/23 16:19:16 (permalink)
We got the warm up on Sat. alright. It wasn't too far behind the freezing rain.

Passed over Lake Authur at the 422 causeway, roads were slick in spots from ice or slush. Water appeared skimmed with ice to the South and North looked choppy but open.

Not a hard but, steady rain was falling and freezing on everything that wasn't treated or heated.

Even in this weather, a boat could be seen on the water. Hats off to ya who ever you were, certainly one of the dedicated...... of the dedicated!
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2014/11/24 17:55:45

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re:Lake Arthur 2014/11/24 15:32:06 (permalink)
  Looked like a cold water/ice rescue training class was taking place at the 528 launch yesterday (Sun).
post edited by crappiefisher - 2014/11/24 15:33:15
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