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2013/02/17 15:06:12 (permalink)

Lake Arthur

Anyone been catching any fish on the lake??
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/02/17 21:27:44 (permalink)
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/02/18 05:33:26 (permalink)
I don't think you're going to get too many responses. The ice is sketchy.

You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/02/18 07:38:07 (permalink)
Ice is fine at Muddycreek and at the church.  Very slow though.  Picked up a couple small bass, a couple gills and a nice crappie yesterday.  
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/02/18 10:51:07 (permalink)
nice and thank you!
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/02/19 06:40:44 (permalink)
Friend lost a rod bag at the zion church area at lake arthur sunday evening just wondering if anyone may have found it?
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/02/19 21:59:45 (permalink)
Hoping to get out fishing tomorrow... Hows the ICE?
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/02/20 10:20:19 (permalink)
I fished MC area all day monday. Ice was 6-7 inches and was making ice all day monday, lake was singing like crazy.
Had three flags that I'm sure were fish not wind, of the three flags I only caught 1 bass. Panfish bite turned on just as it was getting dark and I was able to pick up 1 nice perch, 2 Crappie and about 12 gills.
Looked to me like the ice should hold for a while yet, especially with the cold nights.  
Tight lines & God bless.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/02/20 19:58:28 (permalink)
"Friend lost a rod bag at the zion church area at lake arthur sunday evening just wondering if anyone may have found it?"
You might want to post this on iceshanty, it may get more views there.
post edited by jonesy74 - 2013/02/20 20:07:37
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/02/22 14:39:24 (permalink)
I was hoping to fish some of the wednesday night tournaments this year but i dont have a boat or partner... Is  there anyone looking for someone to fish with for these tournaments?
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/02/28 15:51:20 (permalink)
Anybody been out today to check the ice? Wondering how it held up to the rain and its runoff.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/02/28 17:42:41 (permalink)
There was a couple guys off the church yesterday. But as always, be cautious!
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/02/28 19:50:21 (permalink)
I went out of muddy creek. The snow has melted off of the shore ice but I didn't break through and it felt solid. I didn't measure the ice anywhere so I don't have an exact thickness but I will tell you that there is plenty of clear ice left.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/02/28 21:15:49 (permalink)
Dont waste your money on the dead sea
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/02/28 23:29:30 (permalink)
Well just because you can't catch them doesn't mean there's no fish. It's only the dead sea for the people who don't put in the hours to find where they like to hide!
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/03/01 10:57:57 (permalink)
What ever you say buddy.  You couldn't handle the tournament trail I fish on, travel, put your time in, research, and prefish.  I know TONS of guys in the bass world and they all agree/say Arthur is by far one of the toughest/crappy/don't waste my time on it lakes in PA.  Thats coming from guys that are almost classic qualifiers through the Federation Tourneys.  Not saying Arthur is a total bust, but those fish (particularly the bass) can get extreme lock jaw.  I dont care what you throw at them or how many spots you fish, they wont eat.

Well just because you can't catch them doesn't mean there's no fish. It's only the dead sea for the people who don't put in the hours to find where they like to hide!

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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/03/03 22:18:30 (permalink)
You are absolutely right. In fact, people shouldn't waste their time going there.

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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/03/04 12:43:39 (permalink)
All you had to say was i primarily fish for bass. However there are several other species in the lake that are able to be caught such as walleye,crappie,pike and stripers.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/03/04 12:49:37 (permalink)

What ever you say buddy.  You couldn't handle the tournament trail I fish on, travel, put your time in, research, and prefish.  I know TONS of guys in the bass world and they all agree/say Arthur is by far one of the toughest/crappy/don't waste my time on it lakes in PA.  Thats coming from guys that are almost classic qualifiers through the Federation Tourneys.  Not saying Arthur is a total bust, but those fish (particularly the bass) can get extreme lock jaw.  I dont care what you throw at them or how many spots you fish, they wont eat.

Well just because you can't catch them doesn't mean there's no fish. It's only the dead sea for the people who don't put in the hours to find where they like to hide!

wow talk about an outlash for no reason,
I completely disagree with you about the bass in ARTHUR, I for one can hammer bass most days, when fishing for them. I typicallly fish for eyes and stripers at Arthur, when they're not cooperating I go for the easier catch IMO.
 The Bass do get pounded often at Arthur from all the Tourneys they hold there, maybe that's why some have lockjaw.

Got Walleye???
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/03/04 13:26:55 (permalink)
Thank you bluelagoon. This all started because i was asking for a report on the ice after the rain last week. I guess i offended some people by asking that question. Personally i am happy that people hate the lake hopefully they fish elsewhere.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/03/04 15:07:14 (permalink)

You are absolutely right. In fact, people shouldn't waste their time going there.

Walli slayer
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/03/05 08:42:20 (permalink)
I always thought the same thing about lake Arthur but until u fish there around sunset and into the night and watch the water start boiling u just have no idea the life in that lake. U can catch the stripers on just about anything at night time there. It's amazing to witness. A totally different lake at night! It sounds like someone throwing boulders in the water. Live action! Lol
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/03/05 09:10:21 (permalink)
You are right, absolutely no reason to fish during the day there...  
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/03/05 21:20:52 (permalink)
I agree. I live 20  min from there and have been fishing there for 20 years. It gets worse every year. You folks from Pittsburgh should probably find another place to fish.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/03/05 21:23:39 (permalink)
Just starting fishing it and wish I would have known this... I do now though. Im going to be sure to avoid it just like the rest of you guys... Maybe wel should all stop fishing it and it will get better in a few decades!
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/03/07 06:24:15 (permalink)
Catchin, You have to be Kidding right?????? any buddy can SLAM the large mouth At Arthur.  I can't remeber the last time I was skunked at the lake for bass.  Maybe you are tring the WRONG Approach,Or you just have what it takes to figur them out ????  And I know quite a few guy's that slam the bass there including myself 99% of the time!!!!! 

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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/03/07 08:15:45 (permalink)
I dunno if you guys are serious or just trying to scare people away but i had one of the most amazing nights of fishing there last year fishing for stripers. Caught countless fish of all species.
Walleye jigs
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/03/07 10:33:11 (permalink)
Sounds like our tourny man might be one of those have to go 90 mph cast 4 times move on, also known as to much tv. When they're on Cross Creek they will run you over if you don't keep YOUR eyes on them. Couple yrs back I had a 12 boat and if I had not stood up one  would have run me over.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/03/07 11:00:28 (permalink)
I wouldn't discount all that he says.  There are days on any lake that won't fish well, and Arthur does have that reputation.  I do find Arthur to fish rather well for large mouth, but I also fish a good bit with live bait.  They are usually a by catch of what I am targeting.  The lake does get more pressure than most inland lakes in the state, and after taking 10-20 hooks in the mouth, the fish do start to figure out that funny looking unnatural bass lures don't taste good, don't fill their bellies, and end up in a live well for a few hours...  
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Re:Lake Arthur 2013/03/07 12:29:58 (permalink)
Snag your right the night bite is quite differant than tha day, But none the less still the day bite is very productive if ya know what to use. Trust me as soon as the ice comes off I'll be hitting early bass and some pike. Dave

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