Minnow Trap question

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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/09 22:06:11 (permalink)
Big Tuna

Most minnows go under the leaves in deeper holes,trapping is always slow. I would rather seine minnows in the winter. I know of a warm water discharge that empties into the Beaver river that will produce a gang of minnows fast,but you have to sort through them,many are 2-3 inch carp,emerals shinners,dace,and creek chubs.

You mean that you actually catch baby carp in a minnow trap? That would be pretty cool. I've been fishing my whole life and using a minnow trap since I was 4. I grew up beside the water. I've  used a seine for years and years. I have NEVER seen a carp under 18" long. lol. I know they exist, but I've never seen one. My best friend and I were talking last summer about this. In fact, I've asked lots of folks if they've ever seen a baby carp and  you are the first person that I've ever talked to that has. That's really cool. Do they look the same as a fry as they do as an adult? I suppose I could Google a pic of a baby carp, but just figured I'd ask. That's nifty. I'd like to see one sometime. I bet they make  good bait though.

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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/11 17:48:09 (permalink)
I use one and depending on where I toss it I stay near by and just grab my vest when putting it in and taking it out... As for "baiting" the traps some guys swear by just bread, some guys say make dough balls with ground meat, and I have found that Bentiful dog food works better then just plain bread and it's cheap... $1 for a little bag...  I've baited a trap and left it sit for 20min and checked it and had 2 dozen minnows, the only word of advice really is don't wipe out a hole and try to avoid taking too many if you know they are spawning.  Roughly around 10-15C is the general temp for most of the SW PA species found in our creeks when they'll spawn, so I'd say just keep an eye out how many you take around April/May.   The only real issue I have with long soaks is the crawl fish, I don't know about most guys but I've had some baby lobsters in mine and they'll wipe out a trap if you're unlucky.  Also snakes, I haven't had the luxury of having one in my trap yet, but I've herd they are none too pleased if they get stuck...
post edited by Mags00 - 2013/02/11 17:50:57
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/11 20:19:27 (permalink)
Glad you got a few walleyes on your chubs...once you find a few good spots you will always have a nice supply of bait. If you're ever looking to catch a large amount in a short period of time, traditional casting nets work well where permitted as well, good luck
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/12 12:13:38 (permalink)
I usually just handline for my chubs. I like having to fish before I go fishing haha. Caught some massive ones at my fave spot. make for great flathead bait.
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/12 19:40:44 (permalink)
Turned out Sunday was a crappy day for the Eyes, spent all day and only got one.  The creek chubs were actually too big it seemed for their appetite on Sunday. One of the bigger chubs actually came in to me after a half hour on the hook with a bunch of clear bite marks, but none of the bites were big enough to get the hook. Stupid Walleye! Why cant they be anxious to bite the hook on days when its nice out? lol
How do you tell where cast nets are legal? I have thought a lot about buying one, but have held off because it seems complicated to tell if they are legal or not.
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/12 20:26:38 (permalink)

How do you tell where cast nets are legal? I have thought a lot about buying one, but have held off because it seems complicated to tell if they are legal or not.

You may only use cast nets here, with a permit:
County Water Areas:

Berks: Blue Marsh Lake
Bucks:  Nockamixon Lake
Carbon: Beltsville Lake
Huntingdon: Raystown Lake
Wayne / Pike: Lake Wallenpaupack
Butler: Lake Arthur
Mercer: Shenango River Lake  
post edited by kayak99 - 2013/02/12 20:31:14
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/12 20:32:24 (permalink)
Found cast net regulations http://fishandboat.com/fi.pub/summary/permits.html
Holy crap is this real? You can only use a cast net in these 7 lakes in PA and have to have a permit? That seems very odd. A friend of mine picked up a 5 foot cast net at Walmart and used it in various locations to catch shad and chubs, unaware that he was supposedly breaking the law. 
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/12 20:47:23 (permalink)

Big Tuna

Most minnows go under the leaves in deeper holes,trapping is always slow. I would rather seine minnows in the winter. I know of a warm water discharge that empties into the Beaver river that will produce a gang of minnows fast,but you have to sort through them,many are 2-3 inch carp,emerals shinners,dace,and creek chubs.

You mean that you actually catch baby carp in a minnow trap? That would be pretty cool. I've been fishing my whole life and using a minnow trap since I was 4. I grew up beside the water. I've  used a seine for years and years. I have NEVER seen a carp under 18" long. lol. I know they exist, but I've never seen one. My best friend and I were talking last summer about this. In fact, I've asked lots of folks if they've ever seen a baby carp and  you are the first person that I've ever talked to that has. That's really cool. Do they look the same as a fry as they do as an adult? I suppose I could Google a pic of a baby carp, but just figured I'd ask. That's nifty. I'd like to see one sometime. I bet they make  good bait though.

Purdy sure it's a NO NO to use Carp for bait in PA.
post edited by crappiefisher - 2013/02/12 20:54:50
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/12 21:23:46 (permalink)
Maybe it is. I'd just like to see a baby carp. Heck, I'd like to see one smaller than 18". I'd never seen a small sheephead until a few years ago. I caught one about 7-8 inches long. I thought that was cool.

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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/12 21:42:55 (permalink)
Think if you caught it from the same body of water it would be legal. Guess the Fish Fuzz don't want to take the chance of introducing different types (Grass) and so on to other bodies of water, makes sense. I remember in the 70's the Allegh. River was loaded with Gold Carp / Koi. Some of my buddies woud take them home & put them in their bathtub  
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/13 13:00:23 (permalink)
You mentioned grass carp. Are they in any bodies of water around here?

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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/13 13:55:10 (permalink)
They are stocked in at least 1 pond that I know of in the area for weed control. Saw one pushing 40" eating fresh grass clippings last summer. I've had them hit floating bread a couple times but they're very light biters couldn't get the hook set.
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/13 19:15:25 (permalink)
I think Donegal has grass carp or at least did at one time.  And yeah using carp for bait is BIG BIG NO NO if I am thinking correctly.
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/14 08:04:47 (permalink)
PA Bait fish regs:
BAITFISH includes all forms of minnows; suckers, chubs, fallfish, lampreys, eels between 6 and 8 inches in length; gizzard shad 8 inches or less; and all forms of darters, killifishes and stonecats (except those listed as threatened or endangered species). Legally taken gamefish may be used as bait. It is unlawful to use or possess goldfish, comets, koi and common carp as baitfish while fishing.
FISHBAIT includes crayfish or crabs, mussels, clams, and the nymphs, larvae and pupae of all insects spending any part of their life cycle in the water.
SEASON, SIZE, LIMIT – No closed season (except as noted below) and no minimum size. The daily limit and possession limit is 50 combined species. When purchasing bait, be sure to obtain and keep the sales slip or receipt. The receipt authorizes the possession of the fishbait or baitfish so purchased for a period of 15 days after its date of issue. Fishbait or baitfish purchased from a licensed dealer do not have a possession limit and do not count toward your daily limit of fishbait and baitfish taken from Commonwealth waterways. Approved trout waters are closed for taking fishbait and baitfish from March 1 to the opening day of trout season. Most specially regulated trout waters are closed to taking fishbait and baitfish at all times.
TAKING AND KEEPING BAIT is permitted using rod and reel or handline, dip net or minnow seine not over 4 feet square in diameter, or a minnow trap with no more than two openings that shall not exceed 1 inch in diameter. All devices must be under the immediate control of the person using them. Unattended minnow traps or baitfish containers left in Commonwealth waters must be identified with the owner’s or user’s name, address and telephone number. If fishing in a group and the total number of fishbait or baitfish taken exceeds the possession limit (50), separate containers must be provided for the fishbait and baitfish. Total possession limit in any one container may not exceed 50 baitfish or fishbait combined.
MUDBUGS (dragonfly nymphs)– No daily limit from lakes, ponds, swamps or adjacent areas; the daily limit from rivers and streams is 50.
FROGS AS BAIT – Except for those listed as endangered or threatened or those with zero possession limit, frogs may be used as bait. Certain seasons and possession limits apply (see reptiles & amphibians).
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/15 13:48:43 (permalink)
slabdaddy You mean that you actually catch baby carp in a minnow trap? That would be pretty cool. I've been fishing my whole life and using a minnow trap since I was 4. I grew up beside the water. I've  used a seine for years and years. I have NEVER seen a carp under 18" long. lol. I know they exist, but I've never seen one. My best friend and I were talking last summer about this. In fact, I've asked lots of folks if they've ever seen a baby carp and  you are the first person that I've ever talked to that has. That's really cool. Do they look the same as a fry as they do as an adult? I suppose I could Google a pic of a baby carp, but just figured I'd ask. That's nifty. I'd like to see one sometime. I bet they make  good bait though.

I used to catch dozens out of Canonsburg on field corn. You can also run into big numbers in places like Ten Mile Creek and Muddy Creek at the right time of the year.
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/15 13:59:40 (permalink)

Found cast net regulations http://fishandboat.com/fi.pub/summary/permits.html

Holy crap is this real? You can only use a cast net in these 7 lakes in PA and have to have a permit? That seems very odd. A friend of mine picked up a 5 foot cast net at Walmart and used it in various locations to catch shad and chubs, unaware that he was supposedly breaking the law. 

Yes, as unbelievable as it sounds to people used to fishing in other areas. Another bizarre regulation out of the byzantine bureaucracy of the PA Fish Commission & their pals in the PA legislature.
post edited by fishink - 2013/02/15 14:11:02
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/15 14:10:33 (permalink)
As for minnow traps; I prefer dry cat / dog food or the punched tuna can described by others earlier. Although bread certainly works, it can break up and wash out of the trap in current. It also has a habit of clinging to the top, sides or bottom of the trap, giving fish access to it from outside. With dry pet food or the tuna can the fish have more incentive to enter the trap.
An inexpensive solution for the name tag is all weather paper like this. It's waterproof. Rip out a sheet, write your info on it with a pencil, and attach it to the line you tie the trap off with. The paper is good to have on hand for a host of other applications anyway.
To limit the chance of theft, use a black trap (or paint your trap black) and natural color cord to tie it off. Also avoid deep holes right next to well traveled roads if you can. Heading a few yards up or downstream gives you a better chance of staying out of sight.  
I usually check the trap after a few hours if I'm in a hurry, or the very early the next morning if I'm not.
Beware of leaving the trap in the water too long. You may return to find nothing but a snake and a dozen crayfish inside -- though as mentioned neither should be a big problem at this time of the year.
Seining is usually a lot more efficient if you have the time and ability.
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/15 22:00:11 (permalink)
I don't get on- line everyday and when I do, I don't always go back to something that I've posted, so I apologize about not responding sooner to you Srl135. Do you use the minnow traps with the ~ 1/8" metal mesh? The ends of this trap are circular and it's the most common minnow trap. If so, an extension looks like that trap and fits in between the two pieces. It ends up making your trap ~ 15" longer which can hold alot more minnows if you're fortunate enough to trap that many. I've used the trap with the extension, but only take with me enough minnows that I think I'll need and can safely transport without them expiring. I use a 5 gallon bait bucket with a pump and aerator. You can make one for a whole lot less money than buying one.
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/15 23:00:08 (permalink)
Thanks for all the pointers guys, perhaps next times need to check the trap more often. I had not checked it more often than over night, and so far had the best luck using cans of cat food with holes in the top.

The places I've put it so far may have been close to traveled roads, but not accessible from the road or even visiblefor the most part. To get to my trap you'd have to have a keen eye and some good waders. Lol

As for a tag, I picked up a sheet of aluminum from lowes, cut it into its own rounded tag and used a sharpie for the information.
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/16 02:02:14 (permalink)
Glad to hear its working out.
You probably already know this but be careful not to carry more than 50 minnows with you at any time unless you have a receipt from a bait shop from sometime within the last 15 days. WCO's can and will write you a ticket if you have more and can't prove you purchased them.
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/16 08:57:54 (permalink)
Ok one more question... Can I still utilize a stream that is not a trout stream for minnows, even if the non-trout stream empties into the trout stream? Obviously this is only an issue from march, 1 to April, 13

Just don't want to cause any trouble if I can avoid it.

And yes I know about the 50 minnow/receipt thing, bait shop guy told me a while back... Good to know though.
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/21 12:03:59 (permalink)
I said I had to sort the minnows from the Beaver river ,baby carps are a no-no for bait, Slabdaddy,the little carp have a turned down mouth like there daddy and mom and are dark color,the scales don't really like large (yet) but they are bigger than on the other minnows.
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/21 16:33:51 (permalink)
As stated in a prior PFBC quote, I believe as long as you are not in a Trout approved water you are legal.  sam
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/21 18:09:56 (permalink)
Big Tuna

I said I had to sort the minnows from the Beaver river ,baby carps are a no-no for bait, Slabdaddy,the little carp have a turned down mouth like there daddy and mom and are dark color,the scales don't really like large (yet) but they are bigger than on the other minnows.

Cool.  Thanks for replying. I hope I catch one in a trap sometime. I'd like to see one. I don't know why. I just do. LOL

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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/02/22 08:55:50 (permalink)
Crappiefisher, you mention the golden carp/koi in the Allegheny. When I was a kid growing up in Elizabeth PA in the 80s. We would fish the Mon for carp. Every time the water would rise, there is a small creek that would also back up and the carp would come up in there. I remember seeing gold carp from time to time. I was fascinated by them but never caught one. When you mentioned them, it brought back some memories.
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/03/04 17:41:27 (permalink)
I've  seen the golden carp twice about 7 years apart in the same creek at Pyme. Interesting looking fish. I don't get the part not using carp for bait though. In my experience, it's not as if they're going to be spread to waters where there aren't any as I've seen them in landlocked rock quarries and farm ponds [probably both introduced] and have seen them in every lake I've fished in which is considerable, from North to South, East and West. So why is it they can't be used for bait? Is it one of thos old laws when there weren't so many carp and the PFC was attempting to control their spread or...? I'm certain one of you guys has the real answer.
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/03/04 17:48:12 (permalink)
I've  seen the golden carp twice about 7 years apart in the same creek at Pyme. Interesting looking fish. I don't get the part not using carp for bait though. In my experience, it's not as if they're going to be spread to waters where there aren't any as I've seen them in landlocked rock quarries and farm ponds [probably both introduced] and have seen them in every lake I've fished in which is considerable, from North to South, East and West. So why is it they can't be used for bait? Is it one of thos old laws when there weren't so many carp and the PFC was attempting to control their spread or...? I'm certain one of you guys has the real answer.
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/03/04 17:50:46 (permalink)
Sorry for the double post. Computer's acting up [again]!
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/03/04 22:15:02 (permalink)
Tuna,I 'm not familar with the species in the river you trap but I dont think they are little carp from your description. There is a type of minnow somewhat similar to a carp we called butter minnows[our term]. A very good bait,strong and hardy.They prefer moving water. The ones we catch are in the central Pa areas....WF
post edited by World Famous - 2013/03/04 22:16:06
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Re:Minnow Trap question 2013/03/08 07:28:55 (permalink)
Yesterday I fileted several perch and I kept and froze the egg sacks, the spines, and the ribs. I thought I would use the as bait in my minnow trap. I figured they have to work as well as dog food would.
I think this coming fall I'm going to try to set up a Rubbermaid tub with a filtration and airation system, them trap enough minnows and chubs to last throughout the icefishing season. I hate looking for a baitshop in a new area, or having to wait for the bait shop to open.
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