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PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%Less
PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries HARRISBURG, Pa. (Jan. 23) – The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) announced today that it plans to reduce operating costs by $9 million over the next four years in order to meet future health-care and retirement obligations for its employees and to fund infrastructure needs. A portion of this reduction will come from closing two trout hatcheries, a move that will reduce annual operating costs by approximately $2 million. The two hatcheries include Oswayo in Coudersport, Potter County, which has nine employees, and Bellefonte in Centre County, which has nine employees. No furloughs are expected. The PFBC plans to offer affected employees jobs at other PFBC facilities. “Fishing license sales have steadily declined since 1990, while at the same time operating costs have continued to increase, including the price of fish food,” said PFBC Executive Director John Arway. “As a result, we must streamline our operations and reduce operating costs in order to maintain a sound financial condition while we attempt to secure long-term, dedicated alternative funding,” he added. “As part of this process, we evaluated our 14 production sites and determined that closing these two trout hatcheries would have the least impact on the number of trout stocked.” Arway added that because of existing vacancies within the Commission, no employees are expected to be laid off. “Over the last two years, a number of vacancies have been created from retirements and transfers,” he said. ”As a result, we plan to offer the employees at Oswayo and Bellefonte the opportunity to take these jobs at other facilities.” Today’s decision is one part of a long-range strategy to reduce operating costs across all PFBC bureaus by a total of $9 million by the 2016-17 Fiscal Year, which begins July 1, 2016. Approximately $6.7 million is needed for employee health care and retirement benefits and $2.3 million is needed for infrastructure needs, such as maintenance and repairs, at remaining hatcheries, other facilities and boating access areas. In addition to the $2 million the PFBC expects to save by closing the two hatcheries, it estimates saving another $1 million by not enrolling a new class of waterways conservation officers. Overall, the bureaus of Hatcheries and Law Enforcement account for approximately 27.6 percent and 22.6 percent, respectively, of the PFBC’s annual expenditures. The PFBC Bureau of Hatcheries spends approximately $12.5 million annually to raise 3.2 million adult trout, 2 million fingerling trout and more than 30 million fry and fingerling warm/coolwater fish at its 14 hatcheries. Oswayo and Bellefonte annually produce approximately 245,000 and 540,000 adult trout, respectively, including brook, brown, rainbow and golden trout. The Oswayo and Bellefonte hatcheries aren’t expected to be completely closed until the end of 2014. Fish are being raised at both facilities and won’t be ready to stock until the end of this year and spring of next year. Once the fish have been stocked, the facilities will be cleaned and then closed. ### Media Contact:Eric Levis, Press Secretary 717.705.7806 or
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/25 12:30:54
I just don't understand why Pa hasn't done something like they do in North Carolina and make the fish hatcheries more of tourist attraction. I went to one down there that was very nice, it had short fences up around each "pen" and they had candy machines positioned at different spots so that the public could buy food and feed the trout. That place had all kinds of people there PAYING to feed the trout. My kids loved it. They even sold souveniers and that alone got them about $50 from me.
post edited by dakotab - 2013/01/25 12:32:04
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/25 15:51:51
^^^^^^^ +1 Now THAT is a great idea if they're not doing it now.Here in the ABE area the trout nursery in Allentown does that and when the weather is nice they get many people there with the kids PAYING to feed the trout.
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/25 18:00:30
it is amazing how much of the budget that goes to salary and pensions. i have seen numbers claiming 50%. not complaining here, everyone needs to make a living, just sayin'.
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/25 18:11:32
I smell a license hike coming.
"For the supreme test of a fisherman is not how many fish he has caught...but what he has caught when he has caught no fish." - John H. Bradley
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/25 18:21:01
While not completely unexpected this is not the sort of budget cutting you look forward to. One of my best friends works at one of the hatcheries and he'll soon be out of job. I say that b/c he cannot move to take one of the other positions that will be offered in an undisclosed location across the state. I guess the 22% across the state will equal 100% for the watersheds these hatcheries serviced that are now out of reach of the next closest. Brace for another drop in license sales. Good work PFBC.
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/25 18:21:23
I see a steeper decline in fishing licenses sold.
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/25 18:24:20
I smell a license hike coming.
It's been due for a while, but couldn't be justified as they rely too heavily on trout opener weekend warrior sales. Must like the PGC could use a hunting a license increase but can't b/c they effed up the deer population across much of the state.
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/25 18:32:39
Oswayo hatchery stocks 100% low population areas. Tell me how another hatchery will be able to reach these watersheds with their trucks. I actually don't know their truck survivability radius or the next closest hatchery. I would be interested in seeing which creeks will no longer be stocked by the state. This doesn't seem like a distributed state-wide 22% reduction, rather 100% in some areas which equates to 22% in total.
post edited by Claypool313 - 2013/01/25 18:34:00
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/25 18:51:14
There are a lot of streams in the state that shouldn't be stocked as they already have or can possibly have a decent wild trout population if stocking was ended. Quit stocking streams like that, instead of decreasing the number of fish stocked per stream statewide. I know this wouldn't happen, but I honestly would fish about the same if not more if all the hatcheries would close. Less crowds and more fish(wild, of any species) for me!lol Don't get me wrong, I do like fishing for hatchery trout, but it isn't the end of the world if my favorite stockie streams don't get stocked.
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/25 20:09:07
Troutguy---if you quit stocking many, if not most would quit buying licenses. Who do you then think will help you fight off these guys. Filed In: - Anti-fishing Groups
What Animal Rights Groups Say About Your Right To Fish Information from the animal rights groups on your right to fish. Great article by Alexander Schwab on fish feeling pain. Schwab is the author of "Hook, Line and Thinker" a great book on fishing and animal rights. From PETA - their reasons why fishing should be outlawed. Silly little picture of a dog with a hook in its mouth - did they hurt that dog to get the picture? [link=javascript:zpu(512,uy+'/z/ad/wasl.htm',450,425,'wao',100,100)]Ads[/link] No Animal Testing Cosmeticswww.TheBodyShop-USA.comLove the Earth! Shop Cruelty-Free Natural Skincare & Beauty Products Lone Mountain Adventures 85 km of Nordic Ski Trails Uncover Catfish Reverse-Search Their Email Fast. 2) Reveal Their Online Identities! Advice to anglers on how to deal with anti-fishing groups, animal rights nuts and media confrontation Alerts on animal rights activists as well as more info from the British Columbia group. Paul Willis discusses the true costs of a vegan diet! The article starts off "Fishing means intense pain and stress for millions of fish every year." and gets worse from there. This one starts out "From the bass desperately trying to escape the pain of the hook as he is reeled in" - you get the idea.
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/25 20:35:59
S-10, I see where you're getting at. Unfortunately, a lot of the license buyers are just those couple outings a year people or opening weekend stocked trout guys. If we lose them then the PFBC would just keep losing money. An idea I was thinking about(highly doubt it'll happen) is stop the inseason stockings on most streams(which will save money) and just have it all C&R on all stocked trout streams until say towards the end of May then keep all you want since the streams will get too warm, and the ones that stay cool enough yet can't support wild trout then have whatever special regs. But then again, lots of people such as the ones I described above and the people just wanting to fill a freezer won't buy a license, which isn't good. I fish every month of the year for every species, big and small, stocked and wild, big lakes to jump across streams, spin and fly, and I will continue to buy my license and fish no matter what. It's the people who aren't that serious into fishing that are the ones we need to save. The more licenses sold, the better. The PFBC will lose license buyers if lots of stockings are ended, no doubt. It'll be interesting to see how this all turns out...
post edited by troutguy - 2013/01/25 20:44:58
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/25 20:50:29
Yep, just as with hunting, we hard core folks need the casual hunters and fishermen to help pay the bills and keep the anti's at bay. Sounds like in both cases it is a losing fight.
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/25 20:52:04
Fyi, my idea was just kinda a thinking out loud sorta thing. Didn't put in any serious thought, just kinda threw it out there. If license sales would stay the same, then that idea would work if saving money was the goal. But I'm sure license sales would go down if my idea went into effect. Probably many better options. Carry on...
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/25 20:54:44
Yep, just as with hunting, we hard core folks need the casual hunters and fishermen to help pay the bills and keep the anti's at bay. Sounds like in both cases it is a losing fight.
Agree. I always thought of the anti's as more of a pest, but still a problem. After looking through some of those sites it is more of a problem than I thought. Bottom line, more and increasing license sales=win for the PFBC and PA fishing.
post edited by troutguy - 2013/01/25 20:56:16
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/26 06:50:10
Its unfortunate that this is going to happen, with that said I hope everyone can see how this is a "smart" choice to do this. IMO many public/goverment agencys would keep grinding on insufficient budget numbers until the debt is so far out of control it either has to reach out to others for funding (state, federal, or from antis), or fail completely leaving everyone screwed. They are doing the correct thing. If they have stocked the same amount of fish for the last 10years and had a decline of fisherman, then thinking if they stock that number again and expect more fisherman would not be sound reasoning. Hopefully this downsizing will bring changes to the system to improve efficiency, and bring a PR compain that will encourage people back to the sport. That way it can be built up smarter and strong in the years to follow.
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/26 08:33:36
They haven't stocked the same amount in the last 10 years. The program has been changed about 4 times in that time frame. It has been changed this year as opposed to last. They have tryed to institut new ideas however. First, fewer fish, then larger but less, now smaller but more, opening 2 weeks early in the east and soon, I guess, a youth weekend, which I think is a joke. It also seems that the stockings in lakes have increased in the last 10 years or so, maybe because it is easier to police or a P.R. thing?....WF
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/26 09:46:20
Double the price of the liscence, let the first day bucket brigade quit, and leave the streams to the FISHERMEN.
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/26 09:54:29
How much did they just spend on upgrades to bellifonte?
Solid move announcing the reduced stocking after people bought the multi year lic... They know exactly what they are doing
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/26 10:53:31
bingsbaits, I'm with you. But again the PFBC needs them or they'll lose money. Edit: Well since you said double the cost then that may work, if the opening day guys actually make up half the "fishermen" in PA. I already pay like 60 bucks for an out of state license, and I would pay more since I actually fish PA more than Ohio. It's worth every penny imo. KJH807
How much did they just spend on upgrades to bellifonte?
Just going off the top of my head I wanna say 2 million. Not sure, but it was a lot. Solid move announcing the reduced stocking after people bought the multi year lic... They know exactly what they are doing Yep, I'm sure they had this all planned out. If I was the PFBC I would have done the same if I knew hatcheries would have been shut down. Good timing imo.
post edited by troutguy - 2013/01/26 11:17:02
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/27 07:42:05
The majority of PFBC staff are union members. More of your license dollars are going to pay for retirement and healthcare benefits and less for improving fishing. Nice deal.
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/27 07:55:05
there is no doubt they want to get out of raising the fish themselves because of cost. they appear to be willing to give more fingerlings to clubs that take it upon themselves to raise the trout. our club gets as many fish as out hatchery can support as well as some funds. in this way the PFBC cuts cost, the trout still gets raised, and stocked, by volunteers. i believe this is a goal of the PFBC. one other thing i've been told by our club pres. trout stocking numbers are decided on how many licenses are sold in a county. the more licenses the more trout that would be allocated in that county. if you like trout fishing in forest county or anywhere up around the ANF, please buy your fishing license up that way.
post edited by doubletaper - 2013/01/27 08:00:02
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/27 09:40:53
one other thing i've been told by our club pres. trout stocking numbers are decided on how many licenses are sold in a county. the more licenses the more trout that would be allocated in that county. if you like trout fishing in forest county or anywhere up around the ANF, please buy your fishing license up that way.
That is really interesting, DT. Since plenty of licenses alrwady sold in Erie, I'll try to buy mine in Potter from now on.
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/27 14:47:30
DT, how does that work for online sales?
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/27 16:54:24
^ I was wondering the same thing. Maybe the county you live in? Then what about out of state licenses bought online?
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/27 17:14:18
This is why I fish the Allegheny and French Creek. Bass, Walleye, Pike, Musky > Trout
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/28 20:01:56
Maybe they should some how push the fishing idea out to more people by a means of cheap advertisement, more SPREAD out fish free days maybe 3-5 a year and not just 2 that are in the dead sh*t of summer... This year it's Memorial day and 4th of July... One day is a viable option the 4th is kinda ****ty especially if it's hot... Maybe add a day or 2 in the fall... I mean I'm sure if some how the state could publicize fishing as a family fun and safe activity there could possibly be a better # of licensing sales... Possibly find a way to entice younger people more than just till the age of 16...
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/29 00:50:27
@doubletaper...sorry to inform you, but your statement about the number of trout stocked compared to the number of liscens sales for that county is false. Certain streams in the ANF get just as many trout as the suburban pittsburgh, harrishburg, and philly streams. The co-op nursery program is what it is, your club is helping the PFBC. They are not trying to pass off the fish production to you, believe me, all the clubs in the state that take FREE trout from the PFBC don't even come close to the number of fish that the 8 trout hatcheries in the state make in one year. I know one hatchery in the state runs 5 commercial trucks out their doors daily for two months straight, no club would ever be able to do that. You get the amount of fish you can raise in your raceways, and 10 days worth of feed in case your club has not yet purchased the feed. The co-op system is helping the pfbc because yes you are helping with cost and you do stock streams that the state can't get to, they can't stock every stream. The program is one of the best things the state has going for it. You get to learn a little something from the professionals, you have fun doing it, and you get to stock fish for your local peers into a public waterway. Sorry, if that comes off wrong, but we can't be having rumors now ;)
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/01/29 07:39:19
fishpa1, thanks for your input. the pres of our club has been saying about buying lisc. in our counties for years to increase the amount of trout. he has helped to stock trout with the PFBC as well as know quite a few of the PFBC people for many many years, so i have belief in what he says. i'm not sure how the PFBC comes up with how many fish are stocked in each county but this is the best explanation i have heard of and DO believe lisc. sales have a part of it. as far as the on line sales, i'm not sure about. i guess i went overboard saying the PFBC is trying to get out of raising trout all together. they do provide ample trout to clubs that have the people power and raceways to accommodate all they give. ~DT
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Re:PFBC to Reduce Operating Costs and Close Oswayo and Bellefonte Hatcheries stocking 22%L
2013/02/12 13:29:32
It seems some people in charge at the top of PFBC are not active trout anglers. This is the biggest day of fishing in the State. My kids take off school on the Friday before to help stock. I cannot imagine going down to the streams we have fished at for years only to find out there are no trout. They say it won’t affect the quantities? I don’t believe them. I heard first hand that a man at the top with the last name of Shields does not believe in hatcheries. He would like to close them because they can regulate populations of fish through creel limits. This man obviously does not trout fish. Why would someone not into fishing or helping to keep the populations up be able to collect a pay check from PFBC. I also heard they have hired a geologist. Is this to help oversee the drilling of Marcellus Shale gas wells on PFBC property? I think someone at the top needs to rethink this decision. I think instead of closing hatcheries they should trim some fat at the home office. They need to remember the work for us not the other way around. I would be happy to pay double for my trout stamp if it would save the hatcheries and creel limits.