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2013 Brown Trout Reports...
Anglers, Please help out the Erie, PA Sport Fishing Association(EPSFA), the PAF&BC and 3CU by reporting any brown trout(BT) that you catch from Lake Erie, it's tributaries or Presque Isle Bay. Please use this thread to post your report(s). A sample report below: Date: 1-1-13 Where: western trib Size: 24", 5lbs Clips(if any): left ventral ***Please try and take note if the fish has any fin clippings, i.e., left/right ventral fin(pelvic) or adipose fin and note it in your post. Here is a list of the groups who clipped and where they were stocked: Stocked by PFBC in Presque Isle Bay - (LV) Left Ventral Fin (Pelvic Fin) Stocked by PFBC in tribs - (RV) Right Ventral Fin (Pelvic Fin) Stock by Co-op hatcheries, 3CU and WCC(Wesleyville Conservation Club) - (AD) Adipose Fin* *note, one year class from the co-ops were not clipped due to hatchery issues. This thread is for reports 2013 reports ONLY. All other discussion will be deleted. Thank you!
post edited by Ironhed - 2013/01/09 21:55:15
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/01/03 18:22:14
Brown Trout.. 1. Elk Creek- 1/2/2013 2. 27-28 inches.. Male. Guessing 7-8 lbs 3. Looking at Pics.. I see all Fins are intact
fish whisper
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/01/03 19:10:16
1-3-12 Mile Creek. Eastside 19-20 inches, about 3 pounds Defenitely a stocky 1-3-12 Mile Creek 24-25 inches, roughly 5-6 pounds Stocked fished pectoral clipped
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/01/05 04:20:49
2013 Reports Only, please.
post edited by Ironhed - 2013/01/07 12:28:08
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/01/08 00:48:45
witnessed 1 pulled outta the bay sat the 6th. in the low 20's. couldnt see fins or anything
post edited by BoroMusky - 2013/01/08 07:08:58
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/01/09 23:19:36
1-9-13 Western Trib 18" , 2lb right ventral fin 1-11-12 Western Trib 14" right ventral fin
post edited by Dream_Catcher - 2013/01/12 20:15:24
Wally Cat
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/01/12 08:07:31
Two 24 inch browns on Elk-- it's amazing the size of their mouths 1-10-13 Both healthy critters - both caught on light green sucker spawn Too anxious to release and didn't notice fins Did notice a slight discoloration on one's back - could have been where the top back fin was cut off
Enjoy Life, Be Happy, Go Fish - Often! "God has blessed America - may He continue to do so, even though we are not worthy of it". Author..... Wally Cat
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/01/16 18:59:21
elk creek 1-15-2013 24/25 in fresh
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/01/16 19:32:00
1-9-13 Elk Creek 18" No fins cut from what I could tell
The Lord has blessed us all today... It's just that he has been particularly good to me.
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/02/11 20:38:07
2-10-13 Elk Creek 21" 2-3lbs Right ventral fin
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/02/16 13:37:40
2-15-13 # 1 Western Trib 28" female No fins clipped # 2 Western Trib 26" female Right Ventral # 3 Western Trib 18" female Right Ventral
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/03/01 19:22:11
Mar 1st lower Elk landed one about a foot long forgot to look at fins. Also lost a big one over 25 inches looked like a female lost it close to shore got a good look at it. Landed 2 in early Feb on lower Elk both had all fins one was male about 26 inches other was female about 24 inches. I release all browns I really hope they show up more often soon,they get big enough(15lbs)I will keep one and put it on the wall. PLEASE STOCK MORE BROWNS!!!!
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/03/18 07:33:20
March 8th
18" right ventral male
22" right ventral female
Elk Creek
Plum Bob
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/03/29 12:54:46
3/29/13 east side, lake male, no clips, 29" 9 lbs, estimated, released
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/04/15 11:53:45
4 / 8 /13 Elk Creek 25" Spawned Hen all fins there. Released after photo.
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/04/22 08:40:56
4/17/13 Presque Isle Bay Aprox. 20", 3-4lbs No clips. Released.
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/06/25 10:44:02
6-24 Lake Erie 30 FOW East of Nut 12 Lbs 1 oz AD clipped
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/08/17 08:57:27
8-16 Lake Erie 80ft off of shades ~ 13-14 inches Adipose fin clipped Caught on RR, fish kept due to both eyes being damage by trebles
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/10/14 09:42:58
eastside trib, 15 inches, 2lbs, didnt look at fins. 10/11/13
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/10/27 11:01:14
WNY trib Oct. 9, 2013 2 females 20"-22" both RV. WNY trib Oct. 23, 2013 One of these caught several hundred yards up from the mouth of a WNY trib. RV clip.
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/11/04 14:45:13
11-2-2013 Eastern Trib 28" ~10lbs Didnt notice any clipped fins 11-2-2013 Eastern Trib 29-30" ~10lbs Didnt notice any clipped fins 11-2-2013 Eastern Trib 25" ~7-8lbs Didnt notice any clipped fins 11-2-2013 Eastern Trib 23-24" ~6-7lbs Didnt notice any clipped fins
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/11/20 12:38:35
28" 10lb 9oz male, Western NY trib.
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Re:2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/11/22 10:55:17
11-10-13 24" 4 lb male right ventral 26" 6 Lb Female no fin clips 11-13-13 24" 4 Lb Male right ventral All west PA tribs & released
post edited by Dream_Catcher - 2013/11/22 10:56:59
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Re: 2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/12/25 18:26:00
I fished 20 mile from December 6th thru December 9th and caught 3 browns.....all were 18-20 inches and released to fight another day
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Re: 2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2013/12/29 07:10:20
12-27-13 West Side Tribs 22" 3-4 lbs no clips- released 20" 3 lbs no clips - released
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Re: 2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2014/01/16 21:45:36
24 Inch male no clipped fins. lower elk. 1/15/14
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Re: 2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2014/01/16 21:47:47
24 Inch male no clipped fins. lower elk. 1/15/14
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Re: 2013 Brown Trout Reports...
2014/01/17 11:40:38
1/16/14 Lower Elk