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favored spots
Well- been huntin across the street for well over 40 years. Started with over 800 acres to myself and now down to bout 60 that I share. Its a very rare thing here in Ct to be able to walk out the back door and Deer hunt. Been very aware of my good fortune all this time. Many deer taken from that place. Got told a few days ago that this year is probably IT. The Corporate Director of the remaining property got promoted and his replacement is unlikely to permit Hunting. Wont be anyone hunting there anymore but the frequent poachers-makes ya wonder sometimes. Gonna take an afternoon walk with the muzzel loader cause its the last day in more ways than one. Pulling the trigger if opportunity arises- wellll -will see how that goes..
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Re:favored spots
2012/12/31 12:58:41
Have lost access to over 500 acres of hunting ground (spread over 4 different farms) in the last 2 years to leases.. Been hunting these farms for over 40 years....
I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB
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Re:favored spots
2012/12/31 16:34:30
Been hunt a small piece of woods for a very long time and has proven to be quite the monster producing spot. I have taken Only a couple tho!!! You can see them almost on a daily event,But getting a shot on them is not so easy. It is pretty thick and I can't go in and cut a bunch of shooting lanes. Was asked by the owner to try limit what I cut down. I only hunt this in archery NEVER take a gun there. The edges of this property has a few house on them,So no gun!!! Have a farm of a 100 acres and is just loaded with Doe and a few decent bucks. Lost 2 spot last year do to housing plans ( WHERE THE HECK DO ALL THESE PEOPLE COME FROM???????????) Cranberry is Exploding with new Housing Plans,store and businesses.
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Re:favored spots
2012/12/31 20:18:04
I've lost five areas due to leasing or posting as a result of HR. One of them had produced 7 nice bucks with the bow for me. I've lost a couple places due to housing but nothing like you fellows near Pitts and the other cities. I have been lucky enough to pick up a couple places nearly as good and concentrate my efforts on them now.
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Re:favored spots
2012/12/31 22:34:11
Know that feelin 10= not retired anymore -lol -new job- finding decent property to hunt. Glad to see you guys able to make adjustments. Times, they are achangin. Another fella bumped 6 today while I was still huntin them. Good day though. Starting to feel like Geronimo- Trying to do things they way his people did for hundreds of years till everyone started tellin him he was wrong and he got squeezed into smaller and smaller places. Then they made him retire to Florida. I aint goin to Florida.
post edited by retired guy - 2012/12/31 22:50:58
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Re:favored spots
2013/01/01 06:21:25
i too have lost a lot of hunting ground, i have been pretty much reliant on gamelands the past few years. years past you never heard of these leases until the boom of all those hunting/advertisement shows. its becoming a rich mans sport
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Re:favored spots
2013/01/01 09:17:48
lots of room for hunting in florida , only thing you need to adjust to phyton hunting which i'm sure with a little study and help you could adjust i bet handling one of those critters would be pretty exciting and besides you could cash in on them as they are looking for hunters, lol
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Re:favored spots
2013/01/01 10:14:59
I like snakes I can squish-----snakes that can squish me--- not so much
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Re:favored spots
2013/01/01 15:01:55
I've learned over the past 10 years or so is to constantly be in search of new hunting grounds. Keep the old ones for as long as you can, but keep searching for new. Also, you do not need 600 acres to hunt on to have success. Although that would be nice, you can still git-r-dun on 20-30 acres. BH
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Re:favored spots
2013/01/01 15:59:07
The best bow spots I ever had were the smallest. Small cause they were generally surrounded by residential or corporate properties with NO signs all over resulting in excellent Deer numbers.. As long as you have the 'funnel' in those places ya only need an acre or two with a bow. Better be very patient and make the right hits though -dont want to be trackin all over while desk jockeys and housewives look out their windows at ya -lol. As good as AM hunts are I generally held out for PM hunts in those places- just in case a long track was necessary. Some things are better done at night.
post edited by retired guy - 2013/01/01 16:00:55
Big Tuna
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Re:favored spots
2013/01/01 16:54:35
Being 60 I've seen a lot of hunting grounds go,I guess it part of the game. I can remember hunting from daylight to dark, having two trucks a starting and a pickup point. We could hunt several farms that where connected covering miles. I've got several spots left from 11 acres to 100 all are pretty small compare to the old days but still have deer and turkey. The small game days are prettymuch gone,I don't know why a got a beagle pup but I did, I've always had them. Once the yuppy non hunting people( thought it way be fun to build a huge home and buy and old farms things really changed, there's not to much luck knocking on doors anymore. 20 years ago hardly every got turned down.
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Re:favored spots
2013/01/01 17:20:05
Agree on alla that- can even remember 60-lol --yea stranger door knocks have gone along with the Wood**** ( actually felt great about seein one walk by while on stand this year) . Now ya gotta know somebody or somebody who knows somebody real well. HEY- I agree with the restrictions but thats the proper name of the darned BIRD.
post edited by retired guy - 2013/01/01 21:50:26
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Re:favored spots
2013/01/01 19:24:59
I've been pretty lucky..have a cousin that owns about 30 acres I can hunt anytime, also down the road is a elderly man that doesn't post his land and its a fairly large tract, plus I've taken several deer off of Public lands
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Re:favored spots
2013/01/04 14:41:41
This probably doesnt belong on this thread but it isnt worth a new one either--lol One of Feinstiens knee jerk "hey look at me I'm saving humanity" anti gun regulations would be to ban guns with a thumb hole stock ??? Why ??? -guess they look scarey or something' My in Line Muzzel loader has such a stock. Gettin real scarey out there when they wanna do SOMETHING and got NO IDEA what the heck they are talking about.
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Re:favored spots
2013/01/04 21:10:55
Spot on Doc. Misguided leading the misinformed supported by the mismanaged. Ya just cant make this stuff up---
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Re:favored spots
2013/01/05 06:57:51
I thought this was about favorite hunting spots ??? NICE (( You need not look past this forum to see that it works.))
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Re:favored spots
2013/01/05 09:01:30
My favorite spots have no deer anymore. Between the timber growing and the doe killed off, dam near barren. Even a 75 acre clearcut ,done 12 years ago,adjacent to my spot ,had no affect. About 600 acres of huntable ground produced 2 bucks this year.1 was a nice one though. I guess that is what we want. The same area, 10 years ago or so,had at least 6 BIG bucks on every year. Gettin one was tough, because of the terrain, but they were there....WF
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Re:favored spots
2013/01/05 10:34:22
W/F- Took a first day small one and a later season real nice buck- Saw only 6 Deer all year. This in a place where several a day were commonplace for decades. Like so many seasoned guys say- there were always big Deer -it aint just cause there are fewer. This is Ct not PA but the principle is the same. Far too many tags being allocated leading some to take many Deer a season has led to distinct decline. That along with what I consider greatly increased poaching. Big- I did the Hijack to myself on a thread I started - kinda felt the subject matter may well have a lot to do with our future. It does !!! Just as much as Deer pops and land availability IMHO- if not more so.
post edited by retired guy - 2013/01/05 13:28:11