snow for Flintlocks

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2012/12/22 17:52:37 (permalink)

snow for Flintlocks

There should be some snow left around here for muzzle loaders,that is a good thing.  sam

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    Big Tuna
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    Re:snow for Flintlocks 2012/12/22 19:09:43 (permalink)
    Would love to kill a flint or late bow doe, but things looking a little thin in my woods. I spent 3 plus hours,of quad riding and seeking and peeking,bedding and feeding honey holes without seeing much. Stalked two bedded fawns within 25 yards,they stood up and looked me down,then took a couple of big hops as I back out. Also saw a nice tight high racked 6pt with two adult does at about 50 yards. That was it,one area had a lot of tracks(feeding) but I could not find them after a short  100 yards of tracking too steep ravine for me to follow.Also found one set of yote tracks,one rabbit and about 5-6 bushytails. I had fun in the woods but spent the rest of the day Xmas shopping not so much fun. Good hunting to the buckskin hunters and the late archers.Break out the snow camo they don't even know your there!
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    Re:snow for Flintlocks 2012/12/22 21:33:00 (permalink)
    If you wait until wed. Sam and the forecast holds, you may get way more than you really want.
    Merry Christmas.
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    Re:snow for Flintlocks 2012/12/22 23:39:05 (permalink)
    Let it Snow! The more, the better. Spot and stalk with snow camo and snow shoes on is a blast.
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    Re:snow for Flintlocks 2012/12/26 17:56:05 (permalink)
    We got three inches here in Pittsburgh. I am headed south into Washington County Saturday. With sun forcasted for Friday, don't think we will have any left on the south facing slopes.
    Good news is they are calling for another dusting on Saturday. I hope it comes in the morning.

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    Re:snow for Flintlocks 2012/12/26 18:24:10 (permalink)
    Then head north or east, dpms. Plenty of snow for saturday on any slope.....WF
    Dr. Trout
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    Re:snow for Flintlocks 2012/12/26 18:26:07 (permalink)
    already 10 inches here in this part of 2F !!!
    Now we are getting a sleeting rain ... YUCK !!!
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    Re:snow for Flintlocks 2012/12/27 12:56:48 (permalink)
          Went out Weds. and sat as the SH*T started to fall. Rain, then snow, then sleet, switched back and forth between all every 20 minutes. Looked down and the ladder steps were freezing up and accumulating, decided to call it while I could still get down. Saw 4 turkey in a field, and 2 squirrels (one red one grey). Wound up with 4 inches here in southern Allegheny County.
           I went out at 10:30 Weds. night on an EMS assist call and saw 2 doe, then almost hit 3 doe eating on the side of a blind curve, and one more on the way home.
           Back out this morning. Cut some tracks from what looked to be last night. Sat in a hollow, out of the wind, only saw 2 squirrels. Took a long walk(2 miles). Cut 4 more sets of tracks from last night, all heading down from the hill tops.  As I got to 100 yards from the neighbors house busted 7 out of their beds. They held tight til I was 30 yards out. Never saw them till they stood up, all had snow on them and tucked under the brier bushes.
            Wish I had some snow camo...........
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    Re:snow for Flintlocks 2012/12/27 14:20:35 (permalink)
    About 8" in this part of 1B with a freezing drizzle. Spent 4 hours moving it around this morning. It's the first morning I haven't been in the woods. Out for a hike yesterday and saw no hunters or tracks but did see some doe and saw fisher tracks in every hollow.  I have seen 3 legal and 4 small bucks and two drop horns in my hunting areas in my travels since buck season so next year could be decent if they stay off the roads.
    fishin coyote
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    Re:snow for Flintlocks 2012/12/27 15:07:32 (permalink)
    Big Wags,
    Go to Wally world and get some cheap sweats and tees in white.

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    Re:snow for Flintlocks 2012/12/27 23:33:47 (permalink)
    OMG   Thanks for the ideas.
    Docto--I carry a tyrek suit on my truck in my emergency response bag for those
    situations that prompt me to cover up, Added some thick sharpie stripes to it
    and can't wait for the morning......
    fishin coyote
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    Re:snow for Flintlocks 2012/12/28 21:43:23 (permalink)
    I went the Tyvek route before. I found them to be noisier then cotton and they didn't hold up to my terrian(swamps and red brush)thus there was the extra cost to replace after every hunt or two. I still keep a set in my truck though.
    Yes snow and ice will stick to cotton but I wear my regular waterproof camo under the cotton shell and get no wetter with it on than I do without it.

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    Re:snow for Flintlocks 2013/01/01 15:06:39 (permalink)
    I got within 20 yds of a small heard on the 26th. Missed a headshot on a doe. I believe I shot too high. I would have never been able to get that close without snow camo.
    Big Tuna
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    Re:snow for Flintlocks 2013/01/01 17:10:26 (permalink)
    Hunted with a bow two days saw 13 one day and 7 the other. Got to 40 yards and got busted both days. Traded bow for flint,saw 6 and missed a cake 45 yard broad side shot on a big doe with 3 others, then later saw 2 seperate button bucks they are dumber than dumb. They walked to within 15 yards the other 25,using bino's saw the bumps and the pattern on their backs,pass on them.Hunted till 2:00 today saw 3. Solo B.B. at 40 yards and a big doe and a fawn,had them in a brair thicket at 30 yards,then the busted me,tracked them a long time and caught up with them at the property line of posted land,the shot was there but don't need a hassle so I passed again. I still got time to get it done,just having fun in the snow,a bit to much for me but still fun trying.
    Big Tuna
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    Re:snow for Flintlocks 2013/01/06 10:38:55 (permalink)
    Son and I killed does,his a big logger head Friday 4 th mine a year 1.5 doe on Sat. afternoon. Just two of the most beautiful winter days with the sun out. Sure beat working. We got some work to do,a lot of sausage making to do. I  we saw a lot of deer in the last 8 days hunting,but most were fawns and I saw 8 button bucks.We REALLY made sure we didn't shoot any. I can almost be 100% sure if you see a solo small deer it's a B.B. We saw two bucks all week a 6 pt an 8pt with a broken G2. He was running a younger doe on Sat. Well get after them Flintlockers. Good luck guys.
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