Smoked Steelhead

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2012/12/07 19:26:44 (permalink)

Smoked Steelhead

I rarely keep any steelhead anymore, just don't like going through all the hassle(carrying around stringer, cooler, ice, etc..) for a below average tasting fish(keep in mind I'm not the best cook) but I figured why not do the trade in thing for a smoked fish at one of the bait shops up there just to give it a try. 
What shops do you guys recommend for this?  I think the Trout run shop and Poor Richards does it, but I'm sure there's others.  I don't really want to go any farther east than say Walnut but if I have to for some high quality stekheadz I will!lol
The only problem I have with this is the fish people have on a stringer but  leave OUT of the water and drag their moldy fish all over the ground and leaves and then trade it in I'm sure I'll survive LOl.
post edited by troutguy - 2012/12/07 19:50:50

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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/07 19:47:36 (permalink)
    I always go to Poor Richards when I do a trade-in. Quality's never been an issue.
    I usually do it myself though.
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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/07 20:50:26 (permalink)
    ive seen some people keep fish that shouldn't have been kept and trade them in.  Im sure poor richards doesnt accept EVERY fish someone brings, but i would never do a trade in because of the possibilities.  
    And the term "trade in" isn't accurate.  U give them your fish AND PAY 10 bucks.  That doesn't sound like a good trade.  I like Poor Richards and they seem like good people, but the trade in thing don't work for me. 

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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/07 21:06:54 (permalink)
    Yeah I know what you mean that's why I'm kinda hesitant to do it.  I don't know, I guess I'll decided when I get up there.  I plan on fishing Elk and working my way home fishing Conny and maybe the Ash so Poor Richards is a little out of the way, and I plan on getting bait at Trout Run before hand so I'll be doing a lot of going back and forth. 
    Maybe I should just forget everything and fish for walleye or something lol. 
    Totally off topic, but does Elk Creek Sports(I think that's what it's called) by the access sell minnows(fatheads, not emerald shiners)? 
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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/07 21:36:03 (permalink)
    the heck with walleye, steelhead fishing is great right now.  U don't have to smoke a fish.  The few that i keep i bleed right away, gut asap, and cook within 24 hours.  I keep it simple- shake the filets in "fryin magic" and season to taste with salt, pepper, old bay, garilc, lemon, etc.  They taste just fine to me.  

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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/07 22:00:21 (permalink)
    I was just kidding(well kinda) about fishin for something else because of all the running around.  I LOVE steelhead, too bad I don't live closer.  They are such a blast.
    I think one of the reasons I don't like them so much is I don't bleed them, and I notice even after I wash the fillets pretty good there is always still a little blood seeping out.  Sometimes freezing them doesn't help either, fresh is always better.  I'll have to give your recipe a try sometime.  thanks
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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/08 07:45:38 (permalink)
    Elk creek sports smokes em ( or at least used to).
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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/08 17:39:21 (permalink)
    Well, I decided to do the trade in thing at Poor Richards today.  It's in the fridge now and I"m gonna try it out tomorrow.  It actually smelt good when I opened up the cooler! 
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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/08 17:59:31 (permalink)
    They do taste good, ive tasted their samples before, but i just can't do it.  Im sure you will enjoy it and won't die from mad cow disease 

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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/08 18:08:17 (permalink)
    Walter's meats will accept ready to smoke meats and fish and run them through the smoker at a per pound price. You get your fish, deer, whatever back. I take everything I don't smoke myself to them. No complaints as of yet. Pretty quick turn around too, 3 - 4 days, less if you brine it yourself. 
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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/08 18:49:49 (permalink)
    Get a smoker! Great for other meats too... I'm sure you'll probably be pricing them out after you get done eating the Poor Richards fillets. If not, try finding a place that sells smoked pork loin, and you'll be hooked!

    Bleed them as soon as you string them. The water is cold enough to keep them fresh right now, at least for a few hours. Not sure how humane, but figure it kills them, a heck of a lot faster than struggling on a stringer. A knife in the head can help the process along... Getting on ice asap is the best approach, and gutting quickly too. After filleting, run under water and you can work out some additional blood. I think soaking in brine for a few hours helps get some of it out too. A ton of great recipes on this site alone.

    If you happen to have some left overs that you want to get rid of, google smoked bluefish patte. There are some great recipes. Toss in your own additions, take to a holiday party, and you will be a hit. I personally substitute the cream cheese with that low fat stuff they sell, which tastes the same to me, and more forgiving when I eat half of the batch in a sitting... You can freeze your smoked fish, and thaw when you are ready to eat too. Especially if making dip. Steelhead & bluefish are perfect for smoking. I'm not much of a fan of much other preparation. Grilled with a glaze is pretty good though.

    Rope' em and smoke' em! As long as you are eating them, of course.
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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/08 19:07:38 (permalink)
    A little off topic...
    Never had this happen before today.  Hooked a spawned out hen on an egg fly that was absolutely swallowed.  Only thing was that the hook lodged inside gills.  She was dead before I even landed.  Haven't kept a steelhead in last 3 years, but was kinda forced on this one.  Wondering how to cook this thing so it doesn't go to waste.  Tried making up a recipe for steelhead patties.  Actually turned out decent.  Fileted, cut into chunks and into the food processor.  Added chopped green onions, pepper, bread crumbs, a little cajun seasoning, and some milk.  Minced well then stirred in a beaten egg.  Deep fried goodness.  May actually keep one on purpose some time and do this again.
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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/08 23:55:03 (permalink)
    More like 12 or 13 bucks at PR. It hasn't been 10 in years.
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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/09 10:46:59 (permalink)

    A little off topic...

    Never had this happen before today.  Hooked a spawned out hen on an egg fly that was absolutely swallowed.  Only thing was that the hook lodged inside gills.  She was dead before I even landed.  Haven't kept a steelhead in last 3 years, but was kinda forced on this one.  Wondering how to cook this thing so it doesn't go to waste.  Tried making up a recipe for steelhead patties.  Actually turned out decent.  Fileted, cut into chunks and into the food processor.  Added chopped green onions, pepper, bread crumbs, a little cajun seasoning, and some milk.  Minced well then stirred in a beaten egg.  Deep fried goodness.  May actually keep one on purpose some time and do this again.

    You can use that same method in a different way as well. Instead of frying it, make it into racquetball sized lumps and wrap it in cheesecloth. Throw those in a smoker. The end product has a nice smokey rind(after removing the cloth) and slices easily. Even better than a regular smoked one. 
    Another good tip is to use small pieces of smoked steelhead to add flavor to other dishes. Good for soups, chowders, and just awesome in alfredo sauce.
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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/09 15:30:21 (permalink)
    Personally. I've never had an issue with the quality of fish PRs' gives. I have seen them refuse a fish because of the way it has looked, but it wasn't often as most fishermen turn in quality fish, at least the ones I've seen. The money part doesn't bother me because although probably minimal, they do have some cost involved. If I had to buy a smoker, spices and tend to the fish, it would be costly to me as my time is worth something. All things to be considered. They do try to give you a fish that comes as close as posssible to what one has been turned in to them and to be honest, I've never gone anywhere else for smoked steelhead as I've been more than staisfied with their service. Just my opinion.
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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/09 15:36:52 (permalink)
    Slip of the finger after "personally"as there shouldn't have been a period and also a slip of the finger on "satisfied". I had already entered post message while proofreading and it was too late. Sorry about that!
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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/09 21:33:01 (permalink)
    I had the steelhead for dinner this evening and was quite satisfied.  It's not something I'd do all the time, but it was pretty good and I probably will do it again sometime.
    The fillets I received were smaller than the ones I would have gotten off of my fish, but the guy told me right away they would be since they didn't have many regular smoked fish left and I didn't want the cajun.  Wasn't an issue at all since I just wanted to try it and I was happy he told me before I gave him the fish instead of just giving me the smaller fillets. 
    The fillets seemed to be in good shape, and I am still alive lol.  To be honest I was a little iffy about the quality but it all worked out. 
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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/09 22:16:10 (permalink)
    RIP troutguy   it was nice knowin ya.  

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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/10 12:09:15 (permalink)
    My fave way to cook em is to use a 50/50 mixture of soy sauce and maple syrup...make one batch and place bothe the fish and marinade in a ziplock bag and marinate for a few up the charcoal grill and cook on a low indirect heat. Use a seperate batch of marinade and baste it thruough the cooking process until finished throw some sesame seeds on the last 10 minutes or so and get a little char on em...taste just as good as most any other fish in my opinion...
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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/12 07:45:50 (permalink)

    My fave way to cook em is to use a 50/50 mixture of soy sauce and maple syrup...make one batch and place bothe the fish and marinade in a ziplock bag and marinate for a few up the charcoal grill and cook on a low indirect heat. Use a seperate batch of marinade and baste it thruough the cooking process until finished throw some sesame seeds on the last 10 minutes or so and get a little char on em...taste just as good as most any other fish in my opinion...


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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/13 07:04:20 (permalink)
    Walleye and perch are better.
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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/14 04:00:09 (permalink)
    So's prime rib, and it will fight about the same ounce for ounce.
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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/14 04:07:30 (permalink)
    What weight flyrod do you use for Angus? And are they up to Rick's road yet?

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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2012/12/17 09:08:11 (permalink)
    They probably have about $2-3 in wood, energy, payment for the smokehouse, plastic wrap and ingredients in the marinade, ect.  After paying their employees to do much of the work, taxes, ect.  I would be rather surprised if they are making much profit at all on the fish.  I doubt they are losing money, but if it is bringing folks in the door, and buying other items, then even breaking even isn't bad, if getting a few other sales.  They have a commercial smokehouse, that they can use for their own use as well, which they can tax deduct and sale when it comes around to it.  Comparing per/lb fresh salmon and smoked salmon, it isn't a bad deal too.  Although, I think most commercial smoked salmon is cold smoked, and better tasting IMO.  Definitely a fair deal, IMO.
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    Re:Smoked Steelhead 2013/05/01 16:24:03 (permalink)
    I woul agree, its not expensive and generally of a high standard.
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