Spinning reels for the noodles??

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2012/12/06 00:47:48 (permalink)

Spinning reels for the noodles??

So Stillheads post about garbage okuma reels in the mono thread intrigued me to ask this question. I grew up and learned to fish steelhead with a spin rod but do not do too much anymore as I enjoy to fly fish. Anyways, I've always bought mediocre spinning reels, fish the bay and lake a few times in spring and summer or occassional few days my old lady would steelhead fish with me they would get used.  She has been fishing a lot more this yr and I have found myself doing more spinning as well and realize I'm sick of average reels and replacing them every couple years.  I currently fish a Abu Garcia Cardinal on the noodle, its ok but the drag seems to be crapping out. Whats everyones go to reel for slimers?  I want something with a smooth drag, durable, preferably made in the US and not crazy expensive. I've looked at some penns that were nice but not too much of a selection around town.   Thanks duuuuds

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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 04:16:24 (permalink)
    I use a one of those garbage Okuma's...lol. Third year with it. No issues. 
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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 05:33:06 (permalink)
    I smoked a cheap spin reel in one fall season, and by cheap I mean $75.00
    Started spending more money ( not a lot, just a little) and have had much better success.  Got the quantum smoke Pti and it is unbelievable for $150.00.  Looking at getting the eXo Pti by quantum next, it comes in around $200.  Well worth it to me, no issues, awesome drag, and looks bad, too.  
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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 05:48:34 (permalink)
    I wasn't suggesting you need to buy an expensive reel. I just don't like Okuma. I had several and none of them would ever wind the line on the spool evenly.  One ( forget which models I even had, they are in a landfill now) had a seam on the drag knob (why I have know idea) that the line would get caught in and knicked up, or broke off if a fish was running while it was caught in there.
    I got sucked into all the hype with 10 ball bearing this and that and bought Okuma's, Tica's, Daiwa's,quantums,Pfluegers.  I don't like any of them. 
    Just by Shimano and be done with it.
    I do have a cheap Abu Garcia Cardinal reel that I use bass/striper/smally fishing that I've had for 10 years, longest any reel has ever held up for me. The drag isn't quite smooth enough to handle light line for steelhead though.
    post edited by Stillhead - 2012/12/06 05:50:17
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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 05:56:44 (permalink)
    Pick up a pfleuger president. You can get them for under $50 and ice had mine on for over 5 years thousands of fish. If I was like the previous poster and willing to spend done money I'd be donning the pfleuger patriarch.

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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 06:55:08 (permalink)
    I've mostly  used Shimmano reels for spinning and baitcasting, what you might want to consider is getting a rear drag model for steelhead in whatever reel you decide, for me it seems much easier to adjust the drag when the fish is running. Just a thought
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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 07:49:49 (permalink)
    The carbon drag on my *** extreme spinning reel is lightyears smoother than my cardinal that I retired last year. So far I love it. Super thin aluminum body with an extra wide spool that means longer casts,less twist, and bigger drag surface.
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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 07:54:30 (permalink)
    I am using Pfleuger now, but I have had good success with Diawa. Shimano is junk, don't ever get one wet.


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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 08:16:55 (permalink)
    I'm currently using a Shimano Sedona for 4 years and it has been good to me.  I previously had used a Pflueger President reel for about 3 years and it was fine up until one day it stopped working right.   I guess that is the problem with a lot of the reels though. 
    I mostly have Shimanos in various sizes in the Sedona/Solstace price range.  I really have no complaints about them other than after 4 or 5 years I seem to have a lot of the bails go bad.  I can remember when Shimano made a big deal out of their no fail bails but that claim seems to have gone by the board.
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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 08:46:04 (permalink)
    I use shamanos and brownings..they are ok reels with a good enough drag
    i have got them wet and they were fine...i buy on the low to mid range price because i know i beat the he11 out of a reel between the salmon and steel i catch in a year...so with the realization of how i use them i don't mind spending $70 every couple years when i kill one....although i havn't burned one up in 5 years now
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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 08:50:09 (permalink)
    Wow...No clear cut winner, it seems by the posts so far. We've all had good and bad experiences with a variety of reels.
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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 08:55:32 (permalink)
    One thing to consider. When folks pay $150-$200 for a reel. Said reel tends to recieve better care & maintenance than one that they paid $50-$60 for.

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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 09:50:16 (permalink)
    true...but i know me...i would abuse a reel at any price, just the amount of fishing i do and the way i fish
    i do have one thing to say about the large arbor bass pro reel...i have one of those as well...for the line capacity and size of the reel they run a couple oz heavy, it doesn't sound like much, but after a hard day of fishing it does make a difference
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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 10:15:43 (permalink)
    I have the 20, it holds 200yd of 4lb Invisx and 150yd of 10lb braid nicely. Do you have the 20 or 40? Doesn't seem heavy to me. But my noodle has a real long handle that maybe balances it a bit better.
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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 10:35:41 (permalink)
    both...since i work at BP i have most of their equipment
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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 10:54:47 (permalink)
    Used a pfluger templar the last few years and caught loads of steelhead and a 40lb grass carp with it. @ $50. I think the big thing with peoples reels ****ting out is they don't clean and oil them right every month or after getting muck on it from laying it on the ground..just sayin

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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 11:58:32 (permalink)
    My dad always swore by the Shimano Stradic, but they're close to $200, really want a thrill price out a Stella...
    post edited by bulldog1 - 2012/12/06 13:41:21

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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 14:41:02 (permalink)
    Currently, my favorite spinning reel is the Shimano Stradic CI4.  I have a couple older Sustains, a Stradic Mg and some other older Stradics and the CI4 has them all beat.
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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 14:54:41 (permalink)
    well i can tell you that a 50 salmon day will burn out just about any drag system, when you use light line (different if i had on 20lb)
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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 19:23:22 (permalink)
    before I quit using spinning reels I used the Stradic exclusively.Great drag and took a beatin.IMO you cant beat it in that price range.
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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 19:33:02 (permalink)
    Currently i am using an okuma trio s.  The drag is smooth and holds plenty of line to get the job done.

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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 20:01:36 (permalink)
    Im with Loomis, the Exo is bad**** While i do have and use some Okumas, i love my Quantum energy, smoke, and exo
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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/06 22:30:24 (permalink)
    Shimano Sedona i have been using for 3 years now and works fine.Been dropped in water numerous times from slipping or landing fish and still works well.I keep it lubed well tho.
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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/07 08:25:19 (permalink)
    For the money and quality you get .. check out the Shimano Saros. Best reel for the money on the planet in my opinion. You can pick one off on ebay for under 100.00.
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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/07 08:37:51 (permalink)
    The Saros is the best bang for the buck in the whole shimano line IMO.
    smooth as silk, takes a lickin & keeps on tickin.

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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/07 13:54:16 (permalink)
    I'm Penn all the way now.  Any reel that needs replaced gets replaced with Penn.  I've gone through all the brands in 20 years up to around $150 and none has held up better than Penn.  They are sealed and saltwater grade.  Guiding in Erie for 3 years before I had twins I used Quantums that fell apart from the overuse.  Penns are still going.  I like the Sargus models and but even the Fierce models have held up for bass reels.  I have a Sargus for steelhead going on 4 years of Steelhead fishing.  Fishes like its new.  Shimano is junk until you get to the 150-200 dollar reels.  Okuma...junk.  Literally have seen the actual mounting pieces break off when picked up out of a rodholder, and numerous other problems.  Pflueger is the one reel I can't speak on.  The rest..never buy again.  About 20 reels in my fleet for 40 or so rods and every one that goes down I buy a Penn to take its place.  Just my .02 and that and about $38 will get you a new fishing license. 
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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/07 14:31:23 (permalink)
    Diawa Sol....6 years old, still going strong.
    Upkeep is key with any reel...
    post edited by CroatianSensation - 2012/12/07 14:33:18

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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/07 20:54:11 (permalink)
    Ive been using a 45 dollar okuma for the last 3 seasons....still going strong.  
    Croatian, what do u recommend for upkeep?

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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/08 06:14:40 (permalink)
    I clean the reel inside and out with WD-40 during off season...Remove the grease from all internal moving parts/gears and repack with lithium grease.  Make sure all bail springs are cleaned properly and moving parts around the bail are dirt free and dry...I also make sure my drag parts and washers are dry and cleaned...you could use light, I mean light oil on the outer washers of the drag system, everything else should remain dry in the drag system.  There are usually teflon, nylon or even leather drag washers down on the main gear...these should especially be dry and clean for smoothness.

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    Re:Spinning reels for the noodles?? 2012/12/10 12:16:13 (permalink)
    I'm with Joe on the Penn Reels, they're some tough SOB's.  I've had a Penn Sargus since 2007 that's been through hell, and it still keeps coming back for more punishment.  Drag is still as smooth as the day I bought it.
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