2F Marienville Area

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2012/11/28 10:44:32 (permalink)

2F Marienville Area

Oh how disappointing it is.....The lack of hunters that is....Deer too.  It has gotten to the point where i have seen NO hunters at all parked at what used to be very active hunting areas and where i see very little deer at all and the deer i do see are browsing around and eating, on the first day of deer season!! What has happened to the hunters?  The deer hunting in Marienville and the surrounding areas is simply a disgrace. I am very disappointed to see little to no activity in the Allegheny National Forest on the first day of deer season. Has anybody else noticed this happening? Simply a disgrace.

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    Re:2F Marienville Area 2012/11/28 12:17:56 (permalink)
    Thank the PGC,the AR did not take hunters away but after years of HR and all the fun banging does,it set in the hunters with the help of PGC ruined mountain hunting for most hunters. I would ban doe hunting for a couple of years and let the herd rebound but thats not going to happen.Loss of revenue for the PGC and auto Ins. co. would cry a river,I'm sure next week there will be more hunters (does) are bangable,just reducing the herds to lower levels. I'm and old man(60) and have seen on many first days over 100 deer a day in Potter co. 25 -40 where common in Forest, and Venago.
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    Re:2F Marienville Area 2012/11/28 13:40:33 (permalink)
    Steelie, I saw TONS of hunters and vehicles in Marienville on the first day. Of course, 99% of them were on Forrest Rd from Rt66 heading toward Abraxas. I see loads of deer every day on that road. I've seen some really huge buck too.

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    Re:2F Marienville Area 2012/11/28 14:32:40 (permalink)
    Could not agree more with you.  I hunted the anf around Endeavor.  Not many hunters and very little deer.  i saw 3 small buck and 1 doe.  This is a trend I have seen the last two years, but this was by far the worst.  What bothers me more was lack of doe.  I covered alot of ground to see none.  Yesterday I barely even saw a track.

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    Re:2F Marienville Area 2012/11/28 14:42:36 (permalink)
    I did see some deer on Monday but most were does.  Slabdaddy, i hunt the Byromtown area so i know exactly what you are talking about, i have a camp about 2 miles down the road from the rod and gun club.  Deer hunting is horrible in those parts anymore.

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    Re:2F Marienville Area 2012/11/28 17:46:29 (permalink)
    I hunt 2F, Clarion County near the Venango County line.
    I see the opposite. I see 10-12 does a day but hardly any bucks..there is no way in this part of 2F the Buck-to-Doe ratio is what the PGC said it would become with AR/HR
    I'm firm believer that the button bucks are getting smashed and tag as antler-less. Hopefully cutting out a week of doe season in 2F reverses that trend. I cant speak for all of 2F..but in this corner of 2F..the bucks arent like they should be 
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    Re:2F Marienville Area 2012/12/07 16:57:55 (permalink)
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