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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/28 10:18:35
LoganWade03 A lot of talk about the so called elitist on erie tribs, just curious as to what exactly makes someone an elitist? Good looks, hot wife, athletic, good job, nice house, nice car, well... Me.
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/28 10:34:39
Hot wife? Come on man that's pushing it..
The moment of truth. Where all other things unconsciously melt away from our minds the instant a fish takes our fly. We stand there on the water with wide eyes, caught in a battle stance with an idea of confidence and hope
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/28 10:42:43
To be elite you must fish north of Route 5 because the competition is much greater.
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/28 10:49:37
LoganWade03 Hot wife? Come on man that's pushing it.. She currently has a fever. In a few days, she'll be back to above average...
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/28 11:46:02
LoganWade03 Minnows on a fly rod..you're still illogical
In the other thread you said you've never seen this outside of Erie. The old dudes have been running minnows under cut banks, with flyrods, in western & central PA, since before your daddy was born. I'm a little bit surprised you've never seen it because I know you get out alot. It's an old school tradition and those old guys hanner the fish that way. I think it's fun to watch. "Logic" has nothing to do with anything in this instance. You simply have a mental disconnect with "fly rod" and "bait". A floating line is the best way to present minnows to the bank. More effective than monofilament, if you can keep the minnow on the hook.
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/28 13:13:38
D-nymph "Logic" has nothing to do with anything in this instance. You simply have a mental disconnect with "fly rod" and "bait". A floating line is the best way to present minnows to the bank. More effective than monofilament, if you can keep the minnow on the hook. The floating line can also be used as an indicator as well, for those light hits. One trip this year I noticed my buddy, using a spinning rod mono setup, was missing more hook sets than myself. He even commented that being able to see my floating line in the water must help a little. All I know is I catch just as many if not more fish using minnows on a fly rod, as I do using minnows on a spinning rod. Only I have a lot more fun casting and retrieving the line with my fly rod. So it's "Logical" to me, to use the setup and technique that I'm currently enjoying the most. If I become bored with it someday, then I'll switch things up again.
post edited by SteelSlayer77 - 2012/11/28 13:14:43
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/28 13:22:04
If they lowered the limits people would be less elite.
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/28 15:02:51
D, I'm typically not forced to fish near people in the other places I fish and I really don't pay much attention to what they are doing if I'm just passing by. I still don't get how a floating line would be any different or even as effective as an indicator on a place at the same depth on an spin outfit. I do understand the light takes, but if you're keeping up with the line tight and not using a beach ball for an indicator, I don't see how a take would be more visible one way or the other.
The moment of truth. Where all other things unconsciously melt away from our minds the instant a fish takes our fly. We stand there on the water with wide eyes, caught in a battle stance with an idea of confidence and hope
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/28 15:06:44
ill dust off my automatic reel and show you how its done.
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/28 15:32:48
ill dust off my automatic reel and show you how its done.
Now we're talking!
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/28 15:43:05
LoganWade03 D, I'm typically not forced to fish near people in the other places I fish and I really don't pay much attention to what they are doing if I'm just passing by. I still don't get how a floating line would be any different or even as effective as an indicator on a place at the same depth on an spin outfit. I do understand the light takes, but if you're keeping up with the line tight and not using a beach ball for an indicator, I don't see how a take would be more visible one way or the other. It probably wouldn't make a difference if the spin fisherman was using a small indicator. In the scenario I referenced my buddy was not using an indicator, therefore it made a difference because he couldn't see his line.
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/28 23:45:17
D-nymph LoganWade03 Minnows on a fly rod..you're still illogical In the other thread you said you've never seen this outside of Erie. The old dudes have been running minnows under cut banks, with flyrods, in western & central PA, since before your daddy was born. I'm a little bit surprised you've never seen it because I know you get out alot. It's an old school tradition and those old guys hanner the fish that way. I think it's fun to watch. "Logic" has nothing to do with anything in this instance. You simply have a mental disconnect with "fly rod" and "bait". A floating line is the best way to present minnows to the bank. More effective than monofilament, if you can keep the minnow on the hook. I'm not that old... well, maybe.
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/29 06:13:34
Like D-nymph said. In the late 70's I used to troll and work tiny #0 colorado spinners along undercut bank and overhangs. Also, casted single eggs and maggots to fish in tough lies and thin water tail outs. Both of those presentations are more effectively done with a flyrod and floating line. My biggest hassle back then was keeping my flyline floating.
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/29 07:52:47
ill dust off my automatic reel and show you how its done.
I ran into a gentleman from Ligonier using a South Bend automatic on Elk recently. It was a heavier reel than the several that I own. It was also 50 years old. I still fish minnows with a fly rod. I thread them with a needle and slip a double hook onto a tiny loop. I've been fishing like this since the 60's. A buddy of mine uses a fly rod, and a South Bend automatic filled with monofilament. He fishes Penn's Creek and only uses Black Nosed Dace minnows. He catches lots of Brown Trout!
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/29 08:12:14
i've read this thread and puked  " LOL!
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/29 10:18:58
Does fishing flys on a spinning outfit make me a spinning rod elitist or a fly fishing hack?
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/29 10:57:51
"What is an elitist?" Someone trolls for Walleye all summer and laughs at steelhead arguments all winter....
Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/29 11:25:42
I don't always snag fish, but when I do... I choose Little Cleos I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/29 11:51:53
"What is an elitist?"
Someone trolls for Walleye all summer and laughs at steelhead arguments all winter....
+1. Nice
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/29 12:31:14
"What is an elitist?"
Someone trolls for Walleye all summer and laughs at steelhead arguments all winter....
+1. Nice
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/29 12:31:34
Yep^^ I'll agree to that too
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/29 12:59:19
Can't argue with that one!
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/29 13:55:27
I don't always snag fish, but when I do... I choose Little Cleos I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/30 13:38:21
This thread reminds me of an experience I had about 14 years ago while attending college at Edinboro. I'm a flypole guy (but definately not a purist) and my roomate/fishing buddy was a noodlerod guy. Being poor young men working our way through college all of our equipment was handed down to us from our respective fathers and gandfathers. Now not having good equipment did not mean we could not catch fish. 30-50 hours a week on the tribs in the fall and chatting with every "old timer" we met had taught us alot. Here's the thing though. Everytime we went to Walnut during the week around 3:00 PM this young teenage boy would ride his bicycle down with a cheap close faced zebco and some yarn tied on a hook. If you spoke to him you would soon realize he had some type of handicapping condition, he was in special classes in his highschool, but this kid could FISH! This kid was so good that my buddy and I decided he was the best fishermen we had ever met on the tribs. Even better than the legends we thought we were! Well one afternoon we are standing there at Walnut talking to this middle aged gentleman as he fished. All fishermen have have seen this guy before. Brand new Simms, Brand new Orvis, 100's of store bought flies, but according to him the fish "just aren't biting." Well this highschool kids shows up on his bike and walks down to say hi to us. The guy with all the equipment happens to hook a steelhead and land it. The young boy stutters out, "Wh-Wh-What ya catcht that thing on Mr.?" The man smugly replied, "It's a secret son, maybe you will figure it out someday." The boy shook his head, stood beside the man and proceeded to land 3 steelies in about 10 minutes. As he was sliding the last fish on his stringer the man said, "Boy, you gotta tell me, what are you using?!?" The boy calmy replied, "It's a secret mister." Hopped on his bike with his crap pole and his three fish and pedaled off. The middle aged man was in my opinion the embodyment of elitist.
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/30 13:58:28
Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/30 14:07:20
Elitist - Someone who has not yet figured out that the greatest enjoyment about fishing is not how many fish one catches with any particular kind of gear, it's in the connection one finds with others and nature in the beauty of the natural world.
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/11/30 15:10:58
Elitist - Someone who has not yet figured out that the greatest enjoyment about fishing is not how many fish one catches with any particular kind of gear, it's in the connection one finds with others and nature in the beauty of the natural world.
You nailed it LDD,that's about as good as it gets. I enjoyed that story about the kid Swingard,another elitist bites the dust!
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/12/01 04:06:21
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/12/01 10:32:02
Flyrod and minnows.... When I was cutting my fishing teeth back in the early 60's in Naples New York, the recommended set up for Spring run rainbows was a fly rod and reel, either a floating fly line or 17 lb test mono, and various egg like baits, such as tapioca sacks, C**ktail onions, sponge pieces, etc as eggs were not legal for bait then in NYS, or wood grubs, worms or minnows. The old timer who first took my dad and me and me brothers out always used a cane flyrod and salted minnows for stream trout. And my leadcore rig for trolling in the Adirondaks is a 9 foot 9 weight Kunan that I bought for Salmon fishing in Pulaski, but had no use for once I upgraded to my Orvis. The fly rod seet handles my grndfather's old Pflueger trolling reel perfectly. My favorte pond rod for brook trout is built from a 5 weight that got shortened 3" in a car door, but I rebuilt that with a spinning reel seat. Throws a worm a country mile with a 1/2 ounce sinker and 6 lb. Fly Rods are great for bait because they are a lot more flexible, "slower" than commerical grade spinning tackle, and allow softer casts that keep the bait on the line longer, and are a lot more fun once a fish is hooked. If I were worried about how I look or what is logical, I would not be fishing as there are few stanger looking creatures than fly fishers in full colors "Hell's anglers!", and there is not a lot of logic in a jerk on one end of a pole waiting for a jerk on the other end, regardless of choice of bait or tackle! IMHO.... L13
post edited by Lucky13 - 2012/12/01 10:35:46
Chris Johnson
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Re:What is an elitist?
2012/12/01 14:00:24
nymph vs dry cartoon This has been posted here before but I thought someone might may want to see it again. I couldn't get the [tube] embedding to work.
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