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why is it time to lower limits??
Our friend Bill said this; william h Well, 2000 come in, 2001 get roped. No offense to the original poster, this is the reality of Eries fishery. Lower the limit for the everyones enjoyment. Its time. BTW, I don't think Bill's a troll like some of you think he is i think he's honest and genuine but I'm curious why he thinks "it's time" and how he thinks it will be to "everyone's" enjoyment to do so? I submit the "everyone" he's referring to are the duuds like me (and i suspect him) that think steel taste like CRAP tell the truth, Bill, (and others that want more C&R) is the reason you want to see lowered limits due to wanting to beat up the same tired worn out moldy fish over and over and over again every time out?? and/or having an easier time catching instead of searching and fishing ? rather than lowering limits, why not advocate stocking more? Wouldn't that be closer to "everyone's" enjoyment rather dropping the limits? ...which would only benefit the duuds like me (that think steel taste like crAp) ..L.T.A.
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/25 21:06:10
I fished all weekend and seen plenty of fish....little harder to catch on account of the visibility but they are there
A bad day fishing is better than a good of anything. I don't always exercise my shoulders...but when I do I fish for steelhead....
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/25 21:10:52
What's funny. Is that in march. A full 6-7 months into the season. There will STILL be so many fish in the streams, being caught by so many anglers. Thaty these guys will STILL be complaing about how many are being roped. And saying we "need" to lower the limit.
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/25 21:13:11
Thanks for starting this thread. There are already more than 1 million fish stocked annually. Other things have to be considered like habitat, returns, mortality and angler attitudes. I used to love fishing for steelhead in Erie. I waited for the run all year. Something happened though, between a decade and a half of combat fishing, catching fish bigger than I ever thought I would, fishing in places like Iceland for huge native trout without another person around, and really starting to think about the process of stocking and the involvement of money in the whole thing. The enjoyment just isn't there for me anymore. When I went to Erie this year I spent more time on the banks than I did in the water. That's me though. I posted this in the other thread before you opened this: I don't think limits are the answer to anything. At the end of the day it's going to come down to the anglers. Anglers who release fish are going to release them no matter what the limit is. I very rarely kept a trout in PA when the limit was much higher. I very rarely keep one now that it's lower. And some people are going to keep fish no matter what the limit is. If they really want to, they'll keep as many as they want without regard to the limit. I've seen it plenty of times. In my opinion, if you are for CPR out of principle, then that's a discussion you should be having with other anglers. It's certainly tough, especially when you're dealing with stocked fish that are paid for with license money. I think anglers should self-regulate, taking into account the most recent knowledge and advice, population numbers, experience, etc. Developing a culture like that takes a lot more than passing a law on a limit in Harrisburg though.
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/25 21:16:01
BTW, according to this survey: "The majority of Pennsylvania trout anglers (61%) mostly release the trout they catch, which is five times the percentage (12%) who mostly keep the trout they catch. Overall, 88% catch and release their trout at least half of the time."
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/25 21:31:52
Lower limits? Hell, I've seen more guys skunked this year than taking out limits. I don't think I've seen three on a rope this year. If the same fish is caught again and again, it's not going to survive anyway. What are you going to lower it to? One? Then if you give one away, to a guy who's driven 300 miles with no luck, you are done for the day? Ridiculous. And if you make it one, guys will string their first, and if they get another better, let the first half dead one go. Not the answer anyway. The years the east side creeks were full of fish for months in the early 2000's, I saw many limits kept. There are many other factors than folks keeping fish. There were so many fish then, I would give guys two, just to get rid of them. Talking about my Russian friend. Nowadays, you can walk many of the eastside creeks and never see a fish for hundreds of yards, if at all. Or they are all in one little pool, like on 16 mile a couple of weeks ago, which looked like the Walnut Creek Circus.
post edited by FiveMilePete - 2012/11/25 21:39:18
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/25 22:55:17
Then if you give one away, to a guy who's driven 300 miles with no luck, you are done for the day? Ridiculous. It's worth noting that many people fly all the way around the world for a chance to catch a fish that they will release. If all someone is looking for is meat for the freezer, it's a lot cheaper to buy some filets at the local market than to go fishing. At least in the US. When you add up license fees, equipment, gasoline, hotels, food and the value of your time, Erie steelhead is some pretty expensive stuff.
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/25 23:13:06
Everyone going hunting tomorrow should be using tranquilizer darts. That way everyone can shoot a nice buck. Just think about how great hunting could be if we everyone used darts. It would be just like shooting fish in a barrel. Maybe the game commision could use all the money they get from licenses and tags to stock more buck. Great big 50 pointers. Everyone can shoot the same buck 27 times
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 00:08:07
The differences there being of course that there is no such thing as "catch and release" hunting, that whitetail deer are native to Pennsylvania, and that whitetail deer are not stocked with license money.
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 10:31:47
Yep that would be a Great idea. Then we can have bucks who are adicted to the tranqulizers, and who will jump out in front of hunters just to get their next fix. And then it won't just be in deer season. They'll start mugging hunters in squirel season too. Where will it end? When the deer start coming in to town and creating a nuisance just to get tranked by the game warden? And relocating them won't work they will just come back.
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 12:58:05
You do not need to keep 30 pounds of fish a day. Not sure why most of you focus on the greedy eating part of fishing rather than the excitement of setting the hook or reeling one in. Putting that fish back allows another angler to have the excitement you had when you caught the fish. This is human nature at its finest. Greed. My freezer is fuller. If your satisfied with the limits PA offers on keeping 7 trout a day, then you should have no problem with the limit of 1 steelhead being kept a day. You do realize 10 trout = 1 steelhead in LBS right? I have caught steel with huge chunks taken out of there bodies from ice melt. They will have no problem making it back to the lake, Healing, and coming back bigger and stronger the next year. There are so many fish in the creeks and its great, whats wrong with having more? Do you enjoy a 4 mile walk with 30 pounds of fish hanging off your belt? They should probably change the trout regulations to a limit of 30 a day. Do you buy a license to eat, or a license to fish? By the looks of it, you have a fly rod, Fly line, Fly reel, and a minnow on the end of your hook. We know why your here.
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 13:04:45
If they are catching them legally and using the fish what business of yours is it what someone does with their fish. If that's all you can find to complain about in the world today I feel sorry for you. Get the laws changed if you want it to be less fish. I'm assuming people with more knowledge on the subject than you are setting the limits.
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 13:14:54
I assure you in time the Limits will be lowered to 1 or 2 fish. I cant wait to come on here and see all of you act like nothing happened when it does. Like your protectors of the law... Sure the limit is 3 by law, that does not mean you have to keep 3 fish. You can catch and release you know? You can also keep one, put it in your car then come back and do some sport fishing...There is nothing wrong with someone keeping a fish. When it comes to be an everyday thing to keep 3 fish, then it gets ridiculous. How much knowledge is needed to understand that putting more fish back allows for a greater fishing experience? PA fish and boat regulates there fishing like it was someone off of the FishErie forums.
post edited by mike55 - 2012/11/26 13:17:21
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 13:27:08
My freezer full of'em and I love it!!!!!!! Ahhh...da widdle non-native, farm raised, stocked feeshy got smoked and eatid...BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! I only keep what I eat and thats all part of MY fishin experience there buddy, you have yours, I'll have mine.
post edited by gymi03 - 2012/11/26 13:29:23
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 13:38:07
Perhaps you should start eating them if your freezer is full of them. Im sure your wife will toss them out after a year of sitting in there. Thanks for the point.
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 13:39:10
fishink If all someone is looking for is meat for the freezer, it's a lot cheaper to buy some filets at the local market than to go fishing. At least in the US. When you add up license fees, equipment, gasoline, hotels, food and the value of your time, Erie steelhead is some pretty expensive stuff. I agree and doubt many PA trout anglers keeping fish are just looking for "meat for the freezer" or some kind of financial advantage. In rural PA there is a rich heritage of farming, hunting, fishing, and living off of our land. This is what influences myself and most PA anglers I know who keep a few Steelhead each year. I'd rather eat a few Erie Steelhead a year that I caught and processed myself (PCBs and all), than buy a fish filet from the grocery store that was probably caught on a boat in Asia, shipped half way around the world, and then had who knows what done to preserve it every step along the way.
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 13:39:26
"PA fish and boat regulates there fishing like it was someone off of the FishErie forums." No! That's what YOU are ASKING them to do. Base limits on emotion, rather than science.
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 13:41:19
Science tells me there will be more fish if more are put back. Or is it common sense that tells me that?
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 13:49:30
mike55 Perhaps you should start eating them if your freezer is full of them. Im sure your wife will toss them out after a year of sitting in there. Thanks for the point. No, you miss the entire point of what a personal fishing experience is all about. Mine is go fishing, enjoy nature, enjoy the fishing. Keep what I'll eat, and enjoy my meal. I can guarantee I'll eat every Steel in my freezer. You seem to be treating these fish as if its some naturally reproducing, elusive, one and a million God fish, when In reality...they're easy to catch, stocked, non native fish, that the commission raises in ponds. They're a meat fish.
post edited by gymi03 - 2012/11/26 13:51:50
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 14:01:03
I go fishing for catch rates. The more fish I catch the better the time I have. They should probably open up a grocery store, Mcdonalds, Or something near you so you don't have to go hungry anymore. Like I said. keeping 1 fish is fine. I highly doubt you yourself goes fishing, enjoys nature, enjoys the fishing. Keeps what he eats, and enjoys a 30 pound steel head meal in one sitting. Tell me why its such a big deal if the keep rate was lowered. Please?
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 14:04:45
"Science tells me there will be more fish if more are put back. Or is it common sense that tells me that?" Might be what it tells YOU. But what science tells fisheries, and wildlife professionals. Is that more isn't always better, or even good in some cases. By the way. For some people, more fish does not equal a "greater fishing experience".
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 14:17:24
I go fishing for catch rates. The more fish I catch the better the time I have. They should probably open up a grocery store, Mcdonalds, Or something near you so you don't have to go hungry anymore.
you should probably go fish a stocked trout pond or raceway
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 14:25:40
"Tell me why its such a big deal if the keep rate was lowered. Please?" Because this is a Steelhead fishery for ALL to enjoy, Not just mike55. Mupper rates would drop off, business in the area would suffer, which in turn would likely cause the commission to decide to stock less, why stock a million plus when 700,000 would suffice. Hell if all this didnt help the local economy and actually attract LARGE numbers of fishermen may be just may be there would be no SH fishing at all. Stop treating these dumb fish as if they are some golden God. They're not that elusive dude and catching'em doesnt put you in a special club.
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 16:19:34
You do realize that these fish are pretty special right. There are two places on our side of the country you can steelhead fish and erie happens to be one of them. Maybe thats why people come from all over to do it..Ask eries economy you talk about how important these fish are. The more fish the more people that will come to fish them. Tons of fish still but apparently there are not as many as there used to be and thats all people complain about on these boards. I cant tell you how many times I have seen "fishing is not what it used to be, im not coming back" Seriously.... Tons of fish still. We smack em everytime we go up. We also put them back for another day. I agree its not just for me. Its for you two. So keep your one fish, and be happy you greedy "Fisherman"
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 16:31:03
You do realize that these fish are pretty special right. There are two places on our side of the country you can steelhead fish and erie happens to be one of them. ... What???? mike55
..Ask eries economy you talk about how important these fish are... The roar on the shore has a larger economic impact in four days then an entire season of steelhead
post edited by KJH807 - 2012/11/26 16:34:44
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 16:48:52
Its irrelevant to me whether you keep everything you catch or you are strictly catch and release. I personally keep maybe 2 a year and release everything else. My issue is with those who waste the fish. Yes its a put and take fishery and yes there are still plenty of fish but those who keep a freezer full just to throw bad meat out a year later, or take them home to bait traps or use in compost are the ones I have an issue with. They are a living being, hatchery fish or not and deserve more respect than a majority of the jackasses carrying them on ropes.
The moment of truth. Where all other things unconsciously melt away from our minds the instant a fish takes our fly. We stand there on the water with wide eyes, caught in a battle stance with an idea of confidence and hope
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 17:02:59
mike55 You do not need to keep 30 pounds of fish a day. Not sure why most of you focus on the greedy eating part of fishing rather than the excitement of setting the hook or reeling one in. Putting that fish back allows another angler to have the excitement you had when you caught the fish. This is human nature at its finest. Greed. I go fishing for catch rates. The more fish I catch the better the time I have. wellsir, isn't that a bit like the pot calling the kettle black?? be honest, Mike ... GREED is the reason YOU want creel limits reduced ...plain and simple Same for the nearly all the other C&R advocates...GREED is the motivating factor YOU want to have a "better time" ...screw the guys that actually like eating these foul tasting things I'd also suggest your supposition that individual meat hunters are keeping "three a day" everyday is silly. cause unless they're locals, folks don't have the opportunity to fish "everyday" Most might only get to c'mup a handful of times a season ("IF" that) but you would limit them because you deem "your greed" as some how different ? ..L.T.A.
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 17:37:40
LoganWade03 They are a living being, hatchery fish or not and deserve more respect than a majority of the jackasses carrying them on ropes. uh oh...I don't want to go all PETA on you Logan, (cause I think they're whack-jobs) but think about it for a minute. what do you think is more "respectful" ? Killing a fish and dragging it out on the rope? or stocking obnoxious numbers in shallow, hard bottom, gin clear ditches to be tortured by piercing them with sharp steel, making them fight for their life, playing them to the point of exhaustion (that often results in death latter) suffocating them while pics are taken and hi-fives go'round then putting them back ...just to do this OVER AND OVER AND OVER again day and night for 9 months?? it would seem to me, the "lucky ones" end up on ropes LOL But i can dig what you're saying, i hate to see 'em wasted too. But the truth is, it's more motivated my own GREED than some "noble" cause I'd rather they didn't waste and put 'em back , cause I want MORE DUMB FISH for ME and my friends to catch I'm different from some of the posers here... cause I'm honest and "out and proud" ... i LIKE fishing in a bucket I LIKE not having to walk miles to catch a bunch of big fish and I WISH I liked the taste of steel...cause I'd be whacking and stacking my limit every time up ..L.T.A.
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 17:58:45
KJH807 you should probably go fish a stocked trout pond or raceway I would if they were as big and i could get a "season's pass" for $ixty-$even fiddy OUT 'N PROUD ... ..L.T.A.
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Re:why is it time to lower limits??
2012/11/26 18:00:57
I agree with you that peta is a bunch of idiots and I agree with you that their lives in the streams are awful. I'm just saying don't waste em and don't drag them around on a rope and let them suffer, kill them immediately if you are keeping them.
The moment of truth. Where all other things unconsciously melt away from our minds the instant a fish takes our fly. We stand there on the water with wide eyes, caught in a battle stance with an idea of confidence and hope