Buck season

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Re:Buck season 2012/11/29 15:59:06 (permalink)

The problem with that line of thinking is there is only so much open land and it is rapidly becoming less as a result of HR as folks post, or lease and post in order to have a few deer.
That in turn forces most folks onto public lands already depleted of deer and leads to the large hunter dropout rate we are seeing.
That in turn gives us less clout and the anti hunters and non hunters more control over our hunting rights than they currently have.
Using the internet to point this out is not bitc--ng but trying to inform folks so they will contact the politicans to voice their objection to the lies and false information the PGC is spreading.
A current example of this is the PGC CLAIMS to be managing for a stable herd but have based the Current allocation of antlerless licenses on our having THE SAME number of deer as we had BEFORE AR/HR.    As you have already stated that is simply not true.
You can act like a sheep and go quietly or you can try to enlist help in changing things. The thing that you can do that will most favor you is to stop what is happening.
Hunters typically are not vocial in support of their sport. The antis are, and know how to use the internet and politican's to further their cause. That fact will probably defeat us In the long run.

Ok...I'll bite...what are some recommendations that you have that will make things better?  So far you have offered nothing but statements of complaint and have resorted to calling people sheep because they are not stopping "what is happening."
Step up time...

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Not a fan of Burgh teams. Get over it...
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Re:Buck season 2012/11/29 16:40:42 (permalink)
Grendel---you've got mail
fishin coyote
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Re:Buck season 2012/11/30 07:48:11 (permalink)
pheasant tail 2

Beautiful warm fall day in Southwest PA. Heard a few deer on the other side of the hollow in the early am. Very few shots, very few hunters, public ground. My 12 year son shot his first deer, a very respectable 10 point at Noon. One well placed shot from the 243 stopped him at 80 yards. It was a great day.


Here are some pics of pt2 jr's buck


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Re:Buck season 2012/11/30 09:13:52 (permalink)
Awesome first buck PT2 Jr.  Congrats!
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Re:Buck season 2012/11/30 10:12:24 (permalink)
Way to go PT 2 jr! In all liklihood a chipmoff the3 old block!
Hey Mike!
Hey Pt!
Call me some day....lost numbers...

The strength of a person isn't measured by the muscle in their arm or how tall they stand, but rather, by the amount of knowledge and area of versatility they can cover. CM ~ 1987

Not a fan of Burgh teams. Get over it...
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Re:Buck season 2012/11/30 11:14:16 (permalink)
Betcha he's flashin that picture all around School - lol
 Congrats and great Buck.
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Re:Buck season 2012/11/30 19:45:32 (permalink)
Awesome job to your son Fishin Coyote......Great Buck there !!!!....CONGRATS

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Re:Buck season 2012/11/30 23:01:10 (permalink)
Nicely done!

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Re:Buck season 2012/12/01 13:47:29 (permalink)
The flintlock spoke twice today. The Queen is happy. 5 and a doe. Heard a total of 11 shots ,in 2-C, by 9:00. Luckly, 2 was mine. 8:00 and 9:00....WF...I should never have wasted by buck tag. No after Christmas hunting for me now.
Big Tuna
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Re:Buck season 2012/12/01 14:42:25 (permalink)
Good shooting WF,I love the late flint season. I got 2 doe tags,boy got 3,but the freezers are pushing the limits,with the 2 Ohio 185lbs,160lbs, 1 Pa 165lbs buck we got plus I gave a doe 105 lbs (archery to and 85 year old women who needs help.) My son passed on 2 7's and a decent 8 in the last two days. For a younger hunter he's really holding out for something big unlike his old man in his younger days. Congrats on your kills.
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Re:Buck season 2012/12/01 15:12:40 (permalink)
No after Christmas flint for me either this year.  Put my tag on a big old doe around noon.  If it wasn't for my buddy helping out I'd still be dragging her.  Still have a 3A doe tag, but I think I'll keep that one.  Considering what's already been slaughtered and hit in the road back home we don't need to lose another breeder from the herd.  Besides 2 deer is just about right for us.
post edited by Claypool313 - 2012/12/02 08:18:27
pheasant tail 2
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Re:Buck season 2012/12/01 21:47:23 (permalink)
Thanks for posting the pics. Hunter has been telling his story anyone who will listen. Thanks again.
Doc I have no phone number for you, but would enjoy talking to you  sometime.
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Re:Buck season 2012/12/01 21:58:41 (permalink)
well son filled his doe tag at 8:30 in 2D this morning hunting out of my stand...pretty decent deer we both have meat in the freezer now so guess our season is winding down...it's been a great season alot of father & son time, nice weather too...He's going back to work says one deer's enough for him, still have my doe tag so might try a few more times later next week, left one thing out at 2:00 I saw a couple doe running across the field ,long story short , long shot+ running deer= a miss... but hey had a great day.......but I'm happy with what I've got too....Good Luck to all that are still trying....
post edited by mopars0 - 2012/12/01 22:04:56

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Re:Buck season 2012/12/01 22:21:37 (permalink)
Well it finely happened, I fell a sleep this afternoon, after being up at 5am and the warmer than normal temps it just happened. I awoke to a 10pt standing in front of me, 60yds away, I moved ever so slightly and moved some leaves the deer looked at me and was gone in a flash. I'm still kicking myself over this it was the largest yet this season nothing huge but a very nice deer

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Re:Buck season 2012/12/02 09:37:30 (permalink)

Well it finely happened, I fell a sleep this afternoon, after being up at 5am and the warmer than normal temps it just happened. I awoke to a 10pt standing in front of me, 60yds away, I moved ever so slightly and moved some leaves the deer looked at me and was gone in a flash. I'm still kicking myself over this it was the largest yet this season nothing huge but a very nice deer
Oh well don't fill bad bud...I've done the same thing in bow season before....never woke with anything looking at me or under me but have napped for probably 5 minutes or so and always wondered what I had missed......

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Re:Buck season 2012/12/02 12:04:22 (permalink)
hey guys i got my 2nd buck saturday morning a small 10 point and id like to put a picture of it on here im just not sure how to its all ready on my facebook can anybody help
post edited by moooooo4me - 2012/12/02 12:09:41
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Re:Buck season 2012/12/02 12:11:17 (permalink)

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Re:Buck season 2012/12/02 12:14:24 (permalink)
mayb it wasnt that hard to post a picture i shot him at 805 in the mornning at 75 yards , its a shame b/c i had to let a 6 pt pass that was bigger then him but never the less its a 10 point

post edited by moooooo4me - 2012/12/02 12:18:10
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Re:Buck season 2012/12/02 12:16:01 (permalink)
Congrats.....MOOOOOOO4ME on your 2nd buck......NICE !!!

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Re:Buck season 2012/12/02 15:17:45 (permalink)
a better picture of the rack.

dakota kid
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Re:Buck season 2012/12/03 13:29:52 (permalink)
Nice buck. Congrats.
I don't know if that one point would be considered a legal point though.
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Re:Buck season 2012/12/03 17:18:25 (permalink)
thanks and upon leaving the woods we were stoped by 2 game wardens, after asking him if was a legal point  he took a ring off his finger hung it from the little point and said looks like a 10 point to me, i guess its however you wanna look at it
Big Tuna
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Re:Buck season 2012/12/03 17:29:45 (permalink)
Must have been an old warden,the ring thing don't fly. One inch is a point in the real world. Who cares decent young buck. Congrats
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Re:Buck season 2012/12/03 17:38:35 (permalink)
thanks big tuna he was an older guy, it being my biggest buck to date he'll be getting mounted, words couldnt express the joy i felt after i found him! I let the 270 speak and she delivered!
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Re:Buck season 2012/12/03 17:41:14 (permalink)

How is a rattailed file going to help his eyesight ????

Eyesight, with the proper optics is fine, rule is assinine.
BTW, one was 1.24 and th eother was 1.5.  That should improve the soup.

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Re:Buck season 2012/12/04 19:20:52 (permalink)
Rifle season has been slow for our crew in Washington County. Lack of hunters and pressure has resulted in limited deer sightings. I heard 8 shots on opening day. The fewest ever. This past Satruday was the doe opener and pressure was nil.
5 hunters and one 8 point thus far.

My rifle is a black rifle
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Re:Buck season 2012/12/04 23:47:36 (permalink)
Went up to game lands 130 this past monday. Didnt see another soul but did see 11 deer ticks on me, creepy little blood suckers
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Re:Buck season 2012/12/05 06:25:09 (permalink)
Most reports I have seen or heard tell of reduced hunter numbers and hiding deer[ or maybe they're not there] I have had a sucessful deer season but I believe I am , by far, in the minority of hunters. I guess we have lost our hunting skills[ ask Jerry Feaster].....WF....
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Re:Buck season 2012/12/05 09:10:10 (permalink)
Went behind house for the last 2 hrs. yesterday. Heard a shot 300 yds. from me as soon as I got to my spot. 5 minutes later a flock of about 10 turkey flew up into the trees around me. Thought it was odd for them to roost early. 15 minutes later I see two tails going away from me. Dang they must have been standing there and when I turned my head they booked. 3 minutes go by when 2 doe run past me . I think...ok someone is spooking them. 2 minutes go by and I hear a grunt..I look over and see this buck walking towards where the doe went. Walks 20 yds. from me. Not legal. Dark is setting in so head to house and put my coat in my truck when the woods erupt with coyotes making a heck of a racket. Crazy last hr. of day. Good luck all.

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Re:Buck season 2012/12/05 20:48:36 (permalink)
Congrats Moo, nice buck!
It's been eerily quiet in my neck of the woods.  Parking areas are empty and shots heard have been few and far between.  Not sure where the pumkin patch is hiding because lots of guys I've talked to have observed the same thing.
I have the last two days to hunt.  I'm hoping I can make something happen!
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