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Re:Buck season
2012/11/27 06:51:37
Ten minutes to seven this morning and I just heARD 3 SHOTS OUT BACK. You can't even see out there..
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/27 08:01:18
First shot where I was hunting was 639. A bit early.
Hunted 2f in the morning. Saw alot of does and one buck.
Hunted in 1b in the afternoon trying to fill a doe tag. Saw lots of deer but no shots I wanted to take.
All in all was an awesome opening day. No wind. Or rain. It was very calm and we actually had snow
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/27 11:42:35
Sunday night my uncle called me to talk a little and to wish me luck on Monday. Sort of as a joke I said I wasn't looking for a trophy at all & the first legal buck to cross my path was as good as dead. I told my uncle "I wouldn't be disappointed if my buck season was over by 7:30" Well,l I got in my stand at about 6:45 yesterday and heard shooting by 6:50. At 7:15 I heard a deer walking towards me was able to make out quickly that he was a buck but took me a little longer to determine if he was legal. ! was finally able to tell he was a legal 7pt and let him have it with the 7mm Mag. 7:18 my buck season was over.  He's no trophy, but no matter how long you cook them you can't eat the antlers. Now Saturday I'm gonna see if I can get a doe to keep him company in the freezer. Good luck out there this week fellas!
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/27 11:51:45
Trophy is a state of mind- they are ALL trophies. Congrats.
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/27 12:30:23
Like you said, you can't eat the antlers... nice looking buck! Congrats!
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/27 14:32:44
Your right. I should be more positive. On the other hand ,however,opening day in bedford,4-A where does are legal, very little shooting. I like to count shoots to pass the time and heard only 43 by 8:00 and not till 9;35 did I hear 100. The woods went silent then for almost 45 min. The weather was nice so i watched turkeys and greys. Saw a few deer also....WF..Nice pics and stories!!!!
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/27 15:15:01
Pretty quiet in my area yesterday. I was out all day and heard less than 20 shots. I did see some deer including a few young bucks, just none of the big guys yet. I'll be back at it Saturday. Congrats to you guys who connected!
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/27 16:20:52
I love all the PAGC Haters out there. They make no sense at all. One year they are calling for the end of the world, and now that some monsters are showing up, the PAGC is the Second Coming of Christ. these two bozos at the local watering hole exemplify the mentality best: "How they (PABC) expect us to count horns now? Don't they know that it is tough? What they know about deer management? All they want to do is tell us how to live....F*** them!" "Holy sh** Joe....saw this monster 10 pt at least 500 yards away before I got a shot at it. Deer of a lifetime. Wow...never seen so many horns in this area in a long time. Cannot wait to take the boy next year." Funny stuff - I bought them a drink with a fancy little note attached to it...made their faces red... In any event....Atypical 10 pt. on opening day. Have a 7 and an 8 pt behind house. Yeah...stick it PAGC. LOL
The strength of a person isn't measured by the muscle in their arm or how tall they stand, but rather, by the amount of knowledge and area of versatility they can cover. CM ~ 1987 Not a fan of Burgh teams. Get over it...
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/27 17:26:46
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/27 17:33:13
Here you go Mike....nice!
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/27 18:22:23
Great job to everyone who scored so far! Ironhed
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/27 18:25:28
congrats....preacher , good job ! can't beat those 7MM mags...used one for years too.
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/27 18:41:39
Thank you! Yeah I lie my 7 Mag! 4 years ago I killed my first 8 point with that rifle at 386 yards. Best shot I ever made & even at that range it dropped him in his tracks. Thanks again everyone & good luck!
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/27 18:46:53
I meant love not lie. (Stupid auto correct!!!)
Big Tuna
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/27 19:14:53
I knew this was going to be good day,picked a nasty thicket to hunt.Daylight came slowly, we had a light coating of snow. Around 8:00 I hear crashing deer in the thicket, a buck chasing a doe,and her two fawn don't know whats going on.It's so thick and nasty I can't get a look at the bucks head and they head down the hollow,well I think I just blew a chance. A few minutes later the doe runs back in front of me at about 65 yards,Mr BUCKY walk into a very small window,I'm on the sticks cross hair settle on shoulder bang 270 speaks,30 yard death run,Nice 8 pt 18 inch spread,lacks tine lenth but I'll take him. I tagged out in Ohio(bow) and Pa. Bring on the ice (fishing) now I can put in time and start my beagle pup Bella. Good luck boys and girls.
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/27 21:59:21
That is a nice deer! Congrats...
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/28 09:40:08
Congrats Tuna..... bet that was exciting......
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/28 10:04:55
Congrats to everybody that scored so far! Having a lot of fun the last two days with my 9 year old son on the mentored tag. Until he scores, it'll be all about getting him a deer. Monday evening, had 2 does calmly feeding in a field at about 150 yards, but he wasn't comfortable with the shot at that distance. Yesterday after school we bumped 3 deer (all we saw were tails) as soon as we stepped into the woods, but had a 6 point come in with about 10 minutes of shooting time left. He was facing us with his head down feeding at about 20 yards. I had to take a small step to my left, while holding the shooting stick for my son. He heard me step on a twig, and took a few hops out to about 35 yards, where he stood broadside for at least a minute. My son just couldn't get on him - combination of an old scope and low light, and a little buck fever - and we watched him walk away. But at least he didn't run, and he's a young buck, so hopefully he'll be back on that pattern in a few days. He's still pumped though and I'm glad we're seeing deer. On both the does and the buck, he was behind the gun with the safety off but held off on the shot. That takes some serious restraint for a 9 year old - I'm very proud of him.
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/28 10:14:49
I had the best opening day in my life. My 11 year old son got his first buck...a nice little 4pt at about 7:30 (pics posted on off-topic PA). He was stoked, but probably not as much as I was.
"Socialism...confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. " Frederic Bastiat
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/28 19:40:21
For what little time I had to hunt this year I had probably one of my best seasons ever. Hunted first day of archery filled 2 of three doe tags. Saw 3 bucks 10 does total all by 930 am. First day of rifle shot a five point at 930 . Saw 2 bucks after shooting mine, one monster. In all 5-6 hours hunting, 6 bucks 15 does total all on state game lands. Not saying the game commission is doin there job but I do mine and scout and learn how the deer use the areas I hunt.
Road Runner
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/28 20:20:44
I shot this one Tuesday morning.
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/29 02:17:24
The deer population is much less than it was 10 years ago, instead of argueing and complaining on internet forums, change your hunting tactics, get out and scout, put some time in and go hunt. I remember when I saw 20-50 deer a day during rifle season. This year I went 7 sits in the archery stand with 3 doe's seen, 8th sit I killed the biggest buck of my life. Cry and give up hunting or do something about it that will favor you, your choice.
The Lord has blessed us all today... It's just that he has been particularly good to me.
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/29 07:54:07
The problem with that line of thinking is there is only so much open land and it is rapidly becoming less as a result of HR as folks post, or lease and post in order to have a few deer. That in turn forces most folks onto public lands already depleted of deer and leads to the large hunter dropout rate we are seeing. That in turn gives us less clout and the anti hunters and non hunters more control over our hunting rights than they currently have. Using the internet to point this out is not bitc--ng but trying to inform folks so they will contact the politicans to voice their objection to the lies and false information the PGC is spreading. A current example of this is the PGC CLAIMS to be managing for a stable herd but have based the Current allocation of antlerless licenses on our having THE SAME number of deer as we had BEFORE AR/HR. As you have already stated that is simply not true. You can act like a sheep and go quietly or you can try to enlist help in changing things. The thing that you can do that will most favor you is to stop what is happening. Hunters typically are not vocial in support of their sport. The antis are, and know how to use the internet and politican's to further their cause. That fact will probably defeat us In the long run.
Big Tuna
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/29 09:42:13
I'm with you on your thinking,S-10. Yes there are deer and some of us have more places( private land) than others to hunt,and yes scouting does help. I'm not so much against the AR but the HR has to stop or change more. Yes I took respectable bucks this year in(Ohio and Pa.) but deer sightings are down.I sat a least 30 sits (archery) in Pa. seeing one big 8pt and a handful of small young bucks and not that many does.In Ohio 6 sits (archery) 2 bucks one doe.I'm lucky not to screw up on my chances.
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/29 09:46:02
Congrats Road Runner....awesome buck there....good job!
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/29 09:49:04
Well done Road Runner. Great buck!
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/29 09:54:33
"A current example of this is the PGC CLAIMS to be managing for a stable herd but have based the Current allocation of antlerless licenses on our having THE SAME number of deer as we had BEFORE AR/HR." Have you written for, and recieved an explanation for this.? Are they "managing for a stable herd" statewide, or just specific WMAs? Are they using pre HR/AR numbers to base allocations statewide, or just specific WMA's?
Get Informed, Get Involved, And Make A Difference. Step Up, or Step Aside The next time you say "Somebody should do something", remember that YOU are somebody. GL
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/29 10:08:25
Beautiful buck Road Runner, congrats!
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/29 11:27:49
Spoon asked: Have you written for, and recieved an explanation for this.? Are they "managing for a stable herd" statewide, or just specific WMAs? Are they using pre HR/AR numbers to base allocations statewide, or just specific WMA's? Spoon---I'll answer this question on here but so as not to hijack the thread lets continue it through pm's or another thread if you want more info. Yes, I had several exchanges of e-mails on this and several other topics with my BOC member. When I pointed out the fallacy of his first answers he attempted to change the conversation. When I backed up my second round with facts from the PGC website itself he decided we had talked enough and I suggested he should wait until my generation had died off and perhaps they could convince younger folks who didn't know better and didn't bother to research their claims. They claim to be managing all but a couple WMU's for a stable herd. They are not using PRE AR/HR numbers but claim to calculate the current numbers for each WMU each year and those numbers are posted on their website. The PGC has STATED they could not support Alts 1,600,000 number but stated they could confirm 1,500,000 deer prior to 2001. You have to do a bit of digging and some math to confirm their estimation of deer in the SRA's but all the others are there and you merely add them up. Do the math and you see they claim we have the same number or more today as we did before AR/HR. Some folks, including myself, have killed some nice bucks this year but we always have killed some nice bucks each and every year. Don't forget that according to the PGC record books the year we entered the most bucks EVER is STILL the year before AR/HR which is also the year we killed the MOST total bucks. As an aside, I found my first pair of dropped horns Tuesday and saw a different buck last night that had also dropped his. Hope they don't get shot as doe. Next years potential shooters.
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Re:Buck season
2012/11/29 15:53:32
The strength of a person isn't measured by the muscle in their arm or how tall they stand, but rather, by the amount of knowledge and area of versatility they can cover. CM ~ 1987 Not a fan of Burgh teams. Get over it...