Buck season

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2012/11/23 17:34:58 (permalink)

Buck season

Kinda quiet on the weekend before opening day. Maybe get the ball rolling. No,salt and pepper does not qualify as buck season! Headin to Bedford with the flintlock in tow. Shooting a lot this week, I always need the practice, and the deer are on notice......WF

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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/24 08:13:30 (permalink)
    I'm not pumped like years back,getting older I guess Ha Ha. I'm really not seeing a lot of big mature shooters in the areas I hunt.The one nice 17inch plus 8 Pt with long tines behind my house is now all broken up. The last couple of nights my son and I spotted (for the first and second time for me) lots of does and fawns a quite a few scrubs from subs to small basket 8's and really only a few big bucks here and there, so the moral of this year hunt for me is the kill the first legal buck with both antlers,Im not proud the older I get the less trophy hunting( my son into it more than me)all I try to do is kill the best buck I've seen I my my hunting spot if its a 8pt with a 15 inch spread it ok with me. Good luck guys and be safe.
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/24 15:26:58 (permalink)
    Saw 2 nice shooters while I was out getting my turkey Thanksgiving afternoon. Both were around the 120 lb range glad the state went to 3 up regs now I can just focus on bagging a 3 up and be done.
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/24 18:19:50 (permalink)
    I'm with tuna,I'm not to geeked up..I do know of a few big boy's but are hard to get at...
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/24 19:16:36 (permalink)
    This is sad. Thanks PaGC. Maybe you are getting what you wanted all along?? We all used to get so excited and now it has come to this. Stick antler restrictions where the sun dont shine. We cant be happy with any buck, now it has to be a big one to get excited. You have taken a simple pleasure and prostituted it....WF
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/24 21:28:25 (permalink)
    Well, I am getting excited. After wrapping up a very good archery season, I am excited to do more hunting. I seen many nice bucks and doe's with a bow in my hand. Now I hope to see them with my rifle.
    I know this will turn in to a war over AR, but there is much more at play. I remember watching the real early "real tree monster bucks" VHS tapes when i was younger, I had every hunt memorized I watched it so much. That was the only media I had for hunting, no hunting channels, no internet forums, chatroom, pages... I dreamed of seeing the 130-140 class bucks they were shooting at that time for the camera. Then to go in the woods and see some doe and maybe a 4 point it was a little discouraging, but if someone shot an 8 point buck (reguardless of point size, or mass, spread...) it was a big deal back in those days, and people would circle round to get a look at it. 
    Nowyou have two hunting tv channels, internet forums, cell phone photos... You are constantly being hit with deer 150-220 class deer photos and videos, unrealistic deer for masses in PA. So it makes sense to me that alot of people do not get excited to go out and hunt when all they see are deer that are out of this world mid western B&C deer on tv, interent, phones. That I feel spoils alot of hunters, and hurts the younger generation with the instant gratifacation era. Deer hunting isnt automatic, some times it is fast and furrious, but most of the time it isnt. That sitting, glassing, slow walking has little appeal to the majority anymore, many would like to check scores, play games, text after a short time in the stand. It is a different age we live in. You cant put that on the PaGC
     It took me 7 years from when i started hunting to see my first 8 point. Now I have several oppertunities every year to shoot a buck of at least 8 points.
     I remember being in 8th grade spending over 100 hours in the tree with my little compound bow that i saved up all summer to buy, and seeing 6 deer in my stand that SEASON. But i got my half rack fork horn that year with my bow.
    An average day for me hunting now is better than my 8th grade archery season. I kept playing the game even when I kept losing, now I see those days as a great foundation for my view of hunting. With the quality and quanity of deer I see now, for myself I know this is the golden age of deer hunting.
    I know AR have been a huge help with the quality of deer I have seen and got on trail cameras, So yes Thank You PaGC. This is why I am excited for this monday
    post edited by anzomcik - 2012/11/25 07:09:00
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/25 00:05:25 (permalink)
       Dont have to deal with Ar but regardless of that-- WELL SAID about Deer Hunting and 'the process' - it is in fact who and what we are.
     In my day there were no videos but we read Outdoor Life, Field and Stream, Sports Afield and Fur Fish & Game- they had the same affect.
    post edited by retired guy - 2012/11/25 00:08:44
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/25 06:02:36 (permalink)
    " No salt and pepper does not qualify as busk season" LOL I'm ready to finish filling the freezer with a couple doe's. Already bagged a old 8 point. There is no shortage of deer in my neck of the woods. could have shot a few different doe with the bow,But then hunting would be over. Traded my win 270 for a T/C omega z5. and will be using that. So should be fun. First inline for me and that thing is awesome. sighted in @ 150 yards @ 100 2 inches high 50yards is like 1.37. Thats what the ballistic chart says and is almost dead on.  Using 50cal powerbelt Platinum 270 grain aerotip with 2 pellets=100 grains. will see what happens Of coarse I will have a couple other guns in the truck for the drives!   Good luck ans be safe   Dave

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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/25 08:52:33 (permalink)
    great post anzomcik,
     that tells the story of Pa deer hunting for many of us....
    and also why hunters are not as active in the sport as years past...
    the goals have become based on TV and photos and are not realistic for the Pa woodlands and forests...
    times they are surely a'changin....
    one thing I noticed selling licenses this year..
    it appears around here guys are excited..
    I can not count how many guys said this was the first year IN MANY that they were actually excited and buying a liense after not hunting or buying one in many years...
    non-resident states I sold this year... New York, Connecticut, Florida, Colorado, Virginia, West Virgina, one military from Te Ohio, and Maryland .. Sunday = New Jersey,  3 from Vermont
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2012/11/25 16:28:14
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/25 09:28:29 (permalink)
    You have to remember that AR was simply done to take our mind off Herd Reduction and make it harder to shoot a buck so we would get discouraged and shoot a doe instead.
    I too was a bit excited this year for a change as in my hunting area we were seeing a few more deer along with some good bucks. It paid off as myself, my son and my grandson all harvested some of our best bucks with the bow.
    The PGC has taken steps to assure it doesn't happen again as they issued doe tags based on our having the same amount of deer today as we did BEFORE the start of herd reduction.
    No one is ever going to complain about shooting a good buck rather than a small one but the size of the buck to shoot or let walk should be a hunters choice rather than dictated by an organization run by folks who only want to reduce the overall deer numbers.
    Having said that, hope springs eternal and there are some good bucks left North of I-80 along with what appears to be ideal weather to go after them. Enjoy it while you can and good luck.
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/25 10:04:04 (permalink)
    As stated in past posts, I was an advocate of both HR and AR. However, I now see a greater, far reaching subplot to these programs. Not a conspericy kind of a thing, just a by-product of the current status of hunting. AR will never be changed but the lower deer population seems to be the status quo. Both these programs seem to have a negitive effect on the hunting population and this is how it will be. The BS fed to us state 65% of the hunters favor AR. I am in agreement. So this program will continue BECAUSE of this. However, a majority of the hunters think HR has gone TOO FAR. But we, as hunters, dont know the real score and are wrong. Cherry pickin as I see it.  The more disenfranchised we become, the lower the hunting population will be. BS like it is a growing trend. Dont pee down my back . Been through the good and the bad in almost 50 years of hunting and these trends do not feel good....WF
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/25 15:24:38 (permalink)
    WF, every deer hunting post in the last several years has always went south with the politics of AR and HR. How about in stead of arguing shed a little optimism. Beside if deer hunting has become nothing but a political stage full of drama the room  will soon empty and hunting will no longer be.
    How about a story of experiences from past deer seasons that could possible spark a little enthusiasm in the crowd.
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/25 17:24:47 (permalink)
    Well I pretty much agree with what WF is saying.  Few others things have made the rifle season less and less exciting for me over the years, but more personal in nature.  Thaty said, I am looking forward to tomorrow in experiencing a new opening day stand.  I have never hunted this area in gun season let alone a first day.  Can't shoot a buck but might learn something.
    At least the weather is cooperating for once.  I guess 1 in about 5 years it's cold with a hint of snow for us northerners.
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/25 18:38:39 (permalink)
    Good luck tomorrow, fellas.
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/25 20:24:15 (permalink)
    Ct season has been open for a couple of weeks now- took a Skipper 10 minutes into the woods around 11 Am first day- by choice-Eating Deer.
     Never saw another tail in the past two weeks hunting a few hours every other day or so-a second year of ZERO mast crop on the ridge I hunt.
      Last night just before ending time a nice 6 point with a very large body went down. It woulda been  a nice 8 but had no base tines.
      Ya never know whats gonna happen out there---
    Good luck and/or good memories to all you PA hunters---
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/26 11:54:46 (permalink)
    Saw a buck this morning..it was a clearly buck..but what wasn't clear, was if he had 3 up top or just 2 up top and a brow..unless you hunt open fields or the buck stands broadside and poses for you, its pretty darn tough to count. 
    Thanks PGC  
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/26 13:25:17 (permalink)
    I dont know how the heck you guys do it. Deer in the brush or trotting in the woods -standing broadside in the shadows- are those points on one side or two?? is there a long base ?? as in my case -no base ??
     Mine could easily have been passed in PA even though it was 17 across- were the bottom two long bases ??
      Think somebody saw far too many nice big Buck pictures of Deer standing there looking at the photographer.
       Biggest bodied oldest Buck I ever took was over 21 across and had his points all nubbed and worn or broken- they ware only a coupla inches each. He was OLD.   UP woulda been questionable. In fact I passed till seeing the thick horned spread. Didint think he was the one  I had scouted the area for---he was.
        Good luck out there -its still a great sport.
    post edited by retired guy - 2012/11/26 14:35:04
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/26 15:35:26 (permalink)
    retired guy

    I dont know how the heck you guys do it. Deer in the brush or trotting in the woods -standing broadside in the shadows- are those points on one side or two?? is there a long base ?? as in my case -no base ??

    I had a signed afidavit from the buck's attorney that at least one of the brow tines was an inch and not 15/16ths.  But I still said a Hail Mary and an Our Father jus tin case before drilling him.
    An inch is tough to tell at 90 yards throught he woods.  Especially with my eye sight.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/26 17:26:09 (permalink)
    I would consider today a success.  Just about the most perfect opening day weather could ask for in my neck of the woods.  Saw 7 deer total, of which 2 were bucks, 1 unidentified.  One was a 7pt in the old count, but no way was the last tine over a half inch, other just a scrub.  No deer seen until ~10:30 and most of the action was within 15 minutes there after.  First time sitting in this stand in gun season.  Was on public land so didn't bother me to see a few other hunters.  Tried hard to get a shot on does but nothing I was willing to take.  Only sat until 1:00 and on the walk out saw very few tracks in what was left of the snow.  So I was pretty happy with my stand choice.
    But the best part was a voicemail from my dad's friend who was sitting in my go-to archery stand.  Shot a nice, but broken up, 8 pt.  First PA buck for him in a long time.  I don't know who was more excited him or me.  He's 68 and one of the nicest folks you will ever meet.  Couldn't happen to a better guy.
    post edited by Claypool313 - 2012/11/26 18:12:45
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/26 17:26:45 (permalink)
    DarDys: That's why the hardware store carries rat-tailed files.
    post edited by S-10 - 2012/11/26 17:28:30
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/26 17:58:49 (permalink)
    How is a rattailed file going to help his eyesight ????
    Sukky day here, 10 amishman and only one tail for the whole day..
    Very few hunters out here other than the goats.....

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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/26 18:29:30 (permalink)
     It was a very good day, little snow, very little wind. I spent half the day hunting with my wife. We seen deer, we laughed and had fun counting shots and squirrels. Cant ask for much more.
    24 deer total, 4 bucks, 2 were legal. It was our choice not to shoot.
    post edited by anzomcik - 2012/11/26 18:30:53
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/26 19:38:43 (permalink)
    Bings, it won't help his eyesight but will make up for the mistakes as a result his eyesight. That 15/16" will become 1 "with a few strokes
    Put about 100 miles on the truck today driving all the open gamelands roads in the area and the other back roads. Saw 4 dead bucks and two does, and listened to a lot of complaining. The best buck was shot within 400 yds of the house. Saw a dead half rack and two spikes on the gamelands and heard of a good 9 pt.  Saw a total of 4 live doe, all on posted property. Had good snow for most of the day. Did talk to one really happy junior with a spike. Have a small 6 in the yard as I type.
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/26 19:51:40 (permalink)
    The rat tail file is to file above the brow tine to add an extra smidgen on the measuring.
    At about 8 this morning a nice eight point came across at about 100 yds. Sent a good shot with the 30-06 and it ran 30 yds and went down in some thick stuff. Thirty seconds later the smaller buck came out of the same thicket. Almost sent another shot thinking it was the same buck(I didn't get a great look at either). I realized it wasn't the same deer as it didn't appear to be hit. It walked right down past me and 10 minutes later I heard my father shoot. I climbed down from the stand five minutes after that and went to retrieve my deer. I was about ten yards away when it hoped up and tried to run. I could tell it was on it's last leg because it was really wobbly. I would have just let him run himself out of steam, but I was on the edge of the property. So one more close range shot on the run got it done. I've never seen a deer with a fatal rifle shot bed down like that. His body cavity was absolutely filled with blood. After examining the bed, I think he intentionally laid with the exit hole in the mud to slow the bleeding. Anyhow here's a pic. And good luck to the rest of you fellas. 

    As far as not seeing deer, sounds like you guys might need to scout some new turf. We saw another 4 shooters before we even got our deer out of the woods and two nice roadkills on the way home.
    post edited by dakota kid - 2012/11/26 20:00:21
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/26 20:57:07 (permalink)
    I'll have to post up pics later. Got a decent 18" 8 pt this afternoon. Am started off with seeing more hunters than deer, 3 to 1. Picked up just before lunch though. The buck I got was no. 15 for the day and second buck. First buck I saw was on a does tail and he may have been legal but not a shooter for me. Just saw him 50 yds out walking away into a thicket.
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/26 22:01:05 (permalink)
    Congrats Daktoa Kid to you and your Dad.....nice bucks guys.  got my buck in bow season just waiting for Saturday to try for a doe. Missed being out there today tho.

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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/26 22:15:54 (permalink)
    Beautiful warm fall day in Southwest PA. Heard a few deer on the other side of the hollow in the early am. Very few shots, very few hunters, public ground. My 12 year son shot his first deer, a very respectable 10 point at Noon. One well placed shot from the 243 stopped him at 80 yards. It was a great day.
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/26 23:31:42 (permalink)
    nice! Got a pic?
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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/27 03:58:47 (permalink)
    Nice PT,  I Shot 2 or 3 year old doe. seen a bunch all deer even after I shot my deer. Sat from the rest of day counting over 20  Deer walking,running threw the woods and fields was quite fun really.  (took gun to truck and had no weapon on my doing so ) only saw I buck that was a srcub 5 point. Did hear shooting pretty much most of the day.  Back at it again in a little bit. gotta be in early at the place I'm hunt today. Good luck and be safe.  Dave

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    Re:Buck season 2012/11/27 04:33:18 (permalink)
    A great first day,beautiful weather,great lunch,bucks everywhere I saw so many I forget the numbers maybe 7or 8 a nice big racks and 25-30 does..I passed by choice looking for a 150 class up.I know there out there PGC said so.On a more realistic note,I passed a local deer cutters place at 3:00 PM and stopped for minute 30 plus doe,doe fawns and buttons,and 2 big mature 8' and a 10 pt. I saw a 6pt at 7:25,3 does at 8:05,27 turkeys at 11:45 and 1 does at 3:45.Total deer 5 in 9 hours.Since the AR been put in I could have killed  a buck every year just not 8pts, before the AR thats all I shot,I got a 2 bushel basket full,now there hard to find,there either sub legal or really nice,where did all the 12-15 inch 8pts go? Back then way more deer less food,now way less deer more food and a lot more scubs. Oh well I'm up and ready for day two.Good luck to all and be safe.
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