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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/25 19:03:00
Bill H the Manbaby.Whaaaaaaaaaa! Cry me a freaking river!
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/25 20:43:18
believe it or not i did have one guy stop as he was walking past us and he happened to laugh and ask "ha, how long did it take you guys to get down here?" it's amazing what some people have the guts to say lol Surprised you didn't reply "about as long as it's going to take you to swim back to your car when we toss you in." I probably would have been tempted to in your position.
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/25 20:52:28
The stuff about limits, keepers vs cpr, etc., isn't entirely irrelevant to this thread. It's going to come up in any discussion with pics like that because a lot of people feel strongly about the issue one way or another. I don't think limits are the answer to anything. At the end of the day it's going to come down to the anglers. Anglers who release fish are going to release them no matter what the limit is. I very rarely kept a trout in PA when the limit was much higher. I very rarely keep one now that it's lower. And some people are going to keep fish no matter what the limit is. If they really want to, they'll keep as many as they want without regard to the limit. I've seen it plenty of times. In my opinion, if you are for CPR out of principle, then that's a discussion you should be having with other anglers. It's certainly tough, especially when you're dealing with stocked fish that are paid for with license money. I think anglers should self-regulate, taking into account the most recent knowledge and advice, population numbers, experience, etc. Developing a culture like that takes a lot more than passing a law on a limit in Harrisburg though.
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/25 21:21:36
Love'em and Leave'em. I support catch and release. Steelhead's not even good eatin'
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/25 23:05:10
Everyone going hunting tomorrow should be using traquilizer darts. That way everyone can shoot a nice buck. Just think about how great hunting could be if we everyone used darts. It would be just like shooting fish in a barrel. Maybe the game commision could use all the money they get from licenses and tags to stock more buck. Great big 50 pointers. Everyone can shoot the the same buck 27 times
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/25 23:18:02
dtjim Everyone going hunting tomorrow should be using traquilizer darts. That way everyone can shoot a nice buck. Just think about how great hunting could be if we everyone used darts. It would be just like shooting fish in a barrel. Maybe the game commision could use all the money they get from licenses and tags to stock more buck. Great big 50 pointers. Everyone can shoot the the same buck 27 times No darts! Photo guns only!
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/25 23:47:53
thats even better when they stock the deer they can put the reciever for the photogun around the neck and you could get a text message if you hit it. I love it how can we incorporate that into fishing. Maybe when the fish takes the fly we could get a text message to set the hook and then immediatley break off the line so we dont damage the precious fish
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/26 03:56:05
I'm the devil...I keep'em AND eat'em....luv'em, freezer has several of'em. Bake'em with lemon and onion on the bottem of the pan and on top of the feesh = deeleesh. can always smoke'em too, which I also dooo. Smoked make good Christmas gifts you stiffs.
post edited by gymi03 - 2012/11/26 04:00:26
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/26 09:43:04
I'm the devil...I keep'em AND eat'em....luv'em, freezer has several of'em. Bake'em with lemon and onion on the bottem of the pan and on top of the feesh = deeleesh.
can always smoke'em too, which I also dooo.
Smoked make good Christmas gifts you stiffs.
You betcha! On the grill with some garlic & seasalt and a tab of butter with some minced onion... Yep. Don't you love how people try to make you feel bad for doing the natural and legal thing? They were put here for us to catch and eat. If some folks want to release them, that's aweome. That means there will be more there for me to catch and take home! So all of you CPR guys, keep up the good work!
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/26 11:07:09
wow, thats a nice fish boonieman33 ! when that guy looked and seen that there were 7 of us in one group he didnt have anything else to say lol the ones we brought home got smoked and some were grilled, yum yum
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/26 12:36:56
slabdaddy gymi03 I'm the devil...I keep'em AND eat'em....luv'em, freezer has several of'em. Bake'em with lemon and onion on the bottem of the pan and on top of the feesh = deeleesh. can always smoke'em too, which I also dooo. Smoked make good Christmas gifts you stiffs. You betcha! On the grill with some garlic & seasalt and a tab of butter with some minced onion... Yep. Don't you love how people try to make you feel bad for doing the natural and legal thing? They were put here for us to catch and eat. If some folks want to release them, that's aweome. That means there will be more there for me to catch and take home! So all of you CPR guys, keep up the good work! Man I release more than I keep. Have to, I'm just that darn good Seriously though, I'm a single guy, I can only eat so many. So rarely will I haul home 3. Unless my freezer is running low, then I'll try and fill it back up over a few weeks. Keepin what I catch. I'm like you I guess, I love eatin them and I do give smoked Steel as Christmas gifts to friends as well. Heck, even my ex-fiance calls about every 2 weeks practically beggin for smoked Steel. I dont feel bad about any of this, at all. IMHO, thats why they are there. Thats why so many are stocked. Steelhead feeshin is the only reason I even buy a license anymore. Why not fill the freezer with a mess of Perch some may say? I dont eat Perch, Hate'em. Lake Erie roaches as far as I'm concerned... CPR guys can do their thing, but dont slam me for doing mine. I just have trouble treating a non-native, farm raised, stocked fish as a pristine China Doll.
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/26 15:55:36
I know exactly what you mean. I know that carp are fun to catch, but I don't fish for them because I don't eat them. I stopped fishing for bass for the same reason. I fish for the species that I enjoy eating. Steelhead isn't as good as walleye, but it has its place at the table. I have no idea why you don't like perch. That baffles me. I hope you are kidding. Perch are delicious. There maybe fewer steelhead than there used to be, but there is still enough for everyone. If you have to walk a little bit, or fish a little harder, then that will just make you a better fisherman and make you appreciate your catch a little more. The problem isn't that the fish aren't there. In fact, I don't really see a problem at all. If there were thousands of fish in any given stream at any given time in the fall, then there wouldn't be much of a challenge. You might as well go to Pymie and fish for carp at the spillway.
dakota kid
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/26 20:35:59
Have you ever made thai style fish cakes? It's not bad at all. Look up the recipe. Don't be afraid to play around with the recipe a little to suit your tastes. You can thank me later.
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/26 21:08:40
Thats odd you would bring up fish cakes. I've been thinkin the next time I unthaw some Steel fillets I was gonna make fish cakes outta them. Just like I would a Salmon patty. I think I'll take your advice and try those Thai cakes.
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/26 21:46:42
I do eat steelhead about 3-4 times a year (and they DEFINITELY can taste good if u bleed them right away and cook them fresh, its not that hard) but for yinz who are talking about filling your freezer are u aware of the fish consumption advisories? Id be hesitant to eat them alot if i were yinz....
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/26 22:46:35
I understand the dangers, but I also dip snuff and drink whiskey.....I aint too worried that its going to be the fish that finally get me.
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/27 07:56:12
gymi03 I understand the dangers, but I also dip snuff and drink whiskey LOL!!!...i was thinking the same way after GORGING myself on a HUGE plate of deep fried perch or walleye (and i could do that 3 times a WEEK) I'd give some thought to the potential risks while puffing on a Lucky Strike .... Genieman<<<<< not quite a health conscious kind of guy ..l.T.A.
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/27 10:01:13
Only limit I see necessary is the limit of posts Will h should be allowed to post in a day.....Way up there on the ignorance meter bud...get edumacated! Nice fish/fun by the way boys!
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/27 12:03:18
Anyone who says steelhead are not good eating are most likely lazy/terrible cooks...done up right they taste pretty darn good...
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/27 12:36:08
Countryboy, for you guys making sacrifices to get your handicapped buddy out there to enjoy the experience too is admirable. For all we knew he's a handicapped war vet who risked his life serving our nation. In that case let him creel 100 and 10 for every man that helped him get to the hole. Now this is merely speculation just pointing out that judgement could be passed prematurely. You're a great American country boy and I'd gladly lend a hand if I see u on the tribs. This comes from someone who supports lowering the limit btw
A bad day fishing is better than a good of anything. I don't always exercise my shoulders...but when I do I fish for steelhead....
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/27 19:50:27
will h seriously? 1st pic is a dude in a wheelchair on the creek and all his boys and all you can say is lower the limit? You have any idea what kind of effort it mustve taken for his brothers to get him there, and how awesome that is?
Countryboy good stuff man, great pics.
+1...this and nothing else. Great to finally see a decent picture thread with a group of friends enjoying A small example of the Lord 's wondrous works.
"Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God."~by Tony Blake~ "Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains." ~by Henry David Thoreau~
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/27 20:16:08
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/27 20:29:40
thanks for all the posts guys! It's really not a sacrifice to take our friend out with us. we always go everywhere together and enjoy the great times that we have no matter if we catch one fish or twenty. If any of the guys were in his place i know he would do the same for us. It's really nice to talk to all of you guys, hopefully one day some of us may get the chance to meet and enjoy the great things lake Erie and it's tribs have to offer.
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/27 20:52:30
Good job guys! Try to ignore trolls like william h. He and others, who can't enjoy the sport and catch fish themselves, have tried for years to ruin this site, and none have succeeded. There should be an open season on trolls! haha
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/28 09:09:33
Big Tuna
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/28 12:40:49
Keep them all,glad go guys had fun.Maybe they should stock more fish like years ago and raise the limit? I get a kick out of this stuff about killing a TROUT! Some of the locals do the most killing then b-tch about a guy coming a 100 plus mile and killing one of there fish.That's why I don't need or fish steelis anymore,been there done that years ago.
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/28 13:15:46
Why is it always about locals vs. out of towners? I used to be an out of towner and now that I am local I usually go out of my way to help first timers or those visiting the area because I appreciate that they choose to spend time and money in Erie. I would also say that I kill less steelhead now that I am local simply because I wait until I actually run out of smoked fish before I kill another one. When I was an out of towner I would keep a couple at a time because I knew it may be a while before I could get back to Erie. As a final point, whether your local or visiting, please keep only what you eat and clean up after yourself. I volunteered for a local cleanup of Walnut and the spot I cleaned in September is already filled with trash again. It is seriously amazing how much garbage people put into or near the streams and why are there so many tires in Walnut?
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/28 13:41:42
track2514 why are there so many tires in Walnut? because many "locals" are idiots. I moved here ( Lake City) 5 years ago. I've come to find that Many, Many locals have no idea what a great steelhead fishery they have in their back yard. They view the streams as dumping grounds and the muppers as pain in the ****'$ that offer no value to their economy. Their clueless.
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/28 13:46:36