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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/21 12:46:02
Thanks td, we all had a good time. and william h, what would you suggest lowering the limit to? between 2 full days out of 7 of us we kept 2 fish each.
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/21 12:53:26
Yeah, I was there yesterday. They're not all gone yet. No worries. Good job and nice pics.
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/21 12:56:18
Awesome Pics! looks like your crew had a great time. Nothing wrong with keeping a few Countryboy ENJOY!
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/21 13:23:48
Nice to see good people help a disabled fishing brother bust some Steelhead. Keep em all ! Winter ice flows kill tons of creek fish every year! Besides the creeks are so low maybe some crying will raise them up.
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/21 13:34:14
Awesome pix man looks like you guys had a real good time.  Probably decent amount of fish in Manchester if the group I saw by the wall a few weeks ago is up there. Who cares keep them all a limit a day is fine smash em over the head and put em on the rope, they make more of them every year. Keep whatever you want.
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/21 13:46:19
"Socialism...confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. " Frederic Bastiat
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/21 13:55:58
Agreed, it's good of you guys to get a disabled fisherman out there to enjoy the great steelhead fishing Erie has to offer. And also, keep as many fish as you like within the limits of the law. I'm personally a Catch, Photo, and Release guy, but I don't judge people who keep fish. There are plenty stocked every year, and actually, contrary to what some moron may tell you, most of the Erie steelhead population do not come from spawning, but they are mostly stocked. The walleye and seagulls eating stocked smolts will have more of an impact on the steelhead population, than the fish that are kept.
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/21 14:32:31
Lake limits were 8 Trout or Salmon mix per day no Lake Trout. Later they went to 5 per day in the lake. The creeks were always 3 per day. The biggest problem was the cleaning of fish along the waterways. There were no dumpsters or garbage areas and the smell and sight was super bad. I argee with catch and release but that will not guarantee more fish the following year. It's all in the stocking progam.
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/21 15:08:25
I usually keep one each outing.Actually thats a may be. The rest I release. I'm a single guy I can only eat so many. But I dont think lowering the limit is a good idea. Many of the muppers would stop coming I think if they lowered the limit to one.
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/21 15:32:26
It's his fault.
Get Informed, Get Involved, And Make A Difference. Step Up, or Step Aside The next time you say "Somebody should do something", remember that YOU are somebody. GL
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/21 18:00:49
Still seems to be no shortage of fisherman because of no fish...WF
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/21 18:37:49
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/21 18:55:49
thanks all for the comments on the pictures! it was a great weekend and we had a very good time. we take our buddy with us everywhere we go. out on the lake or the creek and even in the woods, if we're going he goes with us. thanks again for the replies all, good luck and good fishing !
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/21 19:24:02
You guys are to be commended for including your buddy in all that you do. I agree with Captain Hook, it's all in the stocking program. Erie steelheading is put and take.
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/21 20:58:16
Killem all, let God sortem out....Oh, that was another thread....WF.
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/21 21:33:48
will h seriously? 1st pic is a dude in a wheelchair on the creek and all his boys and all you can say is lower the limit? You have any idea what kind of effort it mustve taken for his brothers to get him there, and how awesome that is? Countryboy good stuff man, great pics.
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/21 21:55:08
caution.....thread hi-jack in progress (sorry Countryboy ) Looks like youinz had a great time..and thanks for sharing william h The main benefits for fisherman would be in fish size as well as shear numbers. Bill h what evidence/studies/data do you have to support that, Bill? You can't go by steel runs in other parts of the country ..and certainly not of the ocean run steel the Pa fish get beat to death daily . Not just by the enormous pressure from anglers, but they beat the 'ell out of themselves trying to spawn on sharp shale slivers of gravel . The life of a PA steelie is a lot tougher and more hazardous compared to bigger water with 1/3 of the pressure . The "smart folks" that make the industry their lives, tell me 80+% that do make it back to the lake, die in the lake that summer . It's a rare fish that lives to be a repeat spawner ..l.T.A.
post edited by genieman77 - 2012/11/21 21:57:31
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/21 22:00:38
Nice fish, they would look better alive. Don't understand the PA logic on having a limit of 7 trout that weigh in at 7 pounds, but we can keep 30+ pounds of steelhead in a day. Love seeing people come back with new stringers also. Oh, someone lost a steelhead on elk. Its face was ripped in half and fell of your stringer when you were dragging it through the water. Awesome
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/22 09:23:09
Nice fish, they would look better alive. You're the "Five Facts" guy right? Nuff said.
"Socialism...confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. " Frederic Bastiat
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/22 10:09:13
wow, this thread really went in a different direction. it's all good though, i love some of the posts on here despite a few that are just plain ridiculous !
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/22 10:17:28
Countryboy, Everybody should be so lucky to have such good friends to make and share times like these with. Thats what it's all about. Thanks for your original post, it is one of the good ones.
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/22 10:24:08
This is a prime example why Erie is so G-H-E-Y. Guys post pics from a trip they are proud of. To boot, they get to take a friend that obviously cant get up there himself. What happens???? Bashin', biotchin' and brayin' about killing fish. C'Mon Man! Now is 3 a day too many? Maybe. But as it has been stated, the state will stock more. They do every year! Congrats to "Yinz" and kudos for not leaving yer boy behind. Screw tha rest of you for not seeing what fishing is about....Friendship, fun and if you so choose food. Just my 2 cents, just sayin.... Happy T-Day!
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/22 11:30:39
Thats what I'M TALKIN ABOUT!!!.....WF
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/22 11:36:32
Ignore the Trolls and they go away.
You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/22 12:14:32
Good to see a buddy get undisabled with his friends. A guy I know is or has come out with a hunting garment for people who are in wheelchairs , his standard outfits are great for sitting long stretches in the rain,cold,football stadiums on harsh days, ect .
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/22 14:57:21
again thanks for the replies guys! believe it or not i did have one guy stop as he was walking past us and he happened to laugh and ask "ha, how long did it take you guys to get down here?" it's amazing what some people have the guts to say lol anyone else have some pictures they would like to share?
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/25 16:58:55
Elk Creek 11/24
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/25 18:01:09
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Re:some pictures from this past weekend
2012/11/25 18:52:58
thank you.. wish it would have fought some more