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2012/11/19 11:26:36 (permalink)

Fish returning to lake?

It was always my understanding that a good rain promoted high water levels and a good run would ensue...that is evident...but I Thot that the fish remained in the stream until there journey back to the lake in the spring. With how low the water levels currently are there has been alot of chatter about the steelhead going back into the lake..I would think that they would need another surge of high water to wash back out as the shoots are pretty dry and wouldn't promote a run one way or the other. I am expecting points supporting both theories and mixed reviews. A general consensus is what I am seeking.

A bad day fishing is better than a good of anything.

I don't always exercise my shoulders...but when I do I fish for steelhead....
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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/19 12:13:24 (permalink)
Got ya. Just signed up thanks

A bad day fishing is better than a good of anything.

I don't always exercise my shoulders...but when I do I fish for steelhead....
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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/19 12:32:45 (permalink)
Why is this the wrong forum?  This is a valid question for this site. 
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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/19 12:34:18 (permalink)
Steeler Fan

Why is this the wrong forum?  This is a valid question for this site. 


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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/19 12:37:42 (permalink)
I Thot so as well

A bad day fishing is better than a good of anything.

I don't always exercise my shoulders...but when I do I fish for steelhead....
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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/19 15:37:55 (permalink) ☄ Helpful

It was always my understanding that a good rain promoted high water levels and a good run would ensue...that is evident...but I Thot that the fish remained in the stream until there journey back to the lake in the spring. With how low the water levels currently are there has been alot of chatter about the steelhead going back into the lake..I would think that they would need another surge of high water to wash back out as the shoots are pretty dry and wouldn't promote a run one way or the other. I am expecting points supporting both theories and mixed reviews. A general consensus is what I am seeking.

Welcome Chris,
All I can say is this: "Something is not right."   I just got back in from walking upper Walnut and even with the 7 inches of rain we had I only marked about 4 fish in as many miles. In any event we do need rain.
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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/19 17:11:21 (permalink)
no one ever listens to me[:)
i told ya'll a month ago you wouldn't see anymore fish  than you were seeing then.
(at least in the creeks I know best...donno nuttin about the east Side))
By late Oct, it's "as good as it gets" .
I told you the reason too.
while 2000 fish might come in,  2000 and 1  get pulled out or kilt  while  played  and pics
So if it ain't "worth it" to fish in mid Oct, don't bother to c'mup
cause i hate seeing all those despondent  faces when I'm fishing ....
to answer the nu duud's question, I've never seen fish swim backwards at this time of year.
maybe they do at the mouths and  come in and out???...donno
but the ones that push upstream  don't ....not that I've ever seen in the daytime anyway
'cides that, the creeks get low so quick, they couldn't retreat if they wanted to
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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/19 19:36:25 (permalink)
That was the way I always understood it too. This is a topic that is always being debated by my brother after his failed days on the stream. Lol this post is just backing my position in the argument.

A bad day fishing is better than a good of anything.

I don't always exercise my shoulders...but when I do I fish for steelhead....
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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/19 19:40:59 (permalink)
It's just been very strange the last few years. I remember going up in 2007 for my first year of steelhead and they were literally on top of each other. Foul hook ups and snagging was an issue. You didn't need polarized lenses to see them they were seen on the surface of holes as there were so many. Haven't seen that many fish in any year since then. Wondering wat to blame for the decline

A bad day fishing is better than a good of anything.

I don't always exercise my shoulders...but when I do I fish for steelhead....
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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/19 23:57:53 (permalink)
I'm convinced that on some of the smaller streams I fish that steelhead do go back out to the lake on low water, especially in deeper pools within a few hundred yards of the lake.  I've seen it on overnight trips a few times - a good number of fish in a hole, some facing downstream and swimming around like mad in low, clear water, and the next day they're gone.  Of course they COULD have gone upstream and out of sight, and they COULD have exited the cricks on a stringer, but I'm putting my money on a quick return to the lake.  I've seen steelhead swim upstream through 3 inches of water before like it's nothing, so I'd imagine they'd do that to get back to the lake if'n that's what they wanted to do. 
I've never really heard anybody say how long it takes for steelhead to "do their thing" once they enter a stream.  I know that some spend months in a stream, but I wonder if some of them come in, drop their eggs or fertilize the eggs, and head back out in a matter of days. 
Here's one thing I've thought about this year.  I fished Oct. 25th, right before Hurricane Sandy, and I fished again last week, Nov. 13th.  I couldn't really see into any of the deeper pools I fished last week, but it seems like post-Sandy, there weren't quite the amount of steelhead one would expect given the late summer/early fall reports from the trollers on the lake.  Water levels during Sandy and for 4 or 5 days or following on the big cricks were really, really high for a prolonged period of time.  It's plausible to me that many fish entered on that high water, but it was so high for so long that they just kept on going to upper reaches of streams or tribs of major tribs.  I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if there are really good numbers of fish in places that 99% of Erie steelhead fishermen don't have access to on the far upper reaches of Elk and Walnut. 
Before the bashing starts, I ain't complaining.  I've still had a pretty good year so far.  Not as good as last year, but pretty similar to the late 2000's into the 2010's.   
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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/20 07:58:20 (permalink) ☄ Helpful
Just got back last night...fished Sunday and Monday AM.  I saw alot more fish than I did a week ago even with the need for rain.  There are more fresh fish running in and reaching the upper parts.  Wether they ran back to the lake or setteled in deep holes or tucked up under the bank they are back out and moving. 
A little rain would make it perfect.  But even with out there is good fishing available.
The best part of getting more rain at this point would be the added color to the water.  There is enough water now for them to move in (even though it is dropping).

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/20 09:35:36 (permalink)
Oh there are def fish to be had... I've had a very decent year to date and the one I hooked Saturday was a really nice catch. I'm gonna be back up this weekend fishing relentlessly...just gotta get to the areas holding the most water before the pressure gets high. Deeper holes support my brand of fishing alot better than rocky shootz...a good rain good def promote another run but beggars can't be choosers and I'm thankful for every opportunity to fish...

A bad day fishing is better than a good of anything.

I don't always exercise my shoulders...but when I do I fish for steelhead....
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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/20 11:48:25 (permalink)
How does crap like this get marked as a helpful thread?
Thot?  Really?!
It says clearly on your powerbait can, "Not for human consumption."  Stop eating it and maybe you'll stop spelling it as 'thot'.
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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/20 11:58:20 (permalink)
Some people dumb down the English language WEN operating a smart phone....a little irony there ill admit...guess I didn't realize I was submitting my post to my 7th grade English teacher, I might have proofread before posting. Sorry to offend you COLD. Ill be sure to check my posts for grammatical errors far as the post being marked as helpful. I liked the post and marked it as such. WAT may be helpful to one may not be helpful to another. Again, I'm sorry this has caused U such aggravation.

A bad day fishing is better than a good of anything.

I don't always exercise my shoulders...but when I do I fish for steelhead....
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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/20 12:40:28 (permalink)
the spelling of Thot.....compared to this garbage 
 "its a duM fSh
woo karez what they do N when
jis put me in fRont of em' N 2 hammR an everyones haPPy"
isn't even close  
Funny one gets called out for one misspelled word, when writing like a 3rd grader is considered acceptable. It takes more time to type like an as shole then to type a normal post. What is the point of typing like the above quote.  Looks to me like someone else had more than a few spoonfuls of powerbait.

Got Walleye???
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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/20 13:00:20 (permalink)
Just like the rest of life.  If you don't like it don't read it. 
Pink PB taste the best!

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/20 13:48:30 (permalink)
Really starting to think genieman77 hasn't ever seen the streams.  He repeatedly says that the run is off or has already happened, but I continue to catch fish every time I come up.  Also, a quarter of the people on this site will always tend to lead you in the wrong direction.  I only wish half the guy's I've met while on the stream were as helpful as some of the people on this forum.
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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/20 14:19:34 (permalink)
"He repeatedly says that the run is off or has already happened, but I continue to catch fish every time I come up."
How does the latter, invalidate the former?
"run is off" Stll lots of fish though, so so you catch fish.
"already happened" Means the fish ( most of them ) are already there. So you catch them.
I disagree with him, that there are no major runs after mid-late October. But the fact that you "catch fish every time", does not disprove it.

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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/20 14:37:37 (permalink)
It disproves it because typically people come to this forum to see if it's worth it for them to make any type of drive to try and catch them.  Thank you for feedback though.  It still proves that if you want a real answer, it's best to skip the first few posters and stick with it until you get a reply that counts.  This is a fun game though.....
"How does the latter, invalidate the former? " means that if I or anyone asks for conditions and all you get in return is that "the run is off" - you should probably just take the chance and drive up if the water levels are right.
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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/20 14:38:37 (permalink)
"Some people dumb down the English language WEN operating a smart phone...."
True. In my opinion, it's leading to poor literary habits. Particularlly among younger people, who need to develope, not weaken their communication and writing skills if they wish to be successful. I'm not one to jump on every spelling, or grammatical error. I make more than a few myself at times. It's just a troubling trend, that I see across the social media spectrum.
Guru speak? Well, it's like a Henny Youngman joke. It's old and tired ( very tired ), but it's never going to die.

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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/20 14:46:45 (permalink)

you should probably just take the chance and drive up if the water levels are right.

From now until March there will be fish in the streams. Check the weather and the water levels. If both are favorable, there will be plenty of fish to be caught. Don't wait for some one to say, "Oh my God! They are stacked up like cordwood!" Just go fishing. They are there. Good luck.

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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/20 14:54:29 (permalink)

Particularlly among younger people, who need to develope, not weaken their communication and writing skills if they wish to be successful. I'm not one to jump on every spelling, or grammatical error. I make more than a few myself at times. It's just a troubling trend, that I see across the social media spectrum.

Very true Spoon. Just to pick on you a bit, the first sentence here has four errors. The second has one. The third is ok. The fourth has one. HAHAHA!
I have found that unless something is being submitted for publication or a grade, it should not be analyzed for grammar/spelling by others. It is somewhat rude. This is a fishing forum.
Spoon, you are reliably a voice of reason. I appreciate your posts.

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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/20 14:57:44 (permalink)
Also....How many fisherman can you actually trust     ; )   Half the guys I know wouldn't share any hot tips if there lives depended on it.
I've seen it mentioned a few times, but check the water levels here for Walnut:
I check them pretty often before coming up.  I'd still rather come up and catch nothing while trying  than sit in the office all day!
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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/20 15:08:29 (permalink)
^^ Amen brother! It is nice to catch a few though. I always check out Uncle John's webcam. I don't even look at the guages.

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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/20 16:59:05 (permalink)
slab - you misspelled "gauge"

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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/20 17:22:52 (permalink)
Bird neglected to capitalize "Slab", it is a proper noun.
You also forgot your punctuation.

I don't always snag fish, but when I do...
I choose Little Cleos

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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/20 17:44:26 (permalink)
You are correct. My mistake.  But speaking of punctuation, what is the (...) thing? I never learned that in English class. :)
post edited by bird dog - 2012/11/20 17:49:24
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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/20 18:52:10 (permalink)
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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/20 18:54:49 (permalink)
bird dog

slab - you misspelled "gauge"

LOL! You got me!

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Re:Fish returning to lake? 2012/11/20 18:57:27 (permalink)
bird dog

You are correct. My mistake.  But speaking of punctuation, what is the (...) thing? I never learned that in English class. :)

They are called elipses. They indicate that something is being omitted or a thought is trailing off. I use them liberally and with poetic license...

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