Rain dance time!!! Rain rain rain!!!

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2012/11/19 10:58:39 (permalink)

Rain dance time!!! Rain rain rain!!!

New to this thread but not to the steelhead game. Have a camp on route 5 on steelhead alley and frequent the streams regularly this time of year. Hurricane sandy brought great results for me as I came up the weekend after the storm hit. Plenty of hookups all across elk and if you weren't catching the fault yours. Returned to camp Friday the 16th and fished elk from the sewage plant down to the access all day Saturday. There were fish to be caught but the issue was finding a decent hole that still held water. These holes were elbow to elbow with clear visibility and spooked fish. The streams are very low and caused us to drink more beer Saturday night without much hope for Sunday morning. Many people had luck at the legion hole as it still provided adequate depth. I found the stretch of elk up by the sewage plant to have the best characteristics in these dry conditions but the fish were few and far between. Prob 30 anglers fishing a 300 yard stretch with only myself and a fly fisherman even getting as much as a bite. He hooked a fish and I brought in a very nice chrome steely on a spinner. Headed back down towards the access in hopes of finding more fish but ultimately found many of the popular spots along the bottom of elk(railroad tressel, waterfall by uncle johns) holding very little water. Barely recognized the railroad tressel..we need rain and we need it soon. With all of this bring said I will be returning for this thanksgiving weekend regardless as any day ur holding a rod is a good one...seeing a slight chance of rain tues/weds and a chance if rain/snow Friday and Saturday, holding out hope that the water rises and I get a decent day.

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    Re:Rain dance time!!! Rain rain rain!!! 2012/11/19 11:49:25 (permalink)
    Chris you'll learn fast some people are just on this site to purposely mis-spell words and call people noobs and serve no purpose. I.E. the guy above you
    pick your battles and enjoy!!
    post edited by TheBlueLagoon - 2012/11/19 11:59:41

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    Re:Rain dance time!!! Rain rain rain!!! 2012/11/19 11:58:34 (permalink)
    not helpful like most of your posts

    Got Walleye???
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    Re:Rain dance time!!! Rain rain rain!!! 2012/11/19 12:04:23 (permalink)
    Point taken and understood. Was nieve in thinking we were all working together on here. You prob should have pm me about the topic instead of letting the gen public know that ur goal is to discourage pressure

    A bad day fishing is better than a good of anything.

    I don't always exercise my shoulders...but when I do I fish for steelhead....
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    Re:Rain dance time!!! Rain rain rain!!! 2012/11/19 12:46:32 (permalink)
    As said before, even a cave man can catch fish when the water is up and green.  Take the time to learn how to catch these fish in pressured conditions with clear/low flow.  Then you can drink beer and laugh at posts like these some day.
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    Re:Rain dance time!!! Rain rain rain!!! 2012/11/19 12:50:49 (permalink)
    ^ Yup

              "Nothing Nails Fish Like a Hammer!!"
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    Re:Rain dance time!!! Rain rain rain!!! 2012/11/19 13:05:50 (permalink)
    I think what people are trying to tell you is that this forum is completely useless if your intention is to come here and share useful info with your fellow fishermen.   The people who purposefully misspell words and try to confuse threads are the same pieces of human excrement that make off-color jokes about a 2 year old boy getting mauled to death at the Pittsburgh Zoo.
    But hey, I suppose all is fair as long as these dickheads catch their fish.   
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    Re:Rain dance time!!! Rain rain rain!!! 2012/11/19 13:07:59 (permalink)
    Your point is perfectly understood and I totally agree with you. There is one thing I would like you to understand which may clear up my true intent for you tho. I am a spinner at heart and prefer imitating baitfish as my primary method. For this type of fishing to work best for me I need a little bit of water to work with for the best rest results. Now with that being said, I will resort to any method if my first wave of tackle is not successful. I carry emeralds and fatheads with me into every fishery as a contingency plan and more often than not have to resort to them. I just prefer to be active in my angling endeavors and never completely mastered fly fishing. Spinning is the most fun I have fishing so any viewpoint or post that u see from me on here will have that underlying method in mind.

    A bad day fishing is better than a good of anything.

    I don't always exercise my shoulders...but when I do I fish for steelhead....
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    Re:Rain dance time!!! Rain rain rain!!! 2012/11/19 13:44:52 (permalink)
    topdawg is the mastr.
    bow to him and submitt.

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    Re:Rain dance time!!! Rain rain rain!!! 2012/11/19 15:42:56 (permalink)

    i am only here 4 the chiks

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    Re:Rain dance time!!! Rain rain rain!!! 2012/11/19 16:21:47 (permalink)
    Gets tough to floss fish when the creeks are high...WF
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    Re:Rain dance time!!! Rain rain rain!!! 2012/11/19 18:01:34 (permalink)
    I don't need rain to catch fish ,  just  dumb ones that will bite anytime 
    Chris, even in clear water fish can  "turn on" at anytime
    so fish when you can and take what comes
    and don't neglect the opportunity to step into  vacated spots on those  clear water'd  fish    corralled in the creek .
    The junk you chunk in the water and/or the tickle on the wiggle   might be the switch that turns them on
    fish when you wish, don't wish to fish
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    Re:Rain dance time!!! Rain rain rain!!! 2012/11/19 18:44:52 (permalink)
    I'm convinced I only catch the suicidal fish. I dont even think the dumb ones take my offering.
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