Black Fly Day (Charles & Ginger of Crowley's) fly fishing event for fun and 3 CU funds
November 23rd is BLACK FLY DAY. Which is a fun invitational invent for fly fishermen. This year you do not even have to do an early morning registration. You must fish with Black colored flies to enter your catch. Just record your total combined length of steelhead caught on black flies between 9am and 3 p.m (must be witnessed) . Bring your Steelhead total length grand total to Crowley's between 4 & 5 p.m. There will be a silent auction to benefit 3CU stocking efforts. An entry fee donation of $10 will be accepted for appetizers and prizes. A $25 entry fee will include the above plus
a 10 oz steak dinner. Your wife will be shopping and you can fish, support steelhead stocking and meet some new friends...E-mail if you want to reserve a steak dinner. Phone 814-774-8450. Address 8844 Route 18, Cranesville, PA. Right on Steelhead Alley!!