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2012/11/10 06:19:06 (permalink)


Anyone been down that way recently? Specifically, below meadow run? I want to try to go after some suckers after work today and was wondering how clear\high the water is.

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    Re:ohiopyle 2012/11/10 06:59:00 (permalink)
    http://waterdata.usgs.gov...11-10&site_no=03081500 guage looks good, but I haven't been there lately.
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    Re:ohiopyle 2012/11/10 15:56:06 (permalink)
    whats hitting on the yough this time of year? any tips on where to go for a first timer? why waste a trip to erie when i can go a lot closer and have not success.
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    Re:ohiopyle 2012/11/10 16:18:59 (permalink)
    Bdugg, a good starting point would be the spot mentioned at the mouth of meadow run. From there up to the falls is a good stretch and as far as you want to walk down river. Big trout can be found near the mouths of the creeks and even in the lower sections of the creeks. Smallmouth can also be picked up through this section. A lot of Erie sized trout in that area but not as easy to come by. If fishing meadow, no bait allowed.

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    Re:ohiopyle 2012/11/11 12:35:01 (permalink)
    Wasn't too bad out there yesterday. We lost a few, had a good many follows, but only 1 tiger between the 3 of us. I did see some guys getting some bigger trout but I'm not sure what they were using. All in all, it was a beautiful day to be there. Didn't see any rock snot around meadow run.
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    Re:ohiopyle 2012/11/12 09:08:31 (permalink)
    Fished the area around the outflow Saturday. Fished all day but no matter what I tried the Skunk followed me. I tried some fairly lively Mealworms drifted and swung with some spltshots. Even pulled out the best fly ever created, the beadhead black wooly bugger and couldn't raise any piscatoral  interest.  Obviously there were a lot of smater fisherman than me. Saw several fisherman fishing with spinners, bait, flys, none fished more than an hour, some not much more than 15 minutes, then they move on. I spent the whole day fishing that one area and the only fish I saw was one jumping for a bug.
    Have to relate the one exciting moment of the day. Saw a doe leap into the river, leap rapidly to the island in the middle of the yough. Seconds later another splash and a large buck with a huge rack lept into the river chasing after the doe. they both ran across the island, with the doe leaping into the water on the other side coninuing across the other side of the river. The buck chasing after her, lept off the island, got tangled in some under brush and tumbled head first into the river. He righted himself and the two deer continued their run across the river, up the bank and out of sight.
    Probably something I will remember and be talking about for a long time. How do you explain something like that to a non-outdoors person when explaining why I love to fish. 
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    Re:ohiopyle 2012/11/12 09:28:34 (permalink)
    I'm wondering if he made the header into 40 degree water worth it?  I've done dumber things for similar reasons!
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    Re:ohiopyle 2012/11/12 11:16:46 (permalink)
    pgh_flytier, I know what you mean about the things you see while fishing. This summer, my brother and I were at Donegal. We were fishing down near the dam. We kept hearing something in the weeds. Pretty soon a young deer jumped in the lake and swam all the way across and went up through the back parking lot. I had never seen a deer swim before although I knew they could. It is so peaceful just sitting there and watching nature.
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    Re:ohiopyle 2012/11/12 13:50:01 (permalink)
    I remember fishing in Pymy for a couple days with a buddy and every night at around the same time a doe and her 2 fawns would swim through the water to get to one of the islands.  That was the first time I've ever seen something like that and it was pretty cool that they did it at practically the same time each night.
    post edited by Shake n Bake - 2012/11/13 13:43:31
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    Re:ohiopyle 2012/11/13 08:16:17 (permalink)
    Me and my dad were also at the outflow for most of the day on saturday. The only thing I caught was a 2lb largemouth. Had several trout follow me when I was using larger ripbaits. My dad caught a lot of trees and underwater rocks lol. Flytier, were you over by the buildings? I noticed quite a few people over there.
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