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Steelhead trip November 23-25
Hey guys me and my dad are making our annual trip up steelheading this year. I just figured out about this forum its great. We usually fish elk and walnut but last year checked out some of the mile roads. We usually do pretty good on minnows/single eggs/skein/flys but this year we are looking at walking more and finding fish away from the crowds. Not asking to steal anyone's secrets or spots I was just wondering what creek you would reccomend walking and exploring? I was thinking 20 mile or upper elk/walnut but not sure what would you guys reccomend? Which stream holds the most amount of fish usually? Thanks a lot -Mike-
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Re:Steelhead trip November 23-25
2012/11/08 00:06:26
Mike, Where in Bucks are you from? I realize the county is large, but its good to see folks from out that way heading up here. I grew up in Bensalem, and somehow made a roundabout trip through the country to live in Erie. I'm only getting into steelies for the first time this year, so I'm not that useful for your intended purpose, but I felt the need to throw this up here to say hi.
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Re:Steelhead trip November 23-25
2012/11/08 00:15:22
BucksCountyFIsh Hey guys me and my dad are making our annual trip up steelheading this year. I just figured out about this forum its great. We usually fish elk and walnut but last year checked out some of the mile roads. We usually do pretty good on minnows/single eggs/skein/flys but this year we are looking at walking more and finding fish away from the crowds. Not asking to steal anyone's secrets or spots I was just wondering what creek you would reccomend walking and exploring? I was thinking 20 mile or upper elk/walnut but not sure what would you guys reccomend? Which stream holds the most amount of fish usually? Thanks a lot -Mike- 12 mile Road is loaded with fish.
wicked picket
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Re:Steelhead trip November 23-25
2012/11/08 00:50:07
Bucks county, go to follies end tie a ball of twine to your car door handle and the other around you little pinky and start walking down stream,it will be ok you won't get lost.
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Re:Steelhead trip November 23-25
2012/11/08 07:21:59
Upper elk or upper walnut are your best bets to get away from people. 20 mile was pretty popular last year, I havent been there this year yet but I'd imagine the crowds are about the same. As for the other mile streams there isnt much walking or exploring to do on them.
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Re:Steelhead trip November 23-25
2012/11/08 10:30:50
If the water is low, like it normally is, Upper Walnut is the place to hike if you want to get away from people not upper Elk. I made a trip up during that same Thanksgiving weekend last year while the water was low, and will never go again during that time in those kind of conditions. Upper Elk had more people from Rick Road down to Foley's campground than I have seen in over 5 years. If the water is up then Elk would be better, as all the people can spread out a lot more.
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Re:Steelhead trip November 23-25
2012/11/08 11:07:19
Here is a report from last year on Nov. 25'th. I was up this day and can confirm it was the most fisherman I've ever seen on upper Elk. I ended up walking Crooked Creek after a few hours in the morning just to get away from the huge crowds. This was also the same weekend someone reported that a bunch of guys told some landowners grandson he couldn't fish the hole in front of their property on upper Elk, almost ended up in a fist fight and the landowner threatening to put a cable across the stream. DateFished: 11/25/11 Posted By: tctrout Water Conditions: Elk = perfect; Mile = clear Location: Elk & east mile streams 11/25/2011 9:52:26 PM Report_ID: 26387 Report: Some fresh fish today, closer to the mouths, but an incredible (and expected) number of fisherman. On both Elk and some of the mile streams, the water became clearer as the day continued, and the crowds did disperse slightly.
With that said, what better way to spend black Friday than w/ friends fishing for steelhead.
Tight lines to all...
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Re:Steelhead trip November 23-25
2012/11/08 13:43:32
Hey how you doing yeah i'm from Perkasie, and yes you'll be hooked on it in no time haha greatest fish out there. --Mike--
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Re:Steelhead trip November 23-25
2012/11/08 13:45:38
Thanks a lot everyone!! does upper Elk and Walnut still hold a good amount of fish this time of year??
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Re:Steelhead trip November 23-25
2012/11/08 14:56:24
The location of fish is a crap shoot. Usually by the end of November higher in the streams is better, but not always the case. Fish can be in one area one week, then high water comes, and same area can hold very few fish the next week. You're best bet at the end of November is to start high on the streams, then if your not seeing much activity leave and keep moving to lower access areas until you get into them.
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Re:Steelhead trip November 23-25
2012/11/08 20:03:41
BucksCountyFIsh Thanks a lot everyone!! does upper Elk and Walnut still hold a good amount of fish this time of year?? saying pretty much as Slayer77 ...but in my own way.. here's the deal, there will be fish in every part of Elk up and down . Some spots will be more, some less , but the system has fish all through it. if the fish are "turned on", it won't matter where you go..there will be fish to be caught . if a slow bite day, you have to have the right wiggle to your tickle , or by luck some other junk like color, size, shape or foo-foo fluff stuff they can't seem to resist it's better than even odds the water will be clear enough to see fish ....you'll know if you're on fish or not if the weather is fair, you'll have mucho company ...so pack a smile, it goes a long Way ..l.T.A.