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howd ya do?
Water level looks perfect as of 3pm according to the gauges....howd yinz do? I wish i was der nnat.
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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Re:howd ya do?
2012/11/03 17:11:57
Saw a dude catch one on uncle John's web cam about an hour ago. Just checked it again now and there's 11 guys on the camera, most I've seen all year. It must be EPIK!!
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Re:howd ya do?
2012/11/03 18:40:39
EpIk! U sHuR it wAzn't jAhN SnAGgy? Gr8ist StEKheaD fIShmAn tHat EVER lived!!
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Re:howd ya do?
2012/11/03 22:20:54
So EPiK even BuDinSki caught a fish!!!!
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Re:howd ya do?
2012/11/03 22:23:04
sorry about the date. He's old and can't configure his camera. HAameEred today on the EaStSide. Most Epik run ever!!! Think most of Elk's fish ran the East side cause there was to much current to get up elk from all the rain!!
pheasant tail 2
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Re:howd ya do?
2012/11/03 22:27:08
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Re:howd ya do?
2012/11/03 22:33:06
Yep, Dilbert all right! He haAmered them on 12 mile today. Most fish I've ever seen in Erie. I really think the current from all the rain pushed the fish out of elk and to the East. More fish on the East side than I've ever seen on the West even back in the good old days!! Truss me dUuD. Eastside bEssSide!!!
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Re:howd ya do?
2012/11/03 22:38:30
I just saw a few of my friends that went up for the day at Walnut. Sorry I didn't get more details, but all of us were in a big hurry attempting to take care of other business The bottm line; all 3 were at Walnut from 0600 until 1700 using open - face reels, many fish visible and many caught. Each of them brought home three with many hook- ups, all on 1/64 oz jigs with grubs for bait. Skein did not produce for them and each got the average day in - day out Steelhead. I was supposed to go, but duty called at work, so very reluctantly I went to work. This was their report and I did see their fish. As I wrote, I did not go myself.
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Re:howd ya do?
2012/11/04 08:24:58
Look at the webcam, I counted around 20 guys. I was debating on weather to go today or Tueday, but chose Tues. instead since the crowds will be a tad bit lighter hopefully. Hopefully the streams won't be too low by then.
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Re:howd ya do?
2012/11/04 15:59:27
East side sucked today waters low. We need rain!!
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Re:howd ya do?
2012/11/04 18:25:27
Stillhead So EPiK even BuDinSki caught a fish!!!! Buddly is my hero!! ..l.T.A.
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Re:howd ya do?
2012/11/04 18:28:56
troutguy Look at the webcam, I counted around 20 guys. I was debating on weather to go today or Tueday, but chose Tues. instead since the crowds will be a tad bit lighter hopefully. Hopefully the streams won't be too low by then. bedder git up there kwik....all dumb ones are getting slaughtered and leaving on yEllo rOpes..... ..L.T.A.
Flying Fish
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Re:howd ya do?
2012/11/05 16:25:47
Fished Thursday evening and Friday. Was surprised by the number of brown trout caught. I landed my first Lake Erie brown, a beautiful 25" male. Caught a smaller female as well as a nice fresh chromer. All in all not a bad couple of days considering the conditions. Tight lines all!
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Re:howd ya do?
2012/11/05 16:32:11
apparently there are still dumb ones left i managed a prety good morning on elk with a handful landede and another handful that got off
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Re:howd ya do?
2012/11/08 12:30:19
Fished Monday and landed 8, had 2 get off and 2 more snap my 4# leader. All nice size females on Elk creek. Good Day!!!
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Re:howd ya do?
2012/11/08 12:55:07
You musta got all the females. We got about 25 and only 3 hens...WF
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Re:howd ya do?
2012/11/08 19:19:45
chartist1 reduce the creel limit...Two is enough....locals can come back the next day as there's no jobs in Erie.....Erie as once the 3rd largest city in PA, now 4 and losing fast. wellhel Chartie.....mebby the locals need three to feed all the mouths thru the winter ..L.T.A.