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New Years Fishing Resolutions
Gentlemen, Well the time has come for those pesky New Year's resolutions. So, I'm asking what your fishing related resolutions are. I'll start the thread off with mine: To spend more time in the workroom fixing more bamboo rods so I can pass them down to others who will (hopefully) appreciate them. And to try to make the "One Fly" much better than it was last year with the help of my friends.
Illegitimis Non carborundum
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2007/12/31 15:11:23
Well for starters if you want to pass a bamboo my way I would not only appriciate it but I would cherrish it...... But my resolution is to use my nippers instead of my teeth, sooner or later I'm gonna end up chipping a tooth like my Dad did....I mean there on my chest pack just hanging there readily accessable but I still use my teeth....
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2007/12/31 15:27:11
I resolve to catch more fish this year than ever before. With friends with boats, who needs empty freezer space? I also resolve to stop calling-out people here on Sort of a kinder, gentler T.T. in '08. Yinz can make all the stupid, irresponsible, arrogant, and irrational statements yinz want. I'll do my best to leave the rational-reply duties to *commander*. Oh, screw it! Not gonna happen! I've thrown that resolution right out the window.
post edited by T.T. - 2008/01/04 09:57:21
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2007/12/31 15:38:15
I just want to catch a steely on the fly rod. That's all...I mean...jeez....
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2007/12/31 15:45:05
I resolve to quit my job and be a fish bum and drink moderate amounts o whisky after the sun sets. Or a more realistic resolution to fish more. Probably will have to quit the job to do that...
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2007/12/31 17:51:16
Use my computer as an anchor for my boat and get out more.  
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2007/12/31 19:36:03
I resolve to not break anymore bamboo rods.... Of course, that means not taking them with me to the stream...  What I would love to do is to land a muskie on a fly rod. I would settle for a pike...  Good luck to all and may your fishing dreams all come true.
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2007/12/31 20:49:30
I resolve to fish more,,and more,and more,
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2007/12/31 23:19:35
my resolution is not to make any more resolutions !!!!!! Dave
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2008/01/01 00:31:19
I resolve to take a net onto the river more often so I can land the bigger fish without breakin my line off and leaving hooks and leaders in the fish.
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2008/01/01 08:46:57
To actually hook up with some of the people I've met on this site !!
Eat what you catch,troll for cows.
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2008/01/01 11:49:50
my resolution is to make more friends and enjoy my time fishing with friends.
The fishing and hunting is pretty good not so bad!!!
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2008/01/01 15:13:05
Make my equipment last more than one season
mossy oak
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2008/01/01 17:33:51
Build my first rod. 10' 6wt. Should be a fun process. MO
so save your breath I could not hear, I think I made it very clear...
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2008/01/01 18:58:54
get my Mo-Jo back. had a rough day on the 30th. Started out slow with only 3 bites from 9:30 to 11am. (not even close to landing any of them) i left that area and headed to another spot. Finally found some dumb fish that were more cooperative, but still couldn't land a one. AND none were even on long enough to claim my famous "no touch" release ..L.T.A.
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2008/01/01 19:35:24
I can put you on a pickerel bug! If worst comes to worst, that might be an option.... Thanks
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2008/01/01 19:43:33
to fish Genieman's hot spots
thats a good fish, they are all good, some are gooder than others
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2008/01/01 21:10:39
I resolve to hit the lottery so I can quit my job and devote my time to what I was put on this planet to do...hunt and fish.
Carpet Bagger
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2008/01/01 21:12:11
CB I never thought I'd say this, but I love my Sport-Craft!
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2008/01/01 21:21:11
to fish more....... to pray more......... to appreciate people more....... sure glad to be here.....i hope you guys all have a very good new year and hope to meet some of you someday.
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2008/01/01 21:44:27
My resolution is to not get aggravated by the idiots who push me out of a spot I sat and waited to get. Happened to me twice on 20 mile last week. First time this guy comes in not 3 feet upstream and drifts 30 feet past me, so I have to wait for him. Second time two guys come in about five feet away, upstream, and one guy says to the other, throw right in front of that guy(me). And it was not like there was not plenty of water to fish. That's why the east side sucks now, just like the west side. I also resolve not to get annoyed with the silly****reports that make out the east side to be a Shangri-La, probably to draw people away from Elk and Walnut. One day last week there were 30, yes THIRTY guys fishing the thirty yards of fishable water on 12 mile. What a joke. Eight guys around a hole 3 feet deep, and a little larger than my living room, with one idiot standing in the hole. In the immortal words of Forest Gump, Stupid is as stupid does. Happy New Year! Be prepared for snow and slush up here, y'all.
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2008/01/01 22:49:11
mine is to learn to tie more fly,s. Fish more and more often. Happy New Year to all!
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2008/01/01 23:08:07
Catch a state record catfish at the mouth of Elk Creek! (if I can get it to shore :>)) Tight Lines in 2008 Bill
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2008/01/02 01:08:49
To meet and fish with more guys from the boards. Also, to get MO to become a purist and stop fishing with bait.
The Lord has blessed us all today... It's just that he has been particularly good to me.
mossy oak
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2008/01/02 01:12:56
Oh man, you are killin me. You and 71GTO suffer from delusional spells. You both carry more bait than Poor Richards on a fresh run weekend. Wait til you come down this way for bait where we go. You may not catch anything, lol. MO
so save your breath I could not hear, I think I made it very clear...
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2008/01/02 13:49:25
To land a Steelie and Brown on Fly rod. To try and Land a Muskie on a fly rod. To stop drinking the night before fishing and waking up at noon!
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2008/01/03 10:38:00
To be more tolerant of stupid people who live just to cause trouble for other folks. After all, their Mom had to love them at some point in their life. Spend more time seeking new waters to fish. From wht i understand, I got some nice area to cover. Oh yeah - to spend more time with brother..... Doc
The strength of a person isn't measured by the muscle in their arm or how tall they stand, but rather, by the amount of knowledge and area of versatility they can cover. CM ~ 1987 Not a fan of Burgh teams. Get over it...
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2008/01/03 16:03:22
For the second year in a row- Learn how to cast my **** centerpin!!! It will be on the Yough this year.
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RE: New Years Fishing Resolutions
2008/01/03 16:24:24
taken the ol' harley out more fishing instead of the van because of the &*^*%$$ and &$&^#!! AND &^%$$!!! gas prices.