Ohio tribs

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2012/10/28 00:09:25 (permalink)

Ohio tribs

Ill be working at Geneva High School in mid November.  I thought about trying to fish either ashtabula river or conneaut creek while im there.  Any tips?  Thanks.

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
Matthew 4:19

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    New Angler
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    Re:Ohio tribs 2012/10/28 00:36:22 (permalink)
    I find myself in Ohio more and more often.Don't expect numbers like erie but fishing can be very good.What lures me to Ohio is the lack of people compared to Pa.Not as many fish but a way better experience.PM me and I will steer you in the right direction.
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    Re:Ohio tribs 2012/10/28 09:45:17 (permalink)

    Ill be working at Geneva High School in mid November.  I thought about trying to fish either ashtabula river or conneaut creek while im there.  Any tips?  Thanks.

    you won't be in Kansas anymore,  Toto
    don't bother with the Bula
    since the they dredged the toxic sludge from  the creek bottom  near  the mouth, it's  pretty much been  dead 
    Connie  and the Grand are your best bets.
    They're both stocked waters (Bula was never a stocked water, but did get strays til the dredging)
    Connie is twice the size as the largest Pa trip
    and the Grand is a fo-reel  "river" ..not a crik
    Be advised, even though they're navigable rivers, Ohio law differs greatly  from Pa .
    You can not walk the creek bed to the hi-water mark on posted property in Ohio like Pa's navigable rivers
    There's miles and miles of dead water  and fish don't get "trapped" in depressions like Pa  .
    The water is deeper, wider and many miles longer . There's less fish stocked  and   they  can  move around with little impediment .
    sight fishing isn't the norm here either
    So your best strategy to find fish on limited time schedule is to  look for "schools of anglers" to find fish holding water
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    Re:Ohio tribs 2012/10/28 10:41:38 (permalink)
    IF YOU GOT TIME,the rocky river on the west side of cleveland is also a good river, little bigger than elk but good fishing ,easy access, not number of fish like pa.,but enuff to keep ya hookin all day on a good day,head to gorge area off I=90 AT ROCKY RIVER EXIT

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    Re:Ohio tribs 2012/10/28 13:34:11 (permalink)
    i dont have time to travel too far away-looks like conny will be the best bet since the sludge is in the Bula as Genieman said.  I can't drive any further west, its gotta be east of geneva.  
    As for the size of the waters, i guess ill just have to read the water and o my best?  
    Thanks for the info guys, if anyone else has recommendations i appreciate it.  

    "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
    Matthew 4:19
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