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" old dried up fisherman who have been fishing the tribs for years and still do it till this day", "Actively posting members of this forum" FACT: Alot of members of those two groups, are the same people.
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FACT: The number of Steehead is exactly the same ( to the fish ) today, as it was in 1999, or 1985. In lake Arthur ( 0 ).
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FACT: I am full, of facts. Or something
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I understand that its hard to see the sarcasm in the entirety of my post. Most of the "Facts" stated on this forum are nothing but opinions. Its a fact that people stand in the holes, its not a fact that sea lamprey, Sea dragons, Krakens, and other Species are eating the steelhead causing the run to have that much of a change. I apologize for my minor lack of grammar skills. Make sure you alert your 8th grade teacher and let her know someone is not using proper grammar on an internet fishing forum. I understand you boaters pay to keep 30-40 steelhead a week. I mean, God forbid 3 a week reaching 30 pounds was not enough. Its a fact that some of the things are NOT FACTS, and its also a fact that some of these things probably are facts. Get off the internet, Put the grammar books down, step out from standing on the fish, catch and release once in a while, and go catch some fish. There is a reason I have 7 posts... Its because there is no water in the Tribs, and the run in 1989 was probably better at this time, this day, This year. due to more water, and that.. Is probably a fact.
post edited by mike55 - 2012/10/25 13:15:27
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mike55 Most of the "Facts" stated on this forum are nothing but opinions. Its a fact that people stand in the holes, its not a fact that sea lamprey, Sea dragons, Krakens, and other Species are eating the steelhead causing the run to have that much of a change. Please enlighten us; Who has suggested sea lamprey or other species eating the steelhead account for 100% of the change?
post edited by SteelSlayer77 - 2012/10/25 13:18:59
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You didn't just say that the boaters shouldn't keep as many. You said they shouldn't target them. I suppose you feel the same about that Browns, Even though it was a primarily boat angler oriented organization that spearheaded the current stocking program.
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Go to the wheres the fish thread. Zebra muscles are to blame for the lack of fish. There you are enlightened. Boaters should not target these fish. They are stocked in the creek and should be targeted only in the creek. Lets stock them in the lake instead and see where the erie steelhead experience goes.
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"Boaters should not target these fish. They are stocked in the creek and should be targeted only in the creek. Lets stock them in the lake instead and see where the erie steelhead experience goes." FACT: One of the top 100 most ridiculous statements ever posted on FishErie. Though some MIGHT go along with that. Provided they were no longer required to purchase a lake Erie stamp. Which is used almost exclusively for creek access.
post edited by spoonchucker - 2012/10/25 13:37:32
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mike55 Go to the wheres the fish thread. Zebra muscles are to blame for the lack of fish. There you are enlightened. Please provide links or quotes to back up your "Facts". Are you talking about the post I quoted below from bigbear? It doesn't sound like he's stating zebra muscles only are to blame, or that it's even a fact. Sounds like he's saying several different things "could be to blame" and that other things are "likely" but I don't see any "Facts" there. bigbear have there been any studies done on why return rates are low? pollution could be to blame but its more likely that the food chain is being interfered with by asiatic clams or zebra mussels, could be the fish are just spawning in the lake instead of running the tribs, could even be that the bass and walleye are eating the young fingerlings going into the lake...it would be very interesting to see some scientific research on the why.
post edited by SteelSlayer77 - 2012/10/25 13:37:32
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mike55 I understand you boaters pay to keep 30-40 steelhead a week. I mean, God forbid 3 a week reaching 30 pounds was not enough.
Most of the boats catching that many steelhead were charters with 4-6 clients on board. So if each of the 6 people caught their limit of 5 thats 30 fish. Those people may only get out fishing once a year on a charter, so those 5 fish could last them all year. Whats the problem? BTW I killed all but one steelhead I hooked out there this year. FACT!
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Kill-em all Fresh. They're blocking the Burpit from running.
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So I'm a barbarian for keeping fish? Wow. "Judge not, for one day you too will be judged." (The Holy Bible) "Those that live in glass houses should not throw stones" (Thomas Paine) And my personal favorite: "You're an idiot. Go away." (BogeyJoker)
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mike55 I understand you boaters pay to keep 30-40 steelhead a week. I mean, God forbid 3 a week reaching 30 pounds was not enough.
Most of the boats catching that many steelhead were charters with 4-6 clients on board. So if each of the 6 people caught their limit of 5 thats 30 fish. Those people may only get out fishing once a year on a charter, so those 5 fish could last them all year. Whats the problem?
BTW I killed all but one steelhead I hooked out there this year. FACT!
+1. Of the several dozen SH and several dozen BT and dozen or so LT I caught on the lake this spring/summer/fall, I sent one SH home with Deetz to smoke because it wasn't going to make it. FACT! My Lake Erie permit and trout stamp is just as valid as a trib fisherman's. FACT!
post edited by Bogeyjoker - 2012/10/25 17:21:12
"Socialism...confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. " Frederic Bastiat
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Accountant fact: the more i read fisherie.com during stillhead season, the less likely i am ever going to drive to erie and try stillhead fishing. Fact: Less than two people care.
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Its a fact that some of the things are NOT FACTS, and its also a fact that some of these things probably are facts. Ever thought about being a politician? I think you'd be good at it.
Men and fish are alike. They both get into trouble when they open their mouths. Jimmy D Moore
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HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! I laugh at all of ALL of you who claim there are no fish. I just started Steelheading in the last few years, when I moved mup here. I can catch my limit and more **** near every time I go out. I'm a rookie, catchin feesh...what are you?? I guess some of you are pining for the "good ole days" but ****, there are fish and plenty of them. I'm eating smoked Steel as I type this....lol. Hell, I'll be out in the AM, tomorrow, just as I was today and I'll catch fish. So dont come up, dont fish, complain, ask "are the fish up to rte 78368974" and argue on the interwebz.....I'll be out almost daily at sunup and catching Steel....lmao!!!!!!!!!
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FACT: I once farted an entire block of cheese...
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i think those in the triple digits have gone to the deep end years ago
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"5 poorly thought out opinions"
+++1 on this statement
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Bears are sneaking down at night and eating all the fish. FACT I think. I also came home with 1 steelhead from fishing on a members boat to smoke. FACT I think we paid the price for that because we did a 360 while trolling. I also heard the nuns are snagging them at night. FACT I think.
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FACT: At an average weight of 6#'s, it takes 432 Steelhead to fill the back seat of a BMW.
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I think we paid the price for that because we did a 360 while trolling. I also heard the nuns are snagging them at night. FACT I think. I can confirm that yes, the nuns ARE snagging trolling boats.
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I also came home with 1 steelhead from fishing on a members boat to smoke. FACT I think we paid the price for that because we did a 360 while trolling.
 Forgot about that one. Make that 2 SH kept this summer.
"Socialism...confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. " Frederic Bastiat
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But erie locals must keep in mind that steelhead fishing is meant to generate fishing tourism meaning you gotta share.
Not even close doofus.
"Socialism...confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. " Frederic Bastiat
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They keep it going because the powerbait industry (and thus the national economy)would collapse without it. Fact.
You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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Wow, thanks for sharing Bogey...But anyone could post that....If not fishing tourism, why is steelhead fishing continuued?
The same reason the PFBC stocks troots in small streams in the middle of nowhere...or walleye or bass or musky in remote lakes/reservoirs. An influx of out-of-towners is a by-product of the stocking not a reason for it. Depending on your point of view, that by-product is either a negative or positive one. If you own a business near the tribs or are in a related industry you might find it positive...otherwise, not so much.
"Socialism...confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. " Frederic Bastiat
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rip, we buy powerbait in five gallon buckets down here in the desert. armadillos suck that stuff right up.
"Socialism...confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. " Frederic Bastiat
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"....If not fishing tourism, why is steelhead fishing continuued?" 28,500 general licenses, 1,500 trout stamps, and 18,000 combo stamps sold in Erie county alone
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chartist1 ......If you think steelhead fishing exists other than to promote steelhead fishing tourism, you are out of you mind.
Ok...I'm out of my mind. However, I wouldn't be heartbroken if you decided it just wasn't worth it any longer to make the trip up here. We'd survive juuuuussst fine without ya.  . Take care now...buh bye!
"Socialism...confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. " Frederic Bastiat