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So there is a lot bouncing around on the forums about people not stating facts lately regarding the fishing in Erie. So I wanna join the battle and state some facts. 1. The Steelhead runs in Erie are no where close to what they used to be - FACT This has been confirmed by many of old dried up fisherman who have been fishing the tribs for years and still do it till this day. (Calm down Actively posting members of this forum, Im not insulting your family, so don't lose your lid). This has nothing to do with catching fish.... Because Jeff landed 8 fish in 1989 and only 2 in 2012, has nothing to do with why people are saying the runs are not what they used to be. Look in the holes. Apparently there used to be like 100 fish per hole. Now there are like 50.... Still an awesome amount of fish, but not what it used to be, Understand? Maybe its due to the fact that most of you are standing in the holes, on top of them, choking them out like van damme in bloodsport... I buy it.. I was not up there in the 80s. Heard the crowds were big, but not as nearly as big. Less fish kept = More fish... Less people = less fish spooked right? 2. The steelhead runs in Erie are a joke and there are no fish - NOT A FACT Last years run of fish was awesome. November started the good run last year. We did well and seen tons of fish swimming up and down the creeks. Lots of them! I think this statement is actually caused by tons of miscommunication on this board. Someone will simply imply that the runs are not what they used to be.... That then translates to someone else as... (THERE'S NO FISH!) I mean Apparently Active members of this board get offended when anyone tries to compare Runs from the past to the present. I agree saying there are not a lot of fish in all its "Rawness" is plain stupid. Saying you just need to walk to find them, is also stupid. You can go anywhere and see pods of fish. Comparing runs does not mean someone is saying the fishing is now bad. Read before you post. 3. The Runs are done, if its like this now, it will be like this the rest of the year. NOT A FACT This ones short and sweet. As said by about 25 people already. It has not rained, all year. The only water the creeks are receiving are The Erie locals tears Shed on this forum when someone tries saying its not as good as it used to be. As soon as them creeks blow out for a bit. Then go try. Go and watch dozens of people give each other Hickies whilst fishing Elbow to Elbow, Neck deep. In the middle of The stop sign hole, wondering why these fish there standing inches from are not hitting.. 4. Its harder to catch fish - Probably A FACT Probably. Im sure the runs are not what they used to be. Especially this year. We have had no rain. Less people probably used to fish. The ones that did fish were probably Avid about the sport and caught and released. Relax, I understand some of your are avid and keep fish, thats cool. My point is a lot of people go to walmart, buy a rod and reel, go to erie, and keep steelhead. Think of the impact the internet has had on Fishing in Erie. My buddy always says, The **** internet ruined fishing. Constant tourists, (the ones that buy the walmart rod and reel for a nice weekend of fishing, Aka (Weekend Warriors) knowing all the holes you found yourself as a kid because of the internet.. My best guess would be Because 90 percent of you are walking on top of fish or throwing 10 pounds of night crawlers at there faces with 15 pound Line. There is nothing better than fishing trout run and catching fish behind guys wading up to there Ti+ts. The fish are right in front of you. Your wearing waders, Sweet. Me To. Im still standing on the bank wacking the fu$# out of them. If your up to your waste in the water. You scared fish. 5. People are keeping to many fish - Fact This one is a matter of opinion..I have no problem with people keeping Fish out of the creeks. Now when I see Pictures Posted... (everyday) of Charters hanging 30 - 40 steel from a fence.... Then it gets a little ridiculous. Those fish are put in the creeks to run back to the creeks and create an awesome steelhead experience PA has and should be proud about. Going out on a boat, watching Baywatch on your portable DVD player, while waiting to keep one of these fish is plain silly. I understand catching these fish on the lake while fishing cant be avoided, but Specifically targeting them is stupid. I support catch and release 100 percent, Especially in this time period for the brown trout. They are trying to get a nice Brown trout program running up in Erie, right? Browns should be catch and release for a few years. Once there is a nice sustained run, then they can give all you barbarians (throwing fish over your shoulder to smack off trout run beach) the go. Remember when your Wife would lock you out of the house for being an idiot. Thinking you were all big and manly coming home with 3 more steelhead on a stringer, while already having 15 in your freezer that needed to be thrown out? What happened to fishing, not Eating. Take the kids up and get them into fishing, let them see these awesome fish... Keep a few, ( I hear there good Smoked)...Its hard to get anyone into it when a beach full of people are ripping the heads off of fish or throwing them like footballs. Put em on a stringer and in the water, the way you should do it, if your going to do it.
post edited by mike55 - 2012/10/25 03:23:18
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"5 poorly thought out opinions"
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2012/10/25 07:35:21
☄ Helpfulby FiveMilePete 2016/10/22 15:30:49
HAHAHA I guess us boat fishermen didnt pay for a lake erie/trout stamp to legally catch and keep these fish. FACT!
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So the title is 5 facts, and by your own typing, only two of your points are even listed as a fact. OP is a dUmAs: FACT Maybe its due to the fact that most of you are standing in the holes, on top of them So naturally the fish that would otherwise be in the hole simply cease to exist because there is an obstacle in the way. Gotcha.
post edited by Cold - 2012/10/25 07:42:36
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facts: 1. put and take fishery 2. still putting the same amount 3. runs are down according to creel serveys 4. no one KNOWS why 5. we all need to get out and go fishing instead of being on the **** computer enjoy :)
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Mike, You used capital letters for specifically and wife.Fact-this was incorrect. You used the word to when it should have been too.Fact-this was incorrect. You have 6 total posts.Fact.
You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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More posts than facts...well...I'm absolutely positive I've shared more than 7K facts worth of knowledge (which is yet another fact!), so I'm still good.
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3. The Runs are done, if its like this now, it will be like this the rest of the year. NOT A FACT true plenty more will come. I've seen fresh runs in mid Dec before BUT.....while lots are coming in, lots are being picked off by the amount of pressure . Some guys actually EAT these things  (more power to 'em if they like 'em) and plenty get wasted too for the eggs (or show and tell) and the carcass gets pitched The point is, on the creeks i regular fish, even though a ton more come in, 3/4 of a ton or more go out on ropes . So the amount of fish seen right now, is close to what we'll see the rest of the year. i "suspect" that's why upper Walnut in recent years (from what I've heard) has been WAY off compared to years past . Less fish returns overall, + one of the highest concentrations of anglers pr foot of water down low + typical low water levels stopping them at the falls..meaning they stack up in the Manchester and project holes surrounded daily by cowboys trying to lasso those "corralled" feesh . 4. Its harder to catch fish - Probably A FACT I might be arguing semantics, so forgive.....catch rates might be down for many.. true .. but they're no more or less "harder" to catch . They're the same fish they've always been, just less of em overall = less "dumb ones" that will bite anything on a finicky bite day the dumb ones in pack get picked off quick ..l.T.A.
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So there is a lot bouncing around on the forums about people not stating facts lately regarding the fishing in Erie. So I wanna join the battle and state some facts.
"For the supreme test of a fisherman is not how many fish he has caught...but what he has caught when he has caught no fish." - John H. Bradley
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"5 poorly thought out opinions"
The man speaks again! We bow down to your knowledge.
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... We bow down to your knowledge.
while youre down there...
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Moved to Erie 15 years ago. Been fishing steelhead ever since. Catch fish every year. I see no decline. I just see more monkeys at the stop sign zoo on walnut.
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the most important fact is that no matter what happens....we will still keep going up to erie to fish. just because its tougher fishing now than the aquarium days of years past doesn't mean the fishery has received a death sentence....remember its called fishing not catching, nothing wrong with having to work a little harder to catch the fish Nick
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while youre down there...
I figured as much
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Sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the next self proclaimed fish biologist to tell us where, when, and why the steelhead will run.
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Well, I'm no marin proctachiatrist. Heck, I didn't even play one on TV, or stay at a Holiday Inn last night. But I can tell you that they'll run where they want, when they feel like it. Cause dats the way dey roll.
Get Informed, Get Involved, And Make A Difference. Step Up, or Step Aside The next time you say "Somebody should do something", remember that YOU are somebody. GL
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I only see 2 facts in the original post. Where are the other 3 at? This post should be renamed "2 FACTS".
post edited by SteelSlayer77 - 2012/10/25 11:23:37
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Oh wait a minute, that last fact isn't really a fact. Guess the thread should be re-named to "1 FACT"
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FACT: Trolling is very popular on lake Erie, and FishErie.
Get Informed, Get Involved, And Make A Difference. Step Up, or Step Aside The next time you say "Somebody should do something", remember that YOU are somebody. GL
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Regardless of how many fish are in the creeks we are still going to come up next weekend just to get away from home and enjoy ourselves. Fact.
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I thought you were going to state facts???  Been catchin' 'em since the mid eighties...walleye, perch, steel, the whole lot....Been catchin' 'em, STILL catchin' 'em! FACT JACK!
post edited by CroatianSensation - 2012/10/25 11:49:27
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Regardless of how many fish are in the creeks we are still going to come up next weekend just to get away from home and enjoy ourselves. Fact.
This is probably the only rational thought in this thread.
"Socialism...confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. " Frederic Bastiat
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Fact: If I go steelhead fishing and im mot catching any I'll get drunk.
Another Fact: and probably **** my pants :)
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crankbaits with blue power bait tipped treble hooks are absolutley crushing steelhead right now at the creek mouths...FACT!
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FACT: No matter how many fish are in the creeks, somebody is going to post a thread, asking. "Where's the fish?"
Get Informed, Get Involved, And Make A Difference. Step Up, or Step Aside The next time you say "Somebody should do something", remember that YOU are somebody. GL
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FACT: 1000's of man hours are wasted every year by employee's monitoring and posting on Fisherie.com
Thats a fact Jack!
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Who the f is Jack? Also: Fisherie admins: could we possibly get an option whereby a user can set a post limit, and those with fewer than that many posts simply don't appear when they view the site? Better yet, a separate "kiddie pool" where folks with under 100 posts can tell each other that there are no fish in erie every year. Until they get to triple digits, they can't go to the deep end.
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fact: the more i read fisherie.com during stillhead season, the less likely i am ever going to drive to erie and try stillhead fishing.
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Jack Sprat...you know the one
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FACT: They are up to Rt. 5