Rain Rain go away?
I'm making my fall trip up in a few days. Doesn't look like any rain is forcast before I get there. With the water being as low and clear as it looks on Uncle Johns webcam, It looks like I'm gonna be doing quite a bit of walking looking for pockets of fish that havnt been raped and pillaged by u guys. The problem I have is my buddy's dad is coming up with us and he just had 2 knee replacements...... Since we are staying at Uncle Johns, he is limited to either fishing right behind the camp or getting in the car and trying spots on walnut,16 or 20 mile that are close to the road. He was ok in the spring with the water being higher at 20 and 16, we stuck him in the first hole off the road and he did pretty well. With the water being this low, I can't imagine the same will be true for this week. Any suggestions?