New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town

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2012/10/16 16:18:42 (permalink)

New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town

Hey everyone,
I am reasonably new to Pittsburgh of about a year, but only been fishing here since this summer.  Since moving up here from Texas, I am seriously looking to catch a species that didnt exist down south with my primary targets being Pike, Musky, Walleye and Smallmouth Bass.  I live in moon and have friends in Beaver so sticking to the west side of town around Coraopolis on out to Beaver/New Brighton will be much more convenient so any suggestions in that area would be HUGE for me.
Ive heard a few tips about some spots I am looking to try out in a couple days which are:
1. Montour Creek (where it meets the Ohio) in Coraopolis
2. Big Sewickley Creek
3. Little Sewickley Creek - I check this out once but the water was so low it wasnt even worth casting a line.
4. Raccoon creek  - west of 376 off the ohio river
5. New Brighton Dam
6. Bridgeville dock
Anyone ever tried any of those places with any luck? If so, what are the odds of my target fish being around there this time of year? Since I havent caught any of those fish before, I would greatly appreciate any tips on bait (type) vs. lures and other locations I am looking at the picture all wrong.
Anyways - glad i stumbled across the site & looking forward to digging through some info on here!

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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/17 07:58:44 (permalink)
    Welcome to the board and Burgh. The Mouth of Montour was one of my favorites. Not sure about pike, but good chance at walleye, sauger, white bass, small mouth bass and hybrid stripers when they show up. Spinning or fly gear seems to work just as well. Waders help you get out on the sand bar. With the rivers, I usually fish cheaper, twister tail or paddle tails on jig heads, since there are a good bit of snags. Clouser minnows are all needed for fly fishing, although others work.

    Use the search function above. Search mouth of montour, back channel, Ohio river, ect. There are years of conversations, ect.
    (edit - stupid iPad "auto correct".)
    post edited by Porktown - 2012/10/17 14:58:06
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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/17 11:34:33 (permalink)
    plenty of good research to be done on this site. 
    you can always try the park on the south side and/or the park on the north side/and or the point.  very easy to fish from the shore there. 
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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/17 11:46:19 (permalink)
    Do you have a boat or will you primarily be fishing from shore?

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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/17 13:48:29 (permalink)

    Do you have a boat or will you primarily be fishing from shore?

    Since in the title of the thread he says "shore fishing around west side of town", I'm going to assume he has a boat.

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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/17 14:25:10 (permalink)

    ..The Mouth of Montour ..

    Use the search function above. Search mouth of montour, back channel, Ohio river, ect. There are years of conversations, ect.

    these areas can all be good
    just be careful
    In some of those sections, a handgun should be as much a part of your gear as rod and reel
    also be aware that you can be kicked off any railroad property pretty easily

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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/17 14:59:21 (permalink)
    I've seen my fair share of interesting characters at the mouth of montour thats for sure.
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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/17 15:27:25 (permalink)
    Although, I very rarely used live bait when I fished there, if you go onto Neville Island, Island Firearms sells bait.  Conveniently located for the mouth of Montour, or fishing under the 79 bridge (not much river access on the island itself, but definitely some).  I always had just as good of luck with lures, or snagged/netted gizzard shad. 
    The "Epic Years" of that spot washed away in one of the back to back hurricane remnents that flooded the heck out of the area about 8-9 years ago.  It used to be The World's best poopie pipe, in the World!  Now, I can't even fish there without a tear coming to my eye of how great it used to be, while maybe managing a white bass.  Back when gas was cheap, jobs were a' plenty, and women stood in line for a piece of this other white meat.  I'm think my move to the burbs has me thinking like a Conservative.
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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/17 16:14:42 (permalink)

    Back when gas was cheap, jobs were a' plenty, and women stood in line for a piece of this other white meat.  I'm think my move to the burbs has me thinking like a Conservative.

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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/17 16:30:35 (permalink)
    If you want bass and walleye, try cross creek lake off of rt 50
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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/17 18:37:04 (permalink)


    Do you have a boat or will you primarily be fishing from shore?

    Since in the title of the thread he says "shore fishing around west side of town", I'm going to assume he has a boat.

    lol, I guess I should of read more then just the messages in the thread

    Got Walleye???
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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/17 19:05:37 (permalink)
    Thanks for the pointers guys, I am going to give it a try and hope for the best with the crowd that joins me. I was curious about that at well. I have also heard about trying cross creek lake, but heard that shore access was minimal there so a boat or kayak would be necessary to get to the fish.

    Sounds like I may start my fishing trip next time with the knowledge that I may be moving a few times. Don't have waders yet, just bought a new rod and reel so I probably won't buy them for a while still.

    I appreciate the comments and will continue searching out the forum.

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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/17 22:49:02 (permalink)
    If you want to go on a quick trip, you could go across the sewickley bridge and there is a public boat dock and you can fish up and down the shore from there.
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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/18 08:38:52 (permalink)
    Just to piggy back off of what Porktown had mentioned, I would give under the 79 bridge a shot, you can either park at the top and walk down or drive down(very uneven from heavy rains) but driveable with an SUV or truck, you can actually drive right down to the river and when the creek is low cross the creek and park on the open area out from the creek.
    - you can fish straight out towards the bridge pilings, current can be an issue at times, but I have picked up all species including, Gar, Wallaye, Smallies, Large Mouth, Catfish, Sauger,
    And to your right down there the nearest bridge piling to the shore it's very shallow in spots but there are a few deep holes, I have definitely seen musky surface hunt there  (alot of baitfish in that area) However I never was able to catch one.
    Good luck wherever you choose.

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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/18 08:46:07 (permalink)
    mpmayer - Every boat dock i have checked around the area says no fishing allowed.  Now I have tried the dock on the beaver side of the sewickley bridge that doesnt have a boat ramp, but didnt have any luck there.  Didnt stay too long but it just didnt seem to have much to entice fish around there.
    Where can you park to get under the 79 bridge? It looks like there is another creek there that has potential, but doesnt seem to be any way to get there without walking through a company's work zone.
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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/18 09:30:39 (permalink)
    since you are in moon, 79 is close to you.  id suggest driving up to slippery rock creek sometime.  theres plenty of public access in mconnels mill state park.  there are smallies and trout in the stretch in the park. you can also fish from the shore there for long stretches without waders.   id be careful though, because it is a dangerous creek and from time to time people drown there. 
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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/18 09:40:58 (permalink)
    If you understand how to get there by looking at the map, follow the road down until you hit the train tracks, a company is there but it's off to your right, You will not invade their work zone. You cross the tracks and make a slight left that puts you directly under the bridge, you can park there at the top, or I suggest to drive down to the river at the base of the bridge.  (at least as far as you can).

    Got Walleye???
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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/18 19:10:11 (permalink)
    srl135, as you cross the sewickley bridge (heading towards sewickley) make the first right, right before the car dealership.  keep going down the road until you can't anymore and make another right.  park anywhere once you make that right.  walk down that road, you'll go under the train bridge, and you'll hit the public access boat dock.  
    you can fish right off the dock or anywhere on the shore to the right or to the left.  if you go down the shore to the right you can fish right under the bridge and with a decent cast you can hit the closest bridge pillar.  i've caught bass, walleye, and catfish up and down that bank and off the dock.  boat traffic can make it annoying at times when you are fishing right off the dock, but it's a decent spot to get some quick fishing in.
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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/19 08:49:31 (permalink)
    im in alot locally..will show you around...just drop me a line
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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/19 19:45:27 (permalink)
    get your friends from beaver to take you to new brighton dam.  good shore access and you never know what your gonna catch.
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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/23 08:23:50 (permalink)
    How does one get to the rail road side of the new Brighton dam? I have been there but only once and nobody that day was doing much good. On my list of places to try again for sure but it looks like the is hung from the other side of the river would be better because its tougher to get to.

    Mayer - I didn't think fishing was allowed from boat docks which is why i didn't try that one but I guess I should give that a shot.

    Tanner - will do man, appreciate the offer.
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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/23 09:23:08 (permalink)
    Reading through your original post again, I noticed pike being your first fish listed (whether or not your primary intrest or just noted it first).  Most of the waters that you noted, are a bit warmer than where pike will be found consistently.  This is a good time of year for them, as well as most other fish.  Head a little north (north east too into the higher elevations), and hit some of the lakes.  I know that Yellow Creek has a good population of smaller ones, and have heard the same of High Point.  Lake Arthur has some, but not an overwelming species like some other lakes, but definitely there.  Spinner baits, perch looking lures, or live shiners will do the trick, at entrances of feeder streams, along weed beds and other ambush type structure.  A leader of some sort is needed, I personally make my own with 50lb mono.  I haven't wrestled in any monster pike/musky with those leaders, but have landed multiple bruiser bluefish from the Jersey Shore with 50lb mono leaders, and their teeth are like razors.  I doubt there would be much issue.
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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/23 09:38:43 (permalink)
    Yes - Musky and Pike are my #1 preference just because they are SO different than what was available to me in Texas. I caught a pike once as a little kid on vacation to see family in MN; it probably wasnt very big (couple ft maybe), but since they grow long it seemed like a monster to me (plus i was about 10 years old).  I've wanted to catch another ever since then.  I would like to go further north but it seems like I am always pinched for time and my fishing buddy is currently in Nursing school so he's always swamped with that crap, which is why I want to get some established locations more local where i dont need to make special plans to go.  I appreciate the info though, I would have opted for Arthur again.
    Oh and I am fully aware of the leader.. already stocked up and ready with those!
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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/23 09:50:13 (permalink)
    +1 on Yellow Creek (Use Big Shiners at the edge of weed beds, floating rapalas also work)  I am partial to the Dam side of the lake on the left hand side that whole shoreline. .......Conneaut Lake is also very good for Pike the boat launch where the creek comes in, fish commision office is also right near there. Creek has a nice mix of pike, bowfin, largemouth and pan fish.
    If you want Pike and Toothy fish odds are you are going to have to make "special trips"  not much consistently around your area.

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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/23 13:59:37 (permalink)
    There are definitely some musky & tiger musky in the rivers, but not in huge numbers.  I was a river rat for about 7-8 years, fishing 3-4 times per week, most of which was the rivers.  In that time, I hooked into one musky.  It was a very short fight, since I only had 6lb line.  It was about 4' off of the bank, and thought it was a log, as it rose to the suface slowly and straight.  As soon as it noticed danger, it splashed the surface and took off.  Well over 3' long and pretty thick.  I've had others spot some while out, but that's it.  There are guys that focus on them and catch them regularly.  Do a search on Musky & the Mon.  Not sure what some of the guys names are down through the Mon Valley that get into them pretty good.  I'm guessing similar techniques through the other rivers.
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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/23 15:34:09 (permalink)
    Been fishing the mon HARD all year for musky with only one boated and a few hookups. Got em pinned the last few trips but havent been back out since to get em. Get yourself a couple hammer lures and cover as much water on the mon as possible. Typical areas such as creek mouths and weed beds. Oh and dont forget to cross your fingers!
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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/24 08:35:34 (permalink)

    Been fishing the mon HARD all year for musky with only one boated and a few hookups. Got em pinned the last few trips but havent been back out since to get em. Get yourself a couple hammer lures and cover as much water on the mon as possible. Typical areas such as creek mouths and weed beds. Oh and dont forget to cross your fingers!

    Hey Snag...was that you I seen chuckin' musky lures in the channel up Harmar on Sunday?? ....any luck?

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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/24 11:54:17 (permalink)
    No not this sunday didnt end up making it out. I know of a few guys that chuck lures in that area tho for skis. I havent had any luck there the last few times ive been out unfortunatly. have been fishing mostly around california and monongahela pa for em. They are there though...friend of mine landed one pushin 40 inches at deer creek a month or so ago.
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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/24 16:08:58 (permalink)
    Pictures of said ski?
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    Re:New to Pittsburgh - Shore fishing around west side of town 2012/10/25 07:20:37 (permalink)
    Ill see if i can text my friend and have him send it to me
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