posted creek beds

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2012/10/05 13:13:03 (permalink)

posted creek beds

Got into a conversation with a guy at work that claims all of Erie Tributaries are considered "navigable" and therefore are owned by the commonwealth.  I know this to be incorrect but can't find where "the law" states that lake Erie's tributaries are Non-navigable.  He says that since they are connected to lake Erie (a navigable waterway) that the law states the tributaries are navigable too.  Some help clearing this up would be apprieciated.

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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/05 13:24:12 (permalink)
    you can't fix stupid...
    with that arguement, any waterway in the world is "navigable"

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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/05 13:32:09 (permalink)
    im gonna go ahead and assume your "friend" is not a member of the bar association. 
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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/05 13:37:39 (permalink)
    Check out Chapter 63, Section 4. This should clear it up.

    If I'm interpreting this correctly, land owners own the land leading up to the creek AND they own the bed of the stream. So even if you wade up through the water, you could still get busted for trespassing.
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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/05 13:49:58 (permalink)

    Check out Chapter 63, Section 4. This should clear it up.

    If I'm interpreting this correctly, land owners own the land leading up to the creek AND they own the bed of the stream. So even if you wade up through the water, you could still get busted for trespassing.

    In non-navigable private waterways, the extent of ownership would depend on what is stated on the deed, which can vary and make each case unique.  But they certainly can own the entire streambed and adjacent land, which again depends on the circumstances.
    Here is some more information from the PFBC regarding public access right for waters of the Commonwealth:
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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/05 14:15:05 (permalink)
    since Rustheads are a $4billion a week industry in erie
    woun't that suffice for commerce via the waterway
    and make everything public?

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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/05 15:03:44 (permalink)

    Check out Chapter 63, Section 4. This should clear it up.

    If I'm interpreting this correctly, land owners own the land leading up to the creek AND they own the bed of the stream. So even if you wade up through the water, you could still get busted for trespassing.

    CRAP! I grew up being told lanowners can own the land up to the streams' edge, but NOT the substrate [stream bed] itself, therfore one could wade up/down a stream for access if they did not cross private property. 
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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/05 15:20:56 (permalink)
    As long as you stay in the stream
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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/05 15:26:02 (permalink)
    WOW  Again this year!  Ok here's the truth!  In what is deemed a navigable stream the landowner controlls up to the mean high water mark.  That means the average normal high water mark.  NOT during a flood.  The actual waters must have been able to support commercial traffic, during a proportional portion of the year.  7-8 months is the average considered.  Using a creek for commerical waterborne traffic (the movement of goods for sale) cannot be limited to flood or just high water.   There are NO,  repeat NO, creeks in Erie that fulfill this requirement. Yes 100-150 years ago there was commercial traffic of logs down stream duing Flood conditions in Erie, but seasonal flooding is not considered year-round.  This was the basis for opening the Little Juniata to all fishermen.  The water is deep enough ALL YEAR (with exceptions for drougt conditions) to support commercial traffic on the waterway.  And it did untill the advent of the rail traffic.  Again, NO creeks in Erie meet this requirement.  About the only Creek that MIGHT  would be the Connie.  And that hasn't been tested in court.
         The ruling is that on a non-navigable creek the landowner owns the land to the middle of the creek, unless surveyed otherwise.  So if a person owns BOTH sides of a creek they can prevent passage thru their property.  There are NO if's, and's, or But's to this ruling. (see 20 mile above the bridge).  Now a possible exception could be made for water flowing downstream from a boat launch; IF the launch and the boats on it were engaged in commerical traffic.  But that water in erie is all controlled by the PFBC already.

    Illegitimis Non carborundum
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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/05 15:50:23 (permalink)
    Yep. Exactly what indsguiz said.
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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/05 15:59:20 (permalink)

    As long as you stay in the stream


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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/05 16:25:34 (permalink)
    Now a possible exception could be made for water flowing downstream from a boat launch; IF the launch and the boats on it were engaged in commerical traffic.

    In PA, I believe it's been determined that the landowner does not, in fact, own the water, only the bed beneath it.  So watercraft travelling over their section of riverbed would not be in violation of trespass laws, provided they did not anchor or otherwise make contact with the land.
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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/05 18:07:58 (permalink)
    "Indy" and cold are 100% correct...there are no exceptions.

    "Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God."~by Tony Blake~

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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/05 19:54:49 (permalink)
    Then you're not using the water you're just flying too low.

    Illegitimis Non carborundum
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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/05 21:08:57 (permalink)
    This is a very old law that should be over turned.the stream bed law was made so ranchers that owned land on only one side could own the stream bed to water their cows.
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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/05 21:31:05 (permalink)
    I have a hoverkayak....I go where I want...posted signs are irrelevant.

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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/05 21:43:40 (permalink)
    Im about to yak from folleys down to legion on elk swingin streamers drinkin brewskis.   

    The Lord has blessed us all today... It's just that he has been particularly good to me.
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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/05 21:54:31 (permalink)
    You are  only allowed to navigate through. No stopping, anchored, or not.

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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/06 01:08:34 (permalink)
    If Al Gore had invented the internet in the early 70's I would be able to pull up the fisherie forum discussion on this from the archives of the Coho Wars.
    Even the dead horse has been beaten, sold to the glue factory, and processed for school children to make macaroni covered pencil holders that were sprayed with lead based paint. 

    Yes. It is that old.
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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/06 01:37:15 (permalink)
    there is an obscure reference to creek law dating back to before the Revolultionary War regarding access and ability to fish.  It comes from the time when wealthy land owners would try to tell people that if they wanted to get water from the creek they had to pay for access. And during this time most of the people got water from the creeks, and fished for sustainance.  The law, under the articles of the Commonwealth, states that no person shall be impeded from access to water for sustinance or for the catching of  fishes.  Again this law was made when PA was a commonwealth colony.  Now supposedly the commonwealth laws were passed into law by the convening state assembly when PA became a state.  And if this were proven to be true then that would place all waters of the state as open to residents of the commonwealth.  I'd LOVe to see somebody do the research and see if this was ever passed into the constitution of the state.

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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/06 20:28:55 (permalink)

    I know you tried to make an intelligent point, but without subtitles, this is unintelligible....Also, $4 billion a week?  I don't think so!

    since Rustheads are a $4billion a week industry in erie
    woun't that suffice for commerce via the waterway
    and make everything public?

    You'd think the most intelligent member of the board(in his own mind) might appreciate a little sarcasm.
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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/06 20:55:17 (permalink)
    Money savvy.....maybe. Intelligent......Cold says it best....NO
    I'm still waiting for the neoprene in front of the benz pic.
    Sorry duud.....Glad to c ur still round....u were my first troll.

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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/08 10:30:40 (permalink)
    Honestly why do you even care?
    There are plenty of public opportunities to have double digit days in any section of public water in Erie, you aren't missing much by fishing the sections that people have posted.  Just go above or below them.
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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/08 11:01:38 (permalink)
    Great, now we're going to have Kayakers all over Elk to test the theory that if you're floating through, you're not trespassing, navigable or not. 
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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/08 11:04:53 (permalink)

    Honestly why do you even care?

    There are plenty of public opportunities to have double digit days in any section of public water in Erie, you aren't missing much by fishing the sections that people have posted.  Just go above or below them.

    But... But I PAID FOR THESE FEESH!!!!!!

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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/08 11:23:57 (permalink)
    Jester Great, now we're going to have Kayakers all over Elk to test the theory that if you're floating through, you're not trespassing, navigable or not. 

    It is legal to float through non navigable posted land, but it's still illegal to fish the posted land that you are floating through.  If a land owner puts a cable across the stream because they own both sides, legally the cable has to remain high enough that anyone using the water rights could get through. 
    The water rights give you the right to float on top of the water, but it does not extend to fishing.  So yes you can float through posted land on Elk, but no you can't fish the posted land while doing it.  This is stated on the PFBC's web site.
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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/08 13:19:02 (permalink)
    The water rights give you the right to float on top of the water, but it does not extend to fishing.  So yes you can float through posted land on Elk, but no you can't fish the posted land while doing it.  This is stated on the PFBC's web site.

    Can you provide a link to this section?  I've never seen this, and while I'm certainly not doubting you, I've alse read various pertinent sections of the PFBC site and have never encountered this tidbit.
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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/08 13:26:03 (permalink)
    does anyone know a good place to rent canoes or driftboats?

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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/08 13:29:18 (permalink)
    It is in the link that Essox Hunter posted above.  Either the last or close to, question noted.
    I was actually surprised that you could kayak private, non navigable waters.  I'm guessing if you knew your waters, and knew there was a section that was not posted, but surrounded by posted, you could access through on a kayak.  If you happened to keep any fish, you might have a hard time proving that you caught the fish on the public or non-posted private land.
    I'd imagine that you could also get cited for trespassing, if the stream became impassible, and had to get out of the boat to pass the obstical.
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    Re:posted creek beds 2012/10/08 13:51:35 (permalink)
    Thanks.  Missed that.  
    On that note, however, while I understand that this page was linked in this thread, does anyone else think that the PFBC site is fantastically difficult to use to find specific information that you're looking for?  And even at that, it generally only provides a summary body of text on the page, without making any sort of reference to a legal document.
    There have been countless times that I've been looking for something specific and been completely unable to find it, even though I know its somewhere on the site.  Likewise, I've found incredibly useful information on the site, but stashed in some corner that I'd have never looked for it, only stumbling across it in the course of searching for something else.
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