Fall Stockies

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2012/10/05 02:47:51 (permalink)

Fall Stockies

Just wondering if anyone has gone out this week for some stockies?

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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/05 07:20:00 (permalink)
    Yep. Found an active school of fish yesterday afternoon. Fast action for about an hour then they turned off right before dusk.
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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/05 09:03:46 (permalink)
    Yes, I fished Indian Lake (water was murky as usual,but at least the fountains were on) Mamoth(brownies were jumping all over,but wouldn,t hit),Keystone ( near the dam,did pretty well on small bows,they were in full spawning mode,so be careful to hold them facing away from you).Water was best at Keystone State Park,but they are in the process of drawing it down.Heard that they stocked Donegal,weeds are bad but they are drawing it down also.Size was sad for the ones that I caught. I have been actualy been catching bigger gills than these trout were.Very few guys at Keystone & Mamoth. There is a paid kids derby at Indian Lake tommorow from 8-11 am.  sam
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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/05 10:12:05 (permalink)
    Thinking about trying twin lakes tommorow, see if i can catch a few stockies and/or a few bass on some spinners
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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/05 12:39:40 (permalink)
    Coming home from school this afternoon might head out saturday on linden creek after taking my brother out for the youth pheasant hunt
    Chris Johnson
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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/05 15:49:51 (permalink)
    I was at Northmoreland Thursday and caught a few throwing spinners.

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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/05 16:20:49 (permalink)
    Kevin and I went out to Habor acres on wednesday. We each got a few, and had lots of follows on spoons & buggers. Very few caught by others. Was "told" that there had been a 15 degree water temp difference between the truck & the lake, which might account for it. Was also disappointed to hear that due to an issuse at Corry, rainbows from siomewhere ( I assume bellefont ) were stocked. Instead of the usual Browns & Brookies. The ones we caught, and most seen swimming along the bank, were very dark & not particularlly healthy looking. Looked like late January/Febuary Steelhead.
    I just needed to get out and stare at some water, so it was a good trip ( local ) just the same.

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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/06 19:12:17 (permalink)
    The couple females I filleted yesterday were full of loose eggs. I have been getting them casting to groups of moving fish using a real slow twitchy retrieve. They wanna chase but not too much.
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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/06 19:29:59 (permalink)
    Coldfront....we did joke about using a pellet fly.Like Spoon said the males were real dark like a late season steelhead or a spawning rainbow.It's exciting and frustrating at the same time when they follow and not strike.

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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/06 23:01:13 (permalink)

      Mamoth(brownies were jumping all over,but wouldn,t hit), .Very few guys at          Mamoth. 

    Same thing today.........had a couple of chasers and landed two bass.

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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/07 11:46:13 (permalink)
    Same thing at Donegal & Twin Lakes,browns jumping all over but few hits. I could feel them bumping the lures , but they wouldn't hit. Worse yet was every time I tried to use a jig or nymph,small gills would hit immediately.  sam
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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/07 13:53:21 (permalink)
    They're really slashing at my lure when they hit. Very few are actually just swimming up and eating. Very quick hooksets are a must. Some are so aggressive they'll slash at it 4-5 times in about 2 ft of lure movement. I've even hooked a couple in the gill plate and pec fins they're slashing so violently.
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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/07 16:25:16 (permalink)
    Just came back from the upper lake,got a couple but we saw dozens cruising just under the surface that didn't want anything.Only when I got the lure to swim slowly would they comit. Threw everything,as soon as the lure stopped moving they lost intrest. Again had some nose it but not hit.Even tried my go to flatfish,but no go.Well there should be no complaints about them being fished out. Very very few guys out. btw the ones that I caught & threw back were pretty nice.  sam
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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/07 16:54:20 (permalink)
    caught 11 between my and a friend all on spinners and spoons on the neshannock
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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/07 19:20:21 (permalink)
    racoon lake for about 2 hours-2 gills, i bass and 1 small bow.  i have simply never done well at racoon, but at least we caught something.  

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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/09 19:04:15 (permalink)
    Can somebody clarify, are trout stocked/ not stocked at the upper limit location indicated on PFBC website? I went out to Montour Run today, the exact location of the upper limit expecting to land some bows. PFBC website claims it was stocked on 10/2, however not a trout in sight....complete bust. I don't know if I'm just going to the wrong location or what, but if they are stocked at the upper limit I would expect there to be plenty of fish there a week later...
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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/09 19:26:40 (permalink)
    Im sure they stocked it but fish move, average is 300 yards. The furthest on a penn state study in the spring was 119 miles i think. Pretty crazy.
    Shake n Bake
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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/09 19:33:28 (permalink)
    I stopped at montour this past weekend and only saw one and I looked in a couple places.  I was expecting at least two lol
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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/09 19:35:23 (permalink)

    Can somebody clarify, are trout stocked/ not stocked at the upper limit location indicated on PFBC website? I went out to Montour Run today, the exact location of the upper limit expecting to land some bows. PFBC website claims it was stocked on 10/2, however not a trout in sight....complete bust. I don't know if I'm just going to the wrong location or what, but if they are stocked at the upper limit I would expect there to be plenty of fish there a week later...

    Had some good rain this weekend, since they stocked.  Fish will move in high water.  Sometimes upstream too.
    I know nuttin about Montour, but on other streams, "upper limit" does not necessarily mean "first place the white truck stops."
    The upper limit of an approved trout stream is 200 yards down the road from my house.  The "upper limit" hole there though hasn't been stocked for probably 3 or 4 years.  In fact, it doesn't get stocked anywhere for almost 2 miles downstream of the upper limit.  
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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/09 20:32:03 (permalink)
    Skeeeol - I have taken a bike with a rod and some artificials  to montour plenty of times ....take a ride along the path and find different spots to go down and try....or get a pair of waders and just walk the stream till you find some fish. Don't always look in the usual stocking places.

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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/10 10:32:18 (permalink)

    Skeeeol - I have taken a bike with a rod and some artificials  to montour plenty of times ....take a ride along the path and find different spots to go down and try....or get a pair of waders and just walk the stream till you find some fish.

    That sounds like work.
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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/10 10:53:07 (permalink)
    or a good time, just enjoying the scenery, finding different holes....last I checked fishing is work, but fun work!

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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/10 12:14:47 (permalink)
    the did a horrible job stocking montour in the spring...think it's much better with the fall stocking
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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/10 16:27:42 (permalink)
    Fished twin lakes the other day and put a pounding on them w/ jigs.  Easily landed around 60-80 fish total between 3 people.  All Browns.
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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/10 16:30:51 (permalink)
    Anyone know if the Donegal lake drawdown has begun yet? I'd like to take one last spin on the boat but would hate to find a dry ramp
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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/16 12:14:33 (permalink)
    montour was good last week and stunk yesterday...fish are there still but seemingly uninterested
    HardCore Fisher
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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/18 01:18:35 (permalink)
    I fished Meadow Run Sunday night right below dinnerbell rd, water was extremely low and all fish were pooled together, got 2 rainbows on a green glo bug, left there and fished the Yough above where the boats come out at Ohiopyle and caught 3 smallmouth at dark on a rapala, there was some kinda bigger tan mayfly coming off in few numbers that made some fish come up but i couldnt identify it. Fished confluence yesterday and only got 1 fish in about 4 hours, water was really off color and i've never seen it that dirty there, when i was leaving it looked a few little blue winged olives were flying around but not many, so i switched to the fly rod and got one brown, a big thanx to guy named chuck from mount pleasant for finding my fly box i left on the bank and making sure i got it back.
    post edited by HardCore Fisher - 2012/10/18 01:25:19
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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/18 16:50:07 (permalink)
    Deer Creek is a mud puddle.  Don't see how they could have even stocked it, it's so friggin' low.  It would take several days of sustained, steady rains to make it fishable at all.
    On the other hand, I'm sure the raccoons are eating well.

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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/18 17:07:12 (permalink)
    I did well at a local lake on small chubs the past couple days. There were lots of small light color gnats flying around, so while my minnows were doing their thing I had a few short strikes and lots of looks on a similarly colored dry fly. The females I filleted today were all spawned out.
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    Re:Fall Stockies 2012/10/20 21:31:46 (permalink)
    seems like the state stocked more browns this fall than rainbows.  all i have seen so far this fall is browns.
    fished laurel hill creek today, the trout weren't too cooperative but i did manage to land one small brown.  had a bunch of others on but they all threw the hook.  i did catch a bunch of perch though.
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