Brown Trout

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2012/09/28 09:58:31 (permalink)

Brown Trout

Can anyone give me any information on brown trout? Where are some of the best places to fish for them? What kinds of baits do you use? When is the best time? I know that's asking alot, but if you can help me I appreciate it. If you can't, I understand why. Feel free to PM me. BTW, I'm not a fly fisherman. I'm spinning only.

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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/09/28 10:32:21 (permalink)
    here ya go
    The brown trout (Salmo trutta) is an originally European species of salmonid fish. It includes both purely freshwater populations, referred to Salmo trutta morpha fario and S. trutta morpha lacustris, and anadromous forms known as the sea trout, S. trutta morpha trutta. The latter migrates to the oceans for much of its life and returns to freshwater only to spawn.[2] Sea trout in the UK and Ireland have many regional names, including sewin (Wales), finnock (Scotland), peal (West Country), mort (North West England) and white trout (Ireland).
    The specific epithet trutta derives from the Latin trutta, meaning, literally, "trout".
    The lacustrine morph of brown trout is most usually potamodromous, migrating from lakes into rivers or streams to spawn, although evidence indicates stocks spawn on wind-swept shorelines of lakes. S. trutta morpha fario forms stream-resident populations, typically in alpine streams, but sometimes in larger rivers. Anadromous and nonanadromous morphs coexisting in the same river evidently can be genetically identical.[3] What determines whether or not they undergo the smolt phase remains unknown.

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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/09/28 11:02:01 (permalink)
    Rainbow Paradise. Pellet fly.
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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/09/28 11:04:14 (permalink)
    you throw in a tributary to lake erie.  sometimes you pull a brown trout out.
    Hope this helps.
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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/09/28 11:26:08 (permalink)
    Fishing for browns is the same as fishing for steelhead.  Just go to a creek mouth.

    Bigger is better.
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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/09/28 13:14:29 (permalink)


    Fishing for browns is the same as fishing for steelhead.  Just go to a creek mouth.

    I guess I should have been more specific. I should have asked how, where, etc in Erie. So, is pitching spoons into the lake at the mouth the way to go, or in the tribs close to the mouth, or are some tribs/mouths better for browns than others, etc.?
    "Rainbow Paradise. Pellet fly."
    I have no idea what that means...LOL
    It is better late in the season or early in the season? It sounds to me like a brown trout is something that you catch once in a while by accident while you are fishing for steelhead. Is that about it, or can you specifically target big browns? Thanks guys. 

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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/09/28 13:25:01 (permalink)
    i saw two kids hauling them out of 20 mile last year using big fire tiger jointed rapalas just up stream of the route 5 bridge
    they had about a half dozen lures stuck in the back of them when i informed them they were on private property, fishing illegally and could be fined a few hundred dollars if they got caught
    that was mid november
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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/09/28 13:49:39 (permalink)

    "Rainbow Paradise. Pellet fly."
    I have no idea what that means...LOL

    Rainbow Paradise is the place. pellet fly is the bait. You are almost guaranteed to get a giant brown there.
    Browns in erie seem pretty random to me, if you want to target them specifically Id try one of the western Lake O tribs.
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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/09/28 14:57:42 (permalink)
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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/09/28 15:05:10 (permalink)
    I've been fishing the Erie tribs for steelhead for about 10 years, and I've caught two browns. One was at 16 mile under the bridge in 2003 on an egg sack, and the other was a citation brown, last year at Elk creek, along the shale wall, on a PA infamous pink worm (I know youre not a fly fisherman). I'm not really sure how you separate catching browns from steelhead, but I've always assumed it's just chance. Heck, as long it's a big trout, I don't really care what it is
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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/09/28 16:20:26 (permalink)
    i thought steelhead season was closed this year?
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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/09/28 19:07:48 (permalink)

    I had two nice browns on a stringer last year and two punk kids stole them when I was taking a pee in the woods.

    LOL! NICE!

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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/09/28 19:36:39 (permalink)
    when im trout fishing almost always the browns hit live minnows, for me. but I dont specifically target them. as for were ? ahhh i got nothing im pretty limited to stockies

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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/09/28 21:31:33 (permalink)
    Minnows is what I always catch stocked browns on, And I always have preferred some current where I am fishing. But I really don't know to much about brown trout in erie let alone fishing in erie, I know they are all just stupid stocked fish, still can't catch them though. Although I feel like targeting them specifically would be a waste, so many steelhead right there to catch too.

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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/09/29 00:15:35 (permalink)
    I left two big browns in the woods by Elk last year.  One after breakfast and one right after lunch.

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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/09/29 06:50:50 (permalink)
    So your the one that got it posted....nice work.

    I don't always snag fish, but when I do...
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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/10/02 11:43:07 (permalink)
    Got my first one of the year on Saturday was kicking myself because I maxed out already
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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/10/02 13:33:10 (permalink)
    Only keep BROWN TROUTS.Release all steelhedz.Its da law.Oh, you didn't no?
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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/10/02 21:56:25 (permalink)
    They are now stocking more young browns in the tribs along with the steelies. maybe the reason the steelhead numbers seem less than in the past. I too like the idea of seeing and catching more browns in the creeks. I may be wrong but I believe they are more of a spring target. In lake Ontario they catch them with planer boards run as close to shore as possible. That's where they spawn and it happens in the spring. So I've been told in the past. would like to see more on thisin the future.
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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/10/02 22:28:05 (permalink)
    Yeah, I was under the impression that some of the Mile Creeks were more likely to hold browns than others, but I haven't seen anything on this thread to confirm it. Oh well. Maybe I'll get lucky and tie into one on Elk.
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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/10/03 09:44:43 (permalink)
    I didn't know there were these steelhead now then in the past. Unless the 7 I got casting the lake the other day was a fluke
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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/10/03 11:00:36 (permalink)
    I caught a fluke. They are finally up to Rt. 5.

    post edited by cbeagler - 2012/10/03 11:03:01
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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/10/03 15:26:56 (permalink)
    Lk Erie Tribs it's pretty much chance whether you get a Brown vs. Steelie vs. one of the 47 Coho left in Lk Erie.  Live minnows, small minnow plugs, and night crawlers best chance for Browns IMO.  While the cold weather we're expecting this weekend may slow them down, Browns spawning in inland streams now as well--nothing like catching and releasing a big, hook jawed male w/ bright reddish orange glow of the spawn. 
    Enjoy, and let us know how you did. 
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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/10/07 07:29:20 (permalink)
    Like others have said, browns are pretty much just a bonus fish on Lake Erie tribs, but they are a nice surprise. I caught a 23" brown yesterday, my first one in the past few years. Browns seem to run the Lake Ontario tribs in October, in better numbers than the PA streams.
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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/10/07 11:40:46 (permalink)

    Lk Erie Tribs it's pretty much chance whether you get a Brown vs. Steelie vs. one of the 47 Coho left in Lk Erie. 

    There's a bunch more coho than you'd think.
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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/10/07 13:52:16 (permalink)

    Like others have said, browns are pretty much just a bonus fish on Lake Erie tribs, but they are a nice surprise. I caught a 23" brown yesterday, my first one in the past few years. Browns seem to run the Lake Ontario tribs in October, in better numbers than the PA streams.

    Since 50 to 100K were stocked in PI Bay and the tribs in 2010, they should be more than just a  bonus fish.  Thatt's about 10 % of the stocking program. 
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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/10/07 22:19:32 (permalink)


    Like others have said, browns are pretty much just a bonus fish on Lake Erie tribs, but they are a nice surprise. I caught a 23" brown yesterday, my first one in the past few years. Browns seem to run the Lake Ontario tribs in October, in better numbers than the PA streams.

    Since 50 to 100K were stocked in PI Bay and the tribs in 2010, they should be more than just a  bonus fish.  Thatt's about 10 % of the stocking program. 

    I don't know about the tribs, but out on the open water this year I caught 5 browns for every steelhead I caught.

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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/10/09 11:04:53 (permalink)


    Like others have said, browns are pretty much just a bonus fish on Lake Erie tribs, but they are a nice surprise. I caught a 23" brown yesterday, my first one in the past few years. Browns seem to run the Lake Ontario tribs in October, in better numbers than the PA streams.

    Since 50 to 100K were stocked in PI Bay and the tribs in 2010, they should be more than just a  bonus fish.  Thatt's about 10 % of the stocking program. 

    Maybe the PFBC's direct stocking, but IIRC, there's something on the order of 3 million plus per year put in through the combined efforts of the PFBC, organizations like 3CU, and other non-state efforts.  That'd put browns somewhere in the 3.5% neighborhood.  Still by no means rare, but it's something to keep in mind before you get disappointed when you aren't pulling a brown in for every 10 steelbows.  Really, that 3.5% figure seems about right for this year, for the increase I've seen over the last two years.
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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/10/09 16:21:14 (permalink)
    2 words.
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    Re:Brown Trout 2012/10/09 22:06:46 (permalink)
    True, but this has only been done for two years.  To see a big return rate on 10% of the fish stocked in just two years is not going to happen. Think of how many steelhead smolts get stocked, 90% more than browns for the past two years and 100% more in how many years the stocking program has been going on.  I dont think you will ever see big numbers of browns in Lake Erie tribs as the amount of browns stocked is miniscule to the amount of smolts stocked, however I do think you will conintue to see a few more browns each year as they continue to stock but they will always be a trophy fish.
    post edited by krott243 - 2012/10/09 22:09:45

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