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2012/09/28 00:29:24 (permalink)


We have been doing very well on some big bulls lately. Not too many peeps fishing for them. Too bad! I can't tell what my secret bait is, because the gills might get wise to the trout magnet & 1" gulp minnow.  sam

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    Re:bullgills 2012/09/28 02:22:43 (permalink)
     I don't know how many packs ov them things I went through this yr.
    Gonna set a trap in one of my sm. ponds & see how the Shiners reproduced this summer so don't have to spend the money on the Gulps this fall for the Gills/Perch & crappie. Hope to hit a strip mine pond soon for Fatheads if the hatch wasn't so good.
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    Re:bullgills 2012/09/28 15:41:20 (permalink)
    where are you going for the bull gills?  i've had some good luck with them up at kahle lake in clarion county but something closer to allegheny county would be nice.
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    Re:bullgills 2012/09/28 19:52:59 (permalink)

    where are you going for the bull gills?  i've had some good luck with them up at kahle lake in clarion county but something closer to allegheny county would be nice.


    Kahle's my lake! Stay out! LOL!
    Just kiddin'. It is an awesome lake for big gills. I've caught plenty of 11-11.5" gills in there. I've done pretty well on the perch and crappie there too. And yes, the Gulp Minnows are the bomb.

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    Re:bullgills 2012/10/04 16:20:49 (permalink)
    Ok, you just got my attention! I've never been there before but I'll be careful not to ask anything that'll get me introuble; I just wanna know if there's decent shore fishing, and if there are any parts that are worth wading on Kahle Lake.

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    Re:bullgills 2012/10/04 19:47:05 (permalink)
    Yes and yes. When I get a minute, I'll PM you with some info. If I forget, PM me with questions. Gonna be gone all this weekend, starting Friday.

    “If you're in trouble, or hurt or in need - go to the poor people. They're the only ones that'll help - the only ones.”
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