Hot? No, but quite pretty.
Big brown? No, but not bad either.
Loomis a chick? No, but mercurial as one.

Not too many chicks I know named "Adam." BTW, are you related to Chuck Norris?
You know how a giraffe was made? Loomis roundhouse kicked a horse in the face!
Loomis doesn't sleep. He waits.
There used to be a street named "Loomis" but they changed it because nobody crosses Loomis and lives.
Loomis doesn't flush the toilet. He scares the $hit out of it.
When the Boogeyman goes to sleep, he checks his closet for Loomis.
Loomis can win a game of Connect Four in three moves.
Evolution doesn't exist. The animals we have today are merely the species that Loomis allows to live.
Loomis doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information that he wants.
Loomis is the reason Waldo is hiding.
Loomis's tears can cure cancer. Unfortunately, Loomis has never cried.
Loomis can strangle people with a cordless phone.