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Fishing the lake @ the mouth
What tactics are productive for fishing the lake near the mouths from shore?
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/18 23:31:45
ive only fished the lakefront a few times, but ive caught them on spoons, sacks, and used blue powerbait!
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/19 00:28:03
Not too difficult, no real tactics to speak of. Little Cleos in blue and silver. KO Wobblers the same. Big white rooster tails have always been good too. Wade out and start casting. Use a medium rod. If you can, use a noodle rod. Some prefer them for the ability to use a lighter line as the rod takes the shock. But a whole lot of us used good old Mitchell 300s and medium conolon rods for a long time and did quite well. Whatever you use make sure that your drag is adjusted. If the water is calm put a small white or black mini foo jig about two feet under a weighted slip bobber. Add some meat like a small minnow or maggots to the jig. And of course power bait on the jig works too--I have caught most of my jig fish on the mini foo power bait combo. I like to hit the lake early, it seems to be the calmest then. Wade out and have a blast.
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/19 05:24:45
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/19 06:51:45
I agree with "The Beagle Duud"...cleos are where it's at. Careful wading out tho.....fish will stack right on the shoreline.
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/19 19:43:18
There are days when Ive caught fish behind those wading out as far as their chest waders will let them. Cast to their backs and retrieve. No need to wade IMO they come within feet of the shoreline.
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/19 21:09:32
The Lorax knows of what he speaks.
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/19 22:07:15
What if you're not that accurate at throwin spoons? Can you call a foul and have the chest wader fisherman penalized 15 yards? BH
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/19 22:15:31
deetz4352 No need to wade IMO they come within feet of the shoreline.
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/20 08:11:33
I have to get some decent line spooled on my Penn spinning reel.I was told last year to go with Seaguar and I did.I didn't like that line at all.Bird nest after bird nest and I had it put on at the bait store.I think I might go with some Trilene or Berkley mono.Any suggestions? I'm only fishing the lake for staging fish with my spin outfit (I only fly fish the streams) so I'm not to concerned about my line being invisible.
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/20 08:26:49
Don't have the bait store spool your line, and close your bail manually, not by turning the reel handle.
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/20 08:37:11
What sort of reeling cadence triggers strikes while spoon fishing the mouths? Steady retrieve? Stop n go? Fast then slow? Slow n twitchy? rip n drop? I've only fished the mouths a couple times for a total of a couple hours and was just wondering what typically triggers em to strike. I searched a bunch for this and didn't find anything.
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/20 10:53:33
I use a med-fast steady retrieve.
I don't always snag fish, but when I do... I choose Little Cleos I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/20 11:03:09
Thanks a bunch slick, I appreciate it.
post edited by FishinGuy - 2012/09/20 11:18:32
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/20 11:47:39
Mr.Slickfish I use a med-fast steady retrieve. Get a Mo Town song like "I'll Be There" in your head and reel to the beat.
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/20 11:50:02
deetz4352 There are days when Ive caught fish behind those wading out as far as their chest waders will let them. Cast to their backs and retrieve. No need to wade IMO they come within feet of the shoreline. Agreed, I just have a phobia telling people that I got beat up by a chorus line for throwing spoons at them. If I am first on the water I will fish from the shore first.
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/20 13:57:21
Pondbear, First, do not spool your reel with floro. If you're concerned with visibility, tie a piece of floro leader to your main line. Second, if only tossing spoons, I prefer a SB such as Fireline. Those lake fish ( especially early season ) are not line shy. If you also want to toss a more still bait ( jigs, sacs, PB ), again tie on a floro leader. Speed can vary. Sometimes they want it ripping, sometimes they want it slow. Part of the speed deal, is how high in the water your spoon rides. I like Crocs, as the profile allows for both long casts, but also a slower retrieve without hanging up on the bottom. Here again the value of super braid. Most "hang ups" are rocks. With SB, you can crank down and either flip the rock, or bend the hook ( cheaper to replace than a spoon ). Braid also lets you "crank down" moe on a fish, and get control in tight quarters. The other are right in they they can be right on the shoreline. As the sun comes out they'll move "deeper". That and your fellow angler almost always bust out balz deep right off the bat. Leaving you little option. Remember that the fish don't form a single file line out in the lake, and head directly into the creek. They mill about, and cruise the shoreline. I like to go about 25yds past the furthest guy from the mouth. Then wade just far enough to cast almost parallel to the shore, without constantly dragging bottom. Actually, you can find fish ( early ) 150 yds or more away from the creek mouth.
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/20 15:26:41
lotta good info in this thready thread, thanks yinz.
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/20 16:57:57
Spoon chucker Why don't you like floro as a mainline?....and does braid seem to help you cast farther?...I was thinkn of trying invisibraid by spiderwire ....how big of a leader do you use and when you cast do you make sure your leader is outside your guides to keep your leader knot from hitting your last few guides of your rod?
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/20 17:36:34
chromemullet Why don't you like floro as a mainline? cause it's JUNK on a spinning reel..and only slightly less crAppy for tippet ..L.T.A.
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/20 17:45:39
Agreed. Braid...with a 24" leader.....or straight mono is what I use. I like straight mono. Steelhead are the only fish I use mono for. I like having that little bit of stretch on spastic fish.....But I have no idea what im doing. Most of the time I steelhead fish, I'm just Deetz's snack sherpa.
I don't always snag fish, but when I do... I choose Little Cleos I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/20 18:31:33
Forget the inisibraid. It's junk, and far from "invisible". Besides, when casting spoons visiblity is not an issue. Not sure about braid casting farther, but again not really an issue. It is limper than mono & certainly floro & lower diameter per line strength, and I believe that allows for better lure action. I also prefer to tie direct instead of using a snap swivell for that reason. Do that with floro and most mono, line twist & birdsnest city. As for the aforementioned stretch. A noodle rod, and or well set drag will compensate for any lack of stretch. And lack of stretch would be more of and issue with flor IMO. 2-4 feet of leader is plenty, but if you want more most knots and micro swivels will easily pass through the guides of a spinning/noodle rod. Of course once daytime temps start to remain below freezing. You need to switch over to mono. Ice will bond to braid. Leaving you with a chain.
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/20 21:09:10
Spoon chucker are you saying that you catch early season chrome on spoons with no leader but instead tying the spoon directly on the super braid?....I like the idea of being able to retrieve snagged spoons with the extra strength of the braids....I lost 30$ worth of spoons the last day I was out..(mouth of walnut)..being able to eliminate the leader would surely help being able to pull that much harder....it does seem hard to believe that a fish following spoons would be line shy but a lot of people say that....I'm looking to hear someone say they catch em without a light line or leader....straight business no fine line
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/20 22:57:13
ive seen people catch steelbows with 8 or 10lb mono in clear water. i still believe there's a tangible difference in catch rate that favors flouro, but i know many would disagree. Maybe its just a confidence thing? I know ive caught more with flouro than mono. Casting spoons in the lake is one place i would not be worried about using light line though. Chuck it, reel it, wait for them to grab on!
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/21 08:32:00
chromemullet ..I lost 30$ worth of spoons the last day I was out. ouch reel a little faster or don't toss such heavy spoons i don't fish the lake, so take it for what it's worth.... imo the advantages to braid (I use 10# Spider Wire braid on one of the bass rods) the advantage on long casts is the lack of stretch. 50-100ft of mono has a TON of stretch to it...braids have none ..they're also ten times more sensitive ..you may never feel any fish bumping your lure with long casts and mono....and may not think there are any fish there You can feel a minnow fart on the end of braid BTW, I've caught steel in the creeks chucking jUnk at 'em with my bass rod and braid This is a ONE OUNCE jig in that hen's mouth tied to 10# Spider Wire braid ..L.T.A.
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/21 09:30:02
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/21 10:53:25
You know that fish was snagged in the tail and the jig was removed and placed in that fishes mouth for the photo.Cmon man you ain't fooling me.
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/21 11:27:02
There's actually an article in the latest in-fisherman about fishing tubes for salmon & browns. Says white and clear are best. But that's not a salmon or a brown so it was definitely snagged.
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/21 14:53:47
How about buzz baits? Anybody ever catch a steelbow on buzz bait?
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Re:Fishing the lake @ the mouth
2012/09/21 15:12:42
"How about buzz baits? Anybody ever catch a steelbow on buzz bait?" Not that I'm aware of. But it wouldn't suprise me. I've had a number of them come up and grab my float. Some even held on long enough to play them for a few seconds. I've often though about tossing a big orange popper, but never did it. Really never have one on me.
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