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Where can I get a 22" 6 pound log mounted? You read right, not hog... LOG! Caught, fought, and landed the puppy about an hour ago on ELK.
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><>er man
whole lot of steel in elk creek to the cascades how do i know the water is crystal clear you can see them not to mention all the people fishing from the access down ... so elk is the new cascade?
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Hefalump Where can I get a 22" 6 pound log mounted? You read right, not hog... LOG! Caught, fought, and landed the puppy about an hour ago on ELK. Probably foul hooked it you snagr.
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you watched him snagging 15 fish-thats a lot and must've taken awhile....did u call to report him?
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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krott243 ><>er man whole lot of steel in elk creek to the cascades how do i know the water is crystal clear you can see them not to mention all the people fishing from the access down even saw the fly guys snagging them at the blowns just above the boat launch i would like to know who the guy was fishing at the mud hole. fly rod blue tooth in his ear snagging steel you know who you are he was the only one "catching" fish must've hooked 15 or so i watched the whole thing snagger!!!!! i managed 4 in three days of fishing all in the lake all on cleos creeks are way too low need lots of rain!!!!!!! Maybe you should have called the PFBC and done something about it instead of complaining about it on an internet forum. the real question should be "how do you know FOR SURE he was snagging/lining/lifting or whatever the eff you want to call it?? I not suggesting he was or wasn't ...but I've seen/heard it many times before...one duud is slamming them on a day that's slow/no bite for most everyone else around him...someone will invariably think he must be snagging/lining/lifting 'cause he's the only duud hammering them...and it ain't necessarily so The kid down at Platz road last year (who kept sliding closer and closer to me til he was in my back pocket) might tell you different . "kid, lemmie see the end of your line" as i tied "the magic fly" on under his beach ball sized bobber. Set the depth, pinched on a shot and said "cast it right there, Kid" as he cast out and made a big ole splash and slowly drifted appx six ft he had one on broke off i tied on another "magic fly", set his drag and he eventually landed one he and i were the only ones to catch any fish in the three hours i was there Til i got the kid hooked up, I'm reasonably sure someone from his party thought I was snagging/lining/lifting . What they didn't know was, the hour before they got there i wasn't catching diddly either. It wasn't until I happened to tie on that particular fly that they just started slamming it ..l.T.A.
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pee-esss... anyone ever steelhead fish with Jiggy Jim or Ironhead before?? those two could consistently catch steel from a toilet with a bent rusty fork tied to a anchor rOpe . i have no doubt that many times someone up or down stream from them were thinking "snAggAr" ..l.T.A.
post edited by genieman77 - 2012/09/18 18:31:09
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Never fished with them, but fished with and around Frankie one day on Elk. Nobody was catching, except him. Lots of fish in low flow. He handed my son his rod about 10 times and let him catch some feesh. Watched his technique closely - he sure wasn't snaggin. But everybody around said he was. No way he could have been with the technique and bait he was using. Had some duuds PO'd at me last year on Elk 'cause I had the hot hand one day - which is rare. I was using a ridiculous bait that I had never used before - heard about it but didn't believe it would work. They were laughing at me at first, then accusing me of lining. I'm not good enough to line. Even if I was I wouldn't do it. Watched the fish move through the water to eat my stuff. A few feet can make a big difference. A weird bait or lure can make a big difference. Unless you're watching a duud rip trebles across the fish's back, or doing the old lift and line at the end of every drift, there's a good chance he just has the hot hand when nobody else does. And if it bothers you that much, I wouldn't bother callin' a WCO over a few illegally hooked fish. I'd just move on. But usually I'm busy enough minding my own business and enjoying my time on the water that I really don't notice how others are catching fish, unless they're fishing on my hip.
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rsquared I'm busy enough minding my own business and enjoying my time on the water that I really don't notice how others are catching fish, unless they're fishing on my hip. Best quote on this thread right there. nuff said.....
The Deetz Fishermen are born honest,but they get over it
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I don't always snag fish, but when I do... I choose Little Cleos I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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Dude must have some serious skills in order to succesfully snag 15 fish in the mudhole, which is usualy quite difficult to spot fish in. I'd think it might be actualy easier to legaly CATCH 15 fish there.
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To presume someone is snagging fish is kinda funny. Maybe you should get closer and actually observe what the dude is doing, you might be surprised and you might learn a different skill to catch steelhead when most are blanking. Witnessed a dude hammering them on lower Elk Sunday for an hour and a half and I guarentee he wasn't snagging fish and literally maybe a few others had a hookup during that time. He also was doing something nobody else was down there. It's funny hearing the comments of some....... BTW: There really were not that many fish down there then at least. The fish have comfort in numbers and are much harder to catch when less are there. That is really what's going on.
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That really loud short guy sucks at fishing and when he shakes his rod like that with a jig, its just a disguised treble hook with a weighted jighead. See it all the time in NY where he learned it....darn shame. Doubt he caught 15 in the mudhole also, there is probably 15 total fish there, half of which are rock bass.
fish whisper
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Caught 3 today, all drifting sacks but was pretty difficult with the wind we had
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I feeshed elk, yins seen dim snaGGerzz wit sideWayyyzzz simms hats breaKKKin rods tryn to look like frankie?
The Lord has blessed us all today... It's just that he has been particularly good to me.
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No broken rods today Just a bunch of fish with sore mouths...
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That really loud short guy sucks at fishing and when he shakes his rod like that with a jig, its just a disguised treble hook with a weighted jighead. See it all the time in NY where he learned it....darn shame.
Doubt he caught 15 in the mudhole also, there is probably 15 total fish there, half of which are rock bass.
On a ****in tab...On a tab brah
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6point7 Loomis That really loud short guy sucks at fishing and when he shakes his rod like that with a jig, its just a disguised treble hook with a weighted jighead. See it all the time in NY where he learned it....darn shame. Doubt he caught 15 in the mudhole also, there is probably 15 total fish there, half of which are rock bass. On a ****in tab...On a tab brah Got mine On an egg brah....here's proof.
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fishrmn No broken rods today Just a bunch of fish with sore mouths... I saw it from across the mudhole. fishrmn was the only one hookin up. proof.
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'cept that one time he shot someone daughn the elk acess
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Hefalump Where can I get a 22" 6 pound log mounted? You read right, not hog... LOG! Caught, fought, and landed the puppy about an hour ago on ELK. Should have kept the log, you could have used a piece of the wood to mount a real hog caught later in the year. Any taxidermist would do it. You could call it a hog on a log mount!
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On a ****in tab...On a tab brah
Got mine On an egg brah....here's proof. On a egg, soaked in Tab?
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