Outboard trouble!!!!

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2012/09/16 14:13:09 (permalink)

Outboard trouble!!!!

Trying to figure this one out.  As I was coming back in yesterday my motor was running around 4500 rpm's, then it dropped down to 4000 rpm and sounded like it was struggling then died completely.  I started it back up and right away it went 7000 rpms at idle and when I turned the key to off the motor kept running.  I tried the kill switch and turning the batteries off, but it took disconnecting the fuel line to shut the motor down. I tried started it up a few minutes later and it started a little more normal but died off as soon as I put it in gear. Limped in the rest of the way on my kicker and I tried again in the harbor to start the motor and it jumped to an insanely high rpms right away and stayed, but this time shut off when I turned the key off.  The motor is an 89 johnson 70hp... does anyone have any idea what could have caused this behavior?  I had a problem with this motor just not starting earlier in the season but I got that figure out and it has been running fine.  

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    Erie Mako
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    Re:Outboard trouble!!!! 2012/09/17 08:00:02 (permalink)
    Without more information, my first thought is ignition/spark advance control.
    You say it hit 7000 RPM...was that what you actually observed on the tach. and did it actually sound like the motor was screaming at 7000?
    Where was the throttle set at when this happened?

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    Re:Outboard trouble!!!! 2012/09/17 10:55:18 (permalink)
    The throttle was in neutral, and it hit 7000 rpm on the tach(the max my tach reads). All of the spark plugs and spark plug wires were replaced this year.
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    Re:Outboard trouble!!!! 2012/09/17 14:40:49 (permalink)
    7,000 plus rpm on a 23 year old outboard for as long as it takes to run out of fuel... NOT GOOD...
    Check your carb bolts...

    Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
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    Re:Outboard trouble!!!! 2012/09/19 21:02:45 (permalink)
    If it;s a 2 stroke sounds like it may be an air leak. Could be carb,crankshaft seals,may be able to pressurize through carb and listen?
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    Re:Outboard trouble!!!! 2012/10/08 19:44:55 (permalink)
    Just wanted to follow up incase anyone finds this post that is having a similar issue-
    I had it out a week or two after this happened on the rivers and I couldnt get above 3500 rpm and the motor kept on dying. So I had to use my kicker the whole evening.  I read a lot online trying to find this exact problem but no luck, I found some similar issues people had and thought maybe the powerpack went bad.  I ordered a new powerpack and put it on, ran the boat tonight and it was running better than it has in a long time.   Usually it would die out after idling a while, but I let it idle tonight for about 15 minutes and it didnt shut off.  It also feels like it has more power now. 
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    Re:Outboard trouble!!!! 2012/10/09 08:58:54 (permalink)
    Power Pack = Not Cheap
    Hope this fixes it up for you, update again after you run it several times. Glad you got it going again, nothing as frustrating as those types of issues...

    Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
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    Re:Outboard trouble!!!! 2012/10/27 07:36:37 (permalink)
    it sounds to me like your carb needs re-built whats happening is your float is sticking when its stuck down your loading up and dumping fuel then when your running its stuck up thats why it stalls it runs out of fuel.
    in case you didnt know :the easiest way to check for the vac. leaks spray starting fluid around the carb and manifold if your engine tachs up there it is

    post edited by just_wanna_fish - 2012/10/27 07:41:29

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