Favorite Bead Colors

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Erie Pinner
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2012/09/08 08:47:12 (permalink)

Favorite Bead Colors

I just learned about using beads late last year and wanted to stock up on some colors.  But with so many out there I have no idea what colors work in the Erie tribs and I am hoping to make a trip to NY this fall. 
Any help in color selection and what works is appreciated.
Tight Lines and Fish On...

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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/08 10:46:10 (permalink)
    Check the Blue River Designs webb site. Walt "The Otter" sells Otters eggs and has a pegging method using a bead and a soft egg. The bead appears to be an embryo. He has a package of colors and sizes for the Eastern (PA & NY ) Tribs. I used them last year and they far surpassed any veiled egg pattern I had been using. Hope no one is mad that I let this secret out. Good luck !
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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/08 11:05:57 (permalink)
    I don't think bead color is nearly as important as bead presentation. Get beads that are close to the color of salmon eggs and you'll do just fine as long as your presentation to the fish is correct.
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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/08 15:19:25 (permalink)
    Seams like a lot of work just to foul hook a fish

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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/08 16:06:20 (permalink)
    They carry 3 differents lines in many colors. MoeRoe r the best, IMO
    Just sayin, just lovin 'em
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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/08 17:13:30 (permalink)

    Seams like a lot of work just to foul hook a fish

    It's easier than using little nymphs to bit that bite them in the tail....

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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/08 20:10:47 (permalink)
    Seams like a lot of work just to foul hook a fish

    ya mahn, but It's a lAbor of lOve
    duud, sunny day  = small  pearl bead ...and i mean "pearl"...not white
    Put the bead at the hook eye too......don't be a snAggAr
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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/08 20:21:03 (permalink)
    How do you attach the beads to the shank if I where to tie some up myself? Thread? Glue? Head cement?
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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/08 20:28:11 (permalink)
    Beads dont work on erie tribs, try ohio or ny

    The Lord has blessed us all today... It's just that he has been particularly good to me.
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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/08 20:40:39 (permalink)
    WHY NOT?
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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/08 21:00:17 (permalink)

    How do you attach the beads to the shank if I where to tie some up myself? Thread? Glue? Head cement?

    I tried thread ..it looked like chit, but produced bites...problem was, it didn't produce many solid  "hook-ups" due to the bead shrinking the size  hook gap width ...(size 16 scud hook)
    So I started pegging them on the line at top of  hook eye and hook-up rate went way up.
    if i pinned it much higher, I started feeling like a snAggAr
    and one should only use  evolved snAgging techniques to prevent  lose of pride.
    you know, when you're the only guy in the hole or run  that hasn't hooked a fish.
    as long as the hook is anywhere forward of the pec fin,  you can call it a fair fish and keep out of the water for tens minutes while pics are taken.
      revive  down stream of your creek neighbors, so no one sees it float away side ways
    If drug in by the tail, etiquette requires you release immediately and  no picsare allowed
    unless of course,  no one is in sight  then you can take pics  to show your friends at home and on the interwebz
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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/09 01:00:42 (permalink)

    wats l.t.a meen /

    it's top sEcret
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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/09 02:03:06 (permalink)
    I prefer Blue Power Bea... oh, nevermind.
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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/09 07:17:57 (permalink)
    What I learned from this thread about beads color is....
    Pinners are snagrz and Fly guys are snagrz
    Guess I'll stay legal with my cleos.
    To stay on topic...and answer duuds ?....I've wittnessed PAPinner slay fish on any color bead he chose...I agree that presentation is way more important than color.
    Nice to see your not incarcerated yet Harry

    I don't always snag fish, but when I do...
    I choose Little Cleos

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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/09 11:25:57 (permalink)
    Plz kill all the stillheads they were annoying walleye fishing this year, thanks.
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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/09 12:11:16 (permalink)

    Seams like a lot of work just to foul hook a fish

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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/09 13:56:29 (permalink)
    william h


    To stay on topic...and answer duuds ?....I've wittnessed PAPinner slay fish on any color bead he chose...I agree that presentation is way more important than color.

    would'nt that fact suggest he was actually snagging the fish?

    NOPE ...I was there that day as well and every fish was hooked from the inside out on the beads. And on 4-5 different colors. It aint snaggin if you do it properly.

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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/09 23:15:56 (permalink)
    Pinner's legit.  Watched him go clinical the first time Bings introduced me to him.

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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/10 08:44:58 (permalink)
    william h

    would'nt that fact suggest he was actually snagging the fish?
    I've never tryed the beads but have seen the rig used.

    Call me what you want it doesn't bother me, the method works hands down and I peg my bead no more then 1" from the hook. Just dont get mad a me because "you can't catch them from the couch"
    post edited by papinner - 2012/09/10 14:33:54
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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/10 09:26:18 (permalink)
    What do you peg the beads with? Toothpicks?
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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/10 11:41:43 (permalink)

    Plz kill all the stillheads they were annoying walleye fishing this year, thanks.

    Oh we will!!
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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/10 11:57:15 (permalink)
    Could some one post a pic of this rig please? This is the first I've heard of this.
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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/10 13:33:30 (permalink)
    and then there's this from a couple years back...


    "Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God."~by Tony Blake~

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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/10 20:58:14 (permalink)
    Careful not to get caught, pegging beads in front of the hook is illegal in PA. The state considered it snagging a couple or so years back when they started to take on popularity.
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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/10 21:15:25 (permalink)
    You see that in writing anywhere flytier? That must make hair rigs for carp illegal as well then huh? I thought as long as the hook was inside the mouth it was a o k.
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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/10 22:50:30 (permalink)
    It does not say beads are illegal, it is how you rig them. I think the commission should address the issue and be more specific in the written regulations, but in the mean time it is a gray area to touch on. They do see pegging as a snagging device by it being pegged above the hook. They do work great tho, I've had a lot of experience using them and I never once Hooked a fish on the outside of the mouth.
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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/11 12:31:57 (permalink)
    Personally, I just use the bead as an indicator to drift the bare hook in the fishes mouth then I nonchalantly lift up the rod tip so nobody knows what I am doing, that's how I have been getting by for years..
    Works great, and people think you are a way better fisherman than you really are.
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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/12 08:26:11 (permalink)

    It does not say beads are illegal, it is how you rig them. I think the commission should address the issue and be more specific in the written regulations, but in the mean time it is a gray area to touch on. They do see pegging as a snagging device by it being pegged above the hook. They do work great tho, I've had a lot of experience using them and I never once Hooked a fish on the outside of the mouth.

    Wrong!  Theres nothing in writing that indicates it is illegal how to "rig".....The legal/illegal issue lies within where a fish is hooked and whether or not it is foul hooked; and also caught in the act of intentionally snagging fish by ripping your hook through the water.  Otherwise, show me what you speak of in writing.  I see more fly guys snaggin' fish with their double and triple dropper rigs....intentionally too, with their "end of the drift rip/lift!" 
    I caught over half of the steelhead I caught last year on beads....just a few were foul hooked and they were hooked near the tail or back accidentaly....the ones which went for the bead, were all hooked legally in the corner of the mouth! 

    post edited by CroatianSensation - 2012/09/12 08:34:04
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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/12 08:39:36 (permalink)


    It does not say beads are illegal, it is how you rig them. I think the commission should address the issue and be more specific in the written regulations, but in the mean time it is a gray area to touch on. They do see pegging as a snagging device by it being pegged above the hook. They do work great tho, I've had a lot of experience using them and I never once Hooked a fish on the outside of the mouth.

    Wrong!  Theres nothing in writing that indicates it is illegal how to "rig".....The legal/illegal issue lies within where a fish is hooked and whether or not it is foul hooked; and also caught in the act of intentionally snagging fish by ripping your hook through the water.  Otherwise, show me what you speak of in writing.  I see more fly guys snaggin' fish with their double and triple dropper rigs....intentionally too, with their "end of the drift rip/lift!" 

    I caught over half of the steelhead I caught last year on beads....just a few were foul hooked and they were hooked near the tail or back accidentaly....the ones which went for the bead, were all hooked legally in the corner of the mouth! 

    Sir, since you use this rig often, could you please post a picture of it? I googled it and got so many different looking rigs that I am just as clueless now as I was before I started. I don't want to snag fish, but if this rig works like so many people say it does, I wouldn't mind trying it. Do you use a swivel at all?
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    Re:Favorite Bead Colors 2012/09/12 09:10:47 (permalink)
    Similar to what you see below, except I run my bead closer and no more than an inch from the hook.

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