Yough at the outflow

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2012/09/03 23:07:35 (permalink)

Yough at the outflow

Spent the day there today.  Beautiful weather, the river looked good.  But no fish.  Saw one caught and two swim by.  I watched quite a few anglers gettin skunked-spin and fly.  I tried worms, flies, lures and prayer.  None worked!  I did catch a lot of rock snot-didymo?  Literally every cast.  So last week i caught river grass in the allegheny river and this week the didymo.  If my skill for fishing is judged on catching aquatic vegetation, I am the most excellent fisherman in history.  
Did have a great time playing in the water with my kids, and they had fun torturing worms too :)  

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
Matthew 4:19

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    Re:Yough at the outflow 2012/09/04 22:28:30 (permalink)
    I usually get, at the very least, a fish or two, using ripbaits around confluence. Husky jerks, X-raps, rebel minnows, and the trout magnet cranks. If they're not so aggressive, I'll switch to a rebel teeny-wee craw, small crankbait, or jointed rapala.
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    Re:Yough at the outflow 2012/09/06 09:44:30 (permalink)
    My favorite bait at the outflow is a big healthy mealworm. If you can put it in front of the trout they really seem to like it. I'm not an expert, but from what I've read the green stuff at the outflow is some kind of weed that comes from the lake through the turbines. The articles on the rock-snot put it below the falls.
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    Re:Yough at the outflow 2012/09/07 10:10:55 (permalink)
    They've since confirmed the rock snot from the outflow down to Ohiopyle. 
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    Re:Yough at the outflow 2012/09/08 23:10:31 (permalink)
    On line access to water discharge information from the dam on the Yough seems to be no longer available.   I was able to get the daily discharge along with the projected discharge for the next three days up until a few weeks ago.  Anyone else having a problem getting this information?   Is there another web site I can try?
    hendey lathe
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    Re:Yough at the outflow 2012/09/09 11:26:39 (permalink)
    Pappy, scoll down the Southwest Pa. forum. Look for the Corp of Engineers topic, Traillblazer got the information from the USACE that your looking for.
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