Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?

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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/10/01 09:16:56 (permalink)
Stopped at our usual pumpkin picking farm yesterday to let the kids pick out their carving pumpkins and while BS'ing with the Owner, he said he has found three so far on his land (one a nice 16" 8 point) and smells many more in the surrounding area.  Down the road from him they found 8 or so and he heard rumors of dozens found right off the turnpike b/w Irwin and Monroeville. 
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/10/01 11:47:18 (permalink)
Im hearing of a guy finding 16 around east milsboro in fayette. A good buddy of mine talked to the guy personally, and thats what he told him. Im not sure if it was connected to the same roomer but there word of 22 found on another farm in the same area. Other reports of 1 here and there.
wayne c
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/10/01 19:52:01 (permalink)
Well, I had some time to take quick creek inventories on 3 properties.   I found none on one, 5 dead on another, and 3 on the 3rd property.   On the property where I found three, a large field of high weeds & golden rod runs along the creek, making deer hard to find.  Back in 2007 I found some along the creek, then after frost knocked everything down and I went out that way, I found several more later.   Hard to tell how many are in there.
All found were near or in stream.     Ive heard of more being found in Greene co. as well, yet no undated news realeases on this from our fine commission.  Guess they want to make sure they have all their doe tags sold first.
Of the deer, 2 were buck, one a small buck maybe a forkhorn, was out in stream and didnt feel like messing with it to count points.    The other was on shore and about a 15" eight point.    Both properties in North Western Greene county.   
Also passed a property the other day several miles away, where the landowner surrounded the land with white & red signs saying:  "EHD AREA!" near wind ridge.
post edited by wayne c - 2012/10/01 19:55:19
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/10/02 19:31:16 (permalink)
LOUSY- that would take the wind outa my sails Wayne, and quick too. Read some time ago where it got to the point out West that they had guys go in and shoot every deer they could find to try and stop it. 
    Kinda doubt that was the answer but they'd had about enough of the disease spreading. Bucks will go a long way in the rut- too bad- hope it works out in the long run for you guys.
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/10/02 19:49:49 (permalink)
Retired guy,
That was cwd in Wisconsin. Different disease. Ehd doesn't spread from deer to deer. Midges spread it amongst the deer.
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/10/02 19:59:39 (permalink)
OOPs -thanks for the correction - still stinks.
 Kill all the stinkin midges too- an all their friends
post edited by retired guy - 2012/10/02 20:01:12
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/10/02 22:15:50 (permalink)
Couple good solid frosts will handle the midges and the EHD.

Better too far back, than too far forward.
wayne c
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/10/04 19:21:10 (permalink)
Yep.   But it sure didnt feel like it  was much consolation back in 2007 when the frosts finally did come, ehd really wiped some of my perenial favorite properties that year out.   Was decent deer numbers, and the following year, you struggled to find a track or dropping.  And it took awhile for the herd to rebound.  Thankfully some of the guys in surrounding private properties were smart enough to lay off the does for awhile.
post edited by wayne c - 2012/10/04 19:23:10
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/10/06 17:39:36 (permalink)
Talked to a buddy last night that found 4 dead along stream yesterday, about a mile up the road from one property where I found ehd casualties.   He said they appeared to have been there for a few weeks.
wayne c
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/10/08 14:09:21 (permalink)
Just read a newspaper article from a few days ago that was by a member of the Izaak Walton League, that goes around performing water quality checks regularly on the areas streams.   He said they were finding quite a few dead deer and mentioned several towns where they were being found across Greene county.
I see pgc just recently confirmed "A" case where a deer near rices landing had died of ehd.     One case that they got their grubby lil' paws on within 24 hours after death so they could test...
But no mention AT ALL made of the dozens and dozens that have been found dead,  and reported, and those are just those that I am personally aware of not to mention the many I couldnt possibly know of.   I guess maybe they just continue drop dead in and along the streams of SW Pa as normal everyday occurrence.   
When ehd hit before, back in 2007, They gave general estimations of reports of numbers of deer reported and found dead, which were CLEARLY due to ehd despite lack of testing on most.   Circumstances told the story.   And many of the reported dead deer were checked up on, and tallied all along the process in 2007.    Now they dont even mention them, and it makes it sound extremely insignificant as if there until recently were none dying from ehd in the county, and now there is one dead ehd deer in the friggin county! lmao.   
With this ehd dealing, as with anything deer related these days, the Pgc is a joke as usual.
post edited by wayne c - 2012/10/08 14:11:15
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/10/09 11:08:16 (permalink)
So what would you have them do, Wayne?  Issue a press release that all hunting should be stopped in all EHD affected areas immediately?  geesh...
EHD is here and it is here to stay.  The only thing that can be done is let nature take its course.  At some point, hunters/outdoorsman have to take it upon themselves to limit their harvests in areas where they know the deer have been dying from this (if they want to maintain high deer populations).  
They have been giving out plenty of info. over the last 3 months, IMO.  The only joke is your constant bashing, just to bash.  Occasionally you have a good point; too bad most people have tuned you out due to the obvious bias.
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/10/09 11:48:42 (permalink)

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wayne c
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/10/09 14:32:22 (permalink)
So what would you have them do, Wayne? Issue a press release that all hunting should be stopped in all EHD affected areas immediately? geesh...

No.   I would have them be honest about the situation instead of the usual deer damage control crap.    They know if they are open and honest, it might mean a few more people actually not killing an antlerless deer. And they dont want that period.   2a has somewhere in neighborhood of 20k tags left at this point.   God forbid they dont all sell! lmao.
And I'll thank  you to not grossly intentionally misrepresent my positions.   Easier for you to go into your emotional pgc blind support mode than hear out a position though I guess.
  I feel hunters could make more informed decisions of their own if they knew this was occurring.   And if they do not walk the streams on the properties they hunt etc..  They will not have a clue it is even occurring in their area, and folks from outside the area that come to hunt would surely have no clue.

EHD is here and it is here to stay.

Exactly where did I say otherwise?
They have been giving out plenty of info. over the last 3 months, IMO.

Which is ridiculous assertion for the reasons I stated in my last several posts.   And your links have nothing at all to do with the posts that I have made.   Perhaps you need to brush up on your reading comprehension and you may understand exactly what was said.
Which is my poiThe only joke is your constant bashing, just to bash. Occasionally you have a good point; too bad most people have tuned you out due to the obvious bias.

Thats your extremely biased view.   I just put the information out there.   And it was 100% accurate, unless of course you can meet the challenge of proving me wrong and show in any link or press release where any mention is made of the dozens of deer, perhaps by this time hundreds, that have been found dead to date in my area.  No?  Didnt think so...
  When someone posts anything accurate or not against your precious pgc, you take it personally and take things to a personal level as if someone insulted mamma!    I wasnt asking or expecting you to agree, and dont believe you will in the future unless I am singing pgc praise.   Which I will do only when warranted.   And when you speak for "most people" here is the day this board becomes a joke I would want no  part of.    I dont think thats even close to being the case, which is why I still enjoy reading the boards here.   Perhaps too many late night zombie movies you claim to love have distorted your perception.    It also seems you have anything but tuned me out.   You feel compelled to reply to most of my posts it seems you cant help yourself, or control the emotions.
Now  Im goin' hunting.  Have a good'n. 

post edited by wayne c - 2012/10/09 14:52:26
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/10/10 08:47:11 (permalink)
Wayne, did you report the dead deer you found to the PGC?
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/10/10 09:47:56 (permalink)
You are so out of touch....
EVERY hunter I know here at work (at least a dozen I talk to on a regular basis that hunt all around 2B and some from Beaver, Fayette and Greene County) have heard about EHD coming back this year and some have found dead deer as well.  So do I think the word has gotten out, yep.  
Heck, even my FIL in Cambria county who is a casual rifle hunter has heard about EHD up that way.  He is never one to pay much attention to that kind of thing.  Tell you what Wayne, why don't you write the USP a letter and ask them to buy some billboard space to "get the word out" if it will make you feel better.
wayne c
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/10/10 17:57:20 (permalink)
Esox, even though I personally wasnt going to initially even bother, yes, they were reported. Wouldnt have mattered though even if those that WE found werent, because i know of quite a few others that were reported prior to from the area and county in general, and it hasnt changed a thing as far as pgcs reporting of the incidents.   And if they have attempted to downplay and minimize it HERE, I have little doubt the exact same has been the case for some of the other effected counties as well, although of course I cant vouch for that first hand. 
Pgcs handling of this in my opion, has been subpar to say the least. I do not in any way feel that is an unfair statement.
Gillz, most around here dont know that it is here to this point, because it has been greatly minimized by pgc.   Word it spreading somewhat, but mainly simply due to word of mouth. Because it hasnt been announced to any real degree for this area.   As I state, statement form pgc has been ONE CONFIRMED CASE LMAO!  and that was just announced the other day!    Ive been here, and know what has been found and thats a complete J-O-K-E. Plain and simple.
Dont really care what your uncles cousins third wives half brother heard or didnt hear. lmao.  But simply "hearing" about the existance of a few isolated confirmed cases of ehd "somewhere" in the state  somewhere else is pretty vague, especially considering how the information was made back available to the public in 2007!
As for your unified comment, I dont know what your paranoia surrounding that group has to do with anything, but I shouldnt have to ask  Unified, pgc, or anyone else. One would think we should be able to expect that these supposed"professionals" at pgc would occaisionally use a little common sense and responsible decisions should be made in the handling of these things. 
post edited by wayne c - 2012/10/10 18:08:10
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/10/11 10:48:00 (permalink)
This was posted yesterday on  Not Good.

Posted: October 10th, 2012
Special deer hunt at Pymatuning canceled
The Pennsylvania Game Commission has canceled a planned late-season flintlock/late archery deer hunt at the Pymatuning Wildlife Management Area because of an outbreak of a deadly viral disease in the deer herd in that area.

Epizootic hemorrhagic disease was ruled as the cause of death for a dozen deer in the region in September. EHD is transmitted by the bites of midges and usually kills infected animals within five days to 10 days. The commission said the untreatable disease is not infectious to humans, but infected venison may not be suitable for consumption.

“Recent frost in the area may hopefully end this year’s outbreak of EHD,” Northwest Region director Keith Harbaugh said. “However, in evaluating the situation in this area, we estimate that 75 percent to 85 percent of the deer herd found on the wildlife management area has succumbed to EHD.

“It would appear that Pymatuning Wildlife Management Area, and portions of the surrounding State Game Land 214 are the epicenter, as we have multiple reports of dead deer from Meadville Junction to just east of Conneaut Lake to Adamsville to Espyville.”

Harbaugh said the commission does expect to have a special hunt in 2013.

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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/10/11 15:04:16 (permalink)
Word last week was 200+ on the refuge itself.

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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/10/11 15:22:35 (permalink)
Found a dead doe an hour ago in 1B that wasn't there two days ago,  far from a road and with no visible signs of a bullet or arrow hole. it was in plain sight in the back of a pasture on a side hill. Most of my experience with EHD has been finding them along creek bottoms but I don't know what else could have done her in.
post edited by S-10 - 2012/10/12 08:07:32
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/10/12 08:11:57 (permalink)
I see we also have our first confirmed case of CWD in the state. They found it on a deer farm in Adams county and farms in Lycoming and York counties have direct links to the confirmed case and have been quarantined.
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/10/12 12:50:06 (permalink)
Heard that disappointing news from my co-worker this AM.  We all knew it was only a matter of time.  I wonder what the procedure will be from the PGC?  Herd destruction?  If not, I would hope they'd at least make them double fence it with a wide buffer to prevent contact b/w farm and wild deer.  
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/11/01 15:43:16 (permalink)
The infected doe spent time on three different farms with many other deer.
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/11/06 17:13:28 (permalink)
Yesterday my nephew showed me a video on his phone by someone known to him that was taken earlier in the day of a buck in  Wattsburg . It was not good the animal was found while archery hunter came across the animal laying in the woods just flailing around couldn't stand or hardly pick up his head. 3 hours later the game commission was on scene and the animal was dispatched.   
post edited by rmcmillen09 - 2012/11/06 17:18:44
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/11/09 07:47:54 (permalink)
Thank God I havent seen any of this problem where I hunt in Erie Co. Do you think now that the weather has broke into fall, with frost like temperatures, we will be seeing less of this problem?
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/11/09 12:24:50 (permalink)
BH from what I saw on the video the deer didn,t have the bug it was in good shape no water around tongue not hanging out . More like something else we do not want to see if you know what I mean. 
post edited by rmcmillen09 - 2012/11/09 23:39:30
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/11/09 17:53:46 (permalink)
Oh NO! Not CWD?
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back? 2012/11/09 23:40:47 (permalink)
I hope not, have to start eating coyotes
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