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Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
A few friends have told me they have found some nice bucks dead,in the Hookstown area in Beaver Co. I have been checking out a few of my spots by quad and have found no dead deer or smell any(The smell of death).Just wonder if any reports in Beaver or Washington co. So input on the subject thanks.
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/08/26 21:18:30
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/08/27 05:09:50
No Tuna; There is not one dead deer in the area's that I hunt in 1A (cranberry and adams townships ) That I have found or smelled!!! Not sure about the place In B2 yet. Will be checking that Place this weekend coming up.
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/08/27 09:38:56
Stinks that EHD is back. Hopefully the incidents are isolated and it isn't as bad as last time.
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/08/27 18:17:09
From the PGC ===== HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania Game Commission Wildlife Conservation Officers are investigating the cause of death for more than 35 white-tailed deer in Beaver and Cambria counties. Epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) is suspected.
Game Commission biologists recently submitted three samples for testing from deer found in Greene Township and Ohioville Borough in Beaver County (one male and one female), and Summerhill Township in Cambria County (one female) to the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study at the University of Georgia. The agency will continue to gather samples from other dead deer being found in other municipalities. Due to decomposition, samples must be collected within 24 hours of the animal’s death for the samples to be viable. Once the results are available, the Game Commission plans to release the findings to the public.
“While we must wait for test results to confirm just what caused these deer to die, at this time, we are suspecting that the deer died of EHD, based on field signs that we are seeing,” said Dr. Walter Cottrell, Game Commission wildlife veterinarian. He noted that, earlier this month, EHD was confirmed in Oklahoma and Nebraska.
EHD is one of the most common diseases among white-tailed deer in the United States, and is contracted by the bite of insects called “biting midges.” EHD usually kills the animal within five to 10 days, and is not spread from deer to deer. While EHD is not infectious to humans, deer displaying severe symptoms of EHD may not be suitable for consumption.
Cottrell stressed that even though some EHD symptoms are similar to those of chronic wasting disease (CWD) – such as excessive drooling, unconsciousness and a loss of fear of humans – there is no relationship between EHD and CWD.
Cottrell also pointed out that EHD should be curtailed with the first hard frost, which will kill the insects that are spreading the disease. He noted that EHD, unlike CWD, is a seasonal disease and the affected local deer herd can rebound quickly.
“The good news from this situation is that the public is reporting these sightings to the Game Commission,” Cottrell said. “Should the state’s deer herd be infected with more serious diseases, the Game Commission will need to rely on the continued vigilance of the public so that we can respond in a timely manner.”
Game Commission Southwest Region Director Pat Anderson is urging residents to report sightings of sickly-looking deer, particularly those found near water, by calling the Region Office at 724-238-9523. The Southwest Region serves Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Cambria, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Somerset, Washington and Westmoreland counties. Residents in other counties are encouraged to contact their respective regions.
In 2011, EHD was confirmed in Northampton and Erie counties. EHD was confirmed in southwestern Pennsylvania in 2007 and 2002, and was suspected to be the cause of death in nearly 25 deer in Adams County in 1996. However, tests conducted at that time were inconclusive.
For more information on EHD, go to the Game Commission’s website (, put your cursor on “Wildlife” in the menu bar at the top of the homepage, put your cursor on “Wildlife Diseases” in the drop-down menu listing, then choose “Wildlife Disease Reference Library” from the second drop-down menu and look for “Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease.”
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/08/30 16:46:18
Don't know about this EHD stuff but I know a couple will die from my 50 cal. traditions in the next few months...  ..WF
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/03 14:09:51
Lure them in and hitum with the butt. Thats the one in 2-c. Not sure where the other one will come from; maybe find it floppin on the road behind a fast car...WF
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/11 17:15:08
Docto Do deer still get hit by cars? Yes, it happens some times. But the numbers from this years says that there are last deers hit by cars compared to the last year, looks like the things are finally starting to go better.
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/12 19:28:57
there has been alittle talk of it here in fayette. i just came in from some scouting and found a small dead buck that wasnt there 3 days ago. its about 10 yds from a dried up creek. i didnt wanna touch it but there was no sign of being shot. im gonna call the pgc tomorrow.
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/12 22:44:47
I think less deer are getting hit by cars because there are less deer to get hit by cars. Exactly what the insurance companys want. BH
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/14 19:56:29
My dad has been walking the dog and has seen many deer dead around Madison and Herminie. Ed
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/14 21:17:53
I am hearing of more dead deer in the Murrysville area every day. Also at our club in Irwin we watched a doe & 2 fawns coming out on the trap range early in the evenings & the whole time we watched all 3 were flipping thier ears & tails trying to get rid of the flys. I was told that they come into the fields because there are less bugs & more breeze. We found 4 dead ones across the road from the club,all this week. Doesn't look good here. sam
wayne c
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/14 22:26:31
Its spreading apparently. Hearing of many cases being found in different areas of the SW. Im sure the pgc will be pleased. Plenty of killing time before hard frosts. The ehd should go along well hand in hand with their excessive allocations. The combination did wonders to many areas back in 2007. Trillium growing like you wouldnt believe lol...
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/16 19:54:54
Maybe I missed something; hasn't there only been a very few cases actually confirmed of this thing? Seems like we have a full blown epidemic from the reports to this board....WF
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/16 20:45:27
I can't say that I have actually seen any dead deer from EHD, but I can say that beyond a shadow of a doubt, I am seeing approximately 25% the numbers that I have seen in any other year, including last year. I hunt a high deer density area, and am seeing fields that typically hold over 50 deer being lucky to hold any. Most of my cohorts are saying the same thing. I would strongly encourage anyone finding this to report it ASAP. For those who aren't aware, this disease hit the Milk River two years ago in Montana and obliterated one of the strongest deer populations in the continent within several months.
wayne c
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/16 22:22:13
I am aware of some that have not been reported due to various reasons. I also am aware of others that have been, which have been very recent and not really included in previous media reports as of yet.
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/17 01:00:09
One of my buddy's deer just died this week a 1 1/2 year old 13 point first rack he was a late one ,bis name was guss, anyway my buddy walked out there and he was laying down messing wit his ears but ok petficly fine then next day he was dead ,they think it was internal bleeding eather hitting off the fence or a nother buck hit him they done know yet there sending it in for tests that sucks he was a sweet deer and was gona be insane
I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/17 01:09:39
I just watched ( Mike Waddel-road trip) a show about EHD that was in The Milk river area of Montana, that showed how bad the disease can be.What a waste & sad for the deer to suffer like that. Pray that it doesn't get that bad here. sam
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/17 09:17:13
Emans, Has your dad reported any of the dead deer to the PGC? Saw that they have official reports and confirmation of EHD in Penn Twp. Sounds like it is just about everywhere in the Westmoreland Co. portion of 2B.
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/17 17:22:43
Eyes, I told him to call not sure if he ever did. He has been walking the new puppy alot and i guess she has been finding quite a few
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/18 06:28:06
Well this past weekend we checked all are places we hunt ( cranberry,adams,Saxonburg,) Not finding one dead deer which am GLAD about that!!!! Although a buddy of mine has a small plot of land between northside and north hills. They found 2 does momma and a fawn dead on the edge of the woods. Said looked like they weren't there very long. No holes in them from any kind of weapon. called the PGC and has yet to come get them,been over a week now
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/18 09:38:43
Well, the family and I took a walk yesterday evening on one of the properties I have permission to hunt. Didn't see or smell any dead deer and the kids got to see one live doe up close and personal. For as loud as we were, I can't believe she let us walk to within 30 yds (she was off to the side of the trail we were on). They got to see lots of tracks, the wife got worried about a large pile a poo since right before we made our way into the woods the neighbor said a bear was sighted several times over the summer. It eased her fears when I let her know it was only horse poo. Kids had a lot of fun wearing their "camo" into the woods.
fishin coyote
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/19 11:23:17
FOR September 19, 2012
IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Release #113-12
GAME COMMISSION LOOKING INTO DEER DEATHS IN NORTHWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania Game Commission officers are investigating the cause of death for nearly a dozen white-tailed deer found by agency employees on the Pymatuning Wildlife Management Area in North Shenango Township, Crawford County. Epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) is suspected, which has been confirmed in Beaver and Westmoreland counties and is suspected in Allegheny and Cambria counties. Game Commission biologists will attempt to collect samples for testing at the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study at the University of Georgia, which has confirmed deer mortalities from four different strains of the EHD virus in 15 states this year. The Game Commission will continue to gather samples from other dead deer being found in Pennsylvania. Samples must be collected within 24 hours of the animal’s death to be viable. Once the results are available, which normally takes around two weeks, the Game Commission will release the findings to the public. “Once again, we are suspecting that the deer died of EHD, based on our field investigations and the fact that EHD already has been confirmed in the southwestern portion of the state,” said Dr. Walter Cottrell, Game Commission wildlife veterinarian. “There are no management actions or practices to prevent or limit mortality caused by EHD. Fortunately, EHD should be curtailed with the first hard frost, which will kill the midges that are spreading the disease.” Mike Edited for posting stupidity LOL
post edited by fishin coyote - 2012/09/19 11:34:38
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/19 19:07:30
I saw a dead spike along the road yesterday. I'm not sure it was hit by a VW though. (See title of thread for clue.)
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/20 16:33:07
Did the bug have a high, steel bumper that purportedly hit the spike?...WF
wayne c
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/20 17:11:55
Funny they left out some areas, including GREENE county in that list. Here is from a previous article on it "The recent outbreak is believed to have begun weeks ago, and EHD was first identified Sept. 7 in a deer carcass collected in Beaver County. A sample from Cambria County was inconclusive, but EHD is suspected. The agency is awaiting results from additional samples collected in Allegheny, Westmoreland and Greene counties." Read more: I know of several instances of deaths. Some were called in, some werent. I know of one particular instance where it was 10 or 11 (forget which) that were found and reported. Not sure if they might have been past the stage where they could be "tested" for the disease (I guess they have to be really fresh dead from what Ive heard) they dont drop dead in numbers along creekbeds like that for any other reason. Maybe they were afraid maybe a few less doe would be killed if hunters heard ehd was back in the unit. To not even include Greene as "SUSPECTED" cases now all of a sudden in their most recent press release, such as they listed some other areas, is pgc deciet as usual. Wonder if there are any other areas they are intentionally leaving out?!
post edited by wayne c - 2012/09/20 17:18:20
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/21 09:55:22
Whoa, little early for "nit" season to start. Guess the "picking" is going to be easy this year. At least some have fun with the game. Enjoy it Wayne. You deserve any enjoyment you get out of it.
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/21 18:58:43
World Famous
Did the bug have a high, steel bumper that purportedly hit the spike?...WF
People around these parts mount homemade brush guards on their VW's witht he sole intent of running over deer to secure their antlers, so it is possible.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
wayne c
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/21 21:05:55
Gills, it is what it is, and emotional distress in this instance isnt warranted dude.  Relax. As for the topic, going to check on a few more properties this week to see if any carcasses.
post edited by wayne c - 2012/09/21 21:26:44
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Re:Anybody having deer die from the bug that hit a few years back?
2012/09/28 00:17:17
Just came from our club meeting & heard reports of more dead deer in different areas. I won't quote numbers but if only half are true it is a real shame. My bud was watching & trying for a big 10pt.,but found it dead near a creek yesterday. Come on frost , please. sam