Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates?

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2012/08/22 14:21:25 (permalink)

Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates?

Hey guys!
I'll be coming in from NE Ohio where I fish for steelhead in the Chagrin River and Grand River.  I hear that they start running up Elk and Walnut in September.  Does anyone know if the first or second weekend in Sept would be a good time to start coming up to catch a few?  I know about the water temp and flows for Ohio, but not sure what they should be for Elk and Walnut.
Any insight would be much appreciated!

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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/08/22 14:30:50 (permalink)
    September, not so much. Not worth the drive til at the earliest early-mid October. November is better.
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/08/22 14:51:04 (permalink)
    You can catch some in September - mostly down low on the tribs or casting into the lake at trib mouths.  I'd imagine some have been caught in the lake at the mouths this week between dusk and dawn with the cooler nights.  Maybe even a few in the very lowest stretches of Elk and Walnut.  I've gambled a few times and made the 2 hour drive in September after cool weather and big rains and had some good days.  But most years I wait till October for my first trip.  November is prime.  
    For the gauges, go to www.fisherie.com and click on the Weather and Waves link.  There are links there to gauges on Walnut and Brandy Run.  BR is a small trib of Elk Creek.  Conditions are to my liking on the big tribs when Walnut is at 75-100 CFS.  If you do a search on here for the gauges, you'll find some helpful discussions about what different guys prefer.  One thread a few years back even had some pics from Walnut of what the different flows looked like.  
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/11 23:17:37 (permalink)
    One year I caught 15 in Walnut on Labor Day weekend but each year is different.  I have never had a weekend like that again.   Including the pancakes and sausage.
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/12 08:24:43 (permalink)
    The Makean hole is loaded
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/12 16:05:31 (permalink)
    fish whisper

    The Makean hole is loaded

    Any Proof? sounds fishy
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/12 16:37:35 (permalink)
     I don't think it's the Mckean hole that's loaded
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/13 13:10:57 (permalink)
    lots of steel in ohio if you walk a few miles up from the mouth.same in walnut and elk.get past the mud hole and manchester and you will find fish.wear some tread off your boots or sandles in this weather.cant stand seeing people fishing in sight of the mouths  anytime after september.bash me trash me who gives a sheeiat,but there is plenty of fish in all the bigger tribs of every great lake NOW
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/13 13:19:01 (permalink)
    Oh, I'm sure there's fish in there, but just not in any great numbers yet. A determined angler could most likely hit Elk and/or Walnut and catch a limit. We're just waiting for when the big runs start. If I didn't live so far away, I'd enjoy walking way in to look for fish. However, I don't want to drive that far and have to search for fish. I guess I'm one of the guys you hate to see because I seldom, if ever, fish more than a mile from the mouth. That way, I often get fresh fish that haven't even seen a hook yet.
    Have a nice day!
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/13 13:54:34 (permalink)

    lots of steel in ohio if you walk a few miles up from the mouth.same in walnut and elk.get past the mud hole and manchester and you will find fish.wear some tread off your boots or sandles in this weather.cant stand seeing people fishing in sight of the mouths  anytime after september.bash me trash me who gives a sheeiat,but there is plenty of fish in all the bigger tribs of every great lake NOW

    Well I won't bash or trash you, but I have been walking way up Walnut and there is certainly NOT a lot of steel. Oh, yes, you may have a wanderer--or even a hold over. But no, there is not "plenty of fish" there. The simple fact is that fish cannot walk or climb. A steelhead needs 2 feet of depth to jump two feet up a  waterfall, there is no way that anything much has gotten past the falls above Manchester. I can't speak to Ohio, I do not know the creeks there at all.
    Perhaps you are speaking from past experiences in September? We have had some good years in the past when surprising numbers have made it pretty far up.
    post edited by cbeagler - 2012/09/13 13:55:38
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/13 14:08:09 (permalink)
    +1 Craig,
    I highly doubt any steelhead could make it up to where we last met this early in the year....good water if you put on the hiking boots!
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/13 15:10:15 (permalink)
    There has been quite a few steelhead caught in the Ohio tribs already.  Definitely not a lot, but there has been fish caught with pics as proof.  Keep in mind the Ohio streams are bigger and deeper so it's easier for the steelhead to move into them with the lower water levels.
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/13 15:28:22 (permalink)
    Oh forgot to finish the messege, the Makean hole is full of water
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/14 07:39:30 (permalink)

    +1 Craig,

    I highly doubt any steelhead could make it up to where we last met this early in the year....good water if you put on the hiking boots!

    Yep! And that is how far I've been walking too. There is a whole lot of low water between here and there.
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/14 07:41:19 (permalink)
    fish whisper

    Oh forgot to finish the messege, the Makean hole is full of water

    Thanks for clearing that up!
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/14 18:34:04 (permalink)
    For the past 4 years I've been taking my young son ~ Sept 16th as it's his birthday and we've been legally catching  a few at the falls on Walnut. Very small pods ~ 8-15 as far as we could see. No, it was never worth a couple hours drive, but for the experience of the weather, amount of people and father-son time, well, as the commercial goes : priceless. Yes, there are days when it can be very good  early in the year because of conditions, but overall October-November would be a better choice or even December. In any event, GOOD LUCK and HAVE FUN!
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/15 19:37:35 (permalink)
    No, it was never worth a couple hours drive
    I tend to disagree.  First I love the time spent on a creek even if I don't get anything  Second.... Time with the son.  Enjoy it now.  My son moved to NYC in January and I have only seen him twice this year. ( He is doing Great }Two weeks before he moved we spent a day of Steelhead fishing and I loved it.
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/15 19:51:27 (permalink)
    any fish in the creeks?
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/15 21:17:02 (permalink)

    any fish in the creeks?

    None whatsoever.
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/15 21:30:07 (permalink)
    I heard there were some big stupid honkin' Walleye to be caught in PA waters yet though, along with a bunch of boring 12" Perch.  Please, lets drag this hot miserable summer out even longer and talk about these species more.   
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/15 22:17:20 (permalink)
    If there are 6 more fish in 20 mile than in twelve mile, and Wanut has twice as many as 20, but 300 less than Elk.
    What time does the Avonia open, on wednesdays?

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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/15 22:41:08 (permalink)
    11 AM


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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/15 22:57:53 (permalink)
    Eastern standard, or Greenwich time?
    And if the Avonia opens at 11am EST.
    How many flys will the only fish at the stop sign hole, have in it's arse?
    post edited by spoonchucker - 2012/09/15 23:15:52

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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/15 23:32:13 (permalink)

    No, it was never worth a couple hours drive

    I tend to disagree.  First I love the time spent on a creek even if I don't get anything  Second.... Time with the son.  Enjoy it now.  My son moved to NYC in January and I have only seen him twice this year. ( He is doing Great }Two weeks before he moved we spent a day of Steelhead fishing and I loved it.

    A clarification is in order and the confusing statement was my error.
    If you read my total post [and I know you did], I wrote because of the weather, limited amount of peeps on the water and father-son time as all being priceless. So yes, I do recognize the importance of "enjoy it now" as you stated. I do very much enjoy family time and have noted it many times in my posts. My 13 year old son and 9 year old daughter can often be heard telling their friends or me "catching fish is icing on the cake". They actually say that, but you know where they heard that from. We always enjoy time on the water, no matter what, even when one of us slips and falls in. It doesn't happen very often, but it is funny! I probably should never have written "it was never worth a couple hours drive". The point I was attempting to make was that there were better times to catch fish and in general it would be more productive if one were to wait until Oct-Dec  [which I already alluded to later in the post]. I apologize for the miscommunication.
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/16 16:31:15 (permalink)
    When does the narwhal bacon?
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/17 00:12:07 (permalink)

    How many flys will the only fish at the stop sign hole, have in it's arse?

    It had two, now it has three. I just got back in.
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/17 00:51:21 (permalink)
    Yeah, you guys better wait til October, or even November.
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/20 12:15:05 (permalink)
    October is fast approaching. Iv been itching for the steelies since March
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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/20 16:07:20 (permalink)
    That equation is for leaves....duh

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    Re:Elk Creek and Walnut Creek Steelhead start dates? 2012/09/21 07:32:45 (permalink)
    are the snagr's up to rte 5 yet?

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