Met up with stoneface to do some feshing for carp. Decided on leaving the euro kit at home and took the float rod to show you don't need a barrow load of gear to catch ****loads of them.
This isn't run of the mill sweetcorn, it's magic **** but we also used cube spam and bread. Can't get much simpler then that ****
Gear, noodles rod, small reel with a good drag, 4lb main line with a 2lb fluro leader, waggler float with shot spaced, and #14 sabertooth. Don't need heavy stuff if you know how to control the karp, plus lessens the chance of spooking them this close.
Location, won't say this time (like the last times

) The spot we decided on was a lovely spot snags and overhanging brushes on both sides with a thick weedbed 15 yards out with a deep "channel" 4'-5' right off the bank. After some baiting, stone took the right I took the left. Bubbles started showing carp were feeding heavy. Wasn't long before my float shot under.
Short "fight" resulted in a tailless one
Shortly followed by:
None were monsters that day (5-8lb peanuts) so I put the camera away, but stone and I were in them as thick as bluegills at times.