"the dog in ? was most likely concerned with the "funny lookin' stick" with a people sitting on top... "
LOL! I like the way you put this. Could very well be true. I honestly think I would have paddled like He11, the same as Slick did although I probably would have been quicker about heading to deeper water...

(Just playin' Slick! LOL)
But I did beat the crap outta by best friend's doberman once. It bit my arm and held on. I pushed my forearm deeper into its mouth and backed it into a corner where it had nowhere to go. When it gagged, I pulled my arm out. I then proceeded to administer a very heartfelt whoopin'. Dog ran everytime I came over after that. My best friend offered to kill it, but I told him that it probably learned its lesson. It did. However, if it had bitten one of my kids... DEATH.
And there is definately not a blanket solution. I respect everyone on here enough to feel comfortable saying that regardless of what their gun-toting views are, everyone would have reacted in a safe and mature fashion had they been in the exact situation. Sounds to me like if Slick had tried to pull a gun, he would have been chum before he got a shot off. A speedy retreat was the smartest move in this instance. However, paddling along shore? Perhaps not... HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Probably good exercise though. Next time he should troll a steak behind the canoe. With a workout like that twice a week, he'd look like Popeye in no time!