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Found a local little lake with a ton of big carp swimming around. Problem is, I'm not sure how to go about catching them. The area I found them there is a ton of weeds on the bottom so that takes out bottom fishing for them. Just curious if anyone knows a way to float a bobber for them or to possibly float a dough ball in the vacinity of the fish. Also, will carp bite better during the night time??? They seem to spook rather easily. Any ideas I would greatly appreciate it!
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Even with the weeds, they should still feed on the bottom. Try going there the day before and chumming a whole can of corn or little pieces of carp bait. Then go back the next day and threads several pieces of corn all the way up your hook. Shouldn't have any problem catching them. I have also caught them on plain white bread. Ball it up on the hook and it should float. Thats how i've caught them when they were feeding on top.
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Using smaller sinkers or none at all should alleviate the weed problem. As far a spooking them goes, less weight should help that too, otherwise, don't cast any closer than 3ft to them, sometimes more.
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Has anyone ever caught a carp from a floating bobber??? Just curious because my son really wants to fish that way and pretty much that way along. We have caught small carp on bobbers with wax worms. Will the big ones hit the same way? And in reply to bcain and fishingguy, thank you so much for the tips. I'll be sure to try what you guys mentioned!
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From my experiences, if carp are just cruising around in the middle or near the top of the water column they are EXTREMELY hard to catch. Now if they are actively feeding on the bottom(or top, chumming may work) then they are actually relatively easy to catch. Bread or dough balls should work.
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Troutguy, so what you're basically saying is that if i can see them, they probably aren't feeding... Got it. I'll have to let my son know that if we can't see them, then it's better off for us! haha I'll make sure he reads this!
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dajigdog Has anyone ever caught a carp from a floating bobber??? Yes. The boys birthday carp this year....caught 3' under a float using a small jig & maggots.
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Not neccessarily, actually a lot of the times the opposite. I've actually been sight fishing for carp quite a bit this year. If you see them just flat out cruising around, don't bother casting towards them. But if you see them swimming very slowly occasionally stopping then there is a good chance they could be feeding. If you see their mouth opening and closing then they're probably eating something. If you find some carp, just watch them for a few minutes and see what they're doing. Now if you can't see any, well, then you would have no idea if they're feeding or not lol. The lakes I fish, I haven't really found any carp consistantly. Once in a while I'll see one swim by, but for the most part I don't see any, so it's hard to locate their normal holding lies. I tend to find fishing in rivers a little easier since I know where they usually hang out in my local rivers. The one place where I consistantly catch carp "non-sightfishing" is directly below a small dam. I just simply put some bread on a hook with some shot and cast it out there and let it sit.
post edited by troutguy - 2012/07/10 14:34:21
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Oh and when you're sight fishing, spooking fish is part of the game. The best tip I can give is stay as far away as you can. It seems like most of the fish I spook are the ones I didn't see. I just happen to be walking/wading along the river then all of a sudden I see a big fish just dart away!
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Plain white bread and then use Kraft singles to mold it into a ball around a hook. Always worked for me for carp.
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Carp feed in all water depths. They are not only a bottom feeder. They will feed from bottom the whole range to the top. Try free lining some bread on top. Pinch a small chunk around a hook and freeline it to them. Carp spook extremely easy.
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carp on top just float a piece of crust with a little bread on top they will get it . theirs a millions of right answers pick one . hold on to pole !
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I really appreciate all of the help guys! I'm gonna take my son and give it a whirl tomorrow. Chances are if I dont hook into any that they just aren't in the area I'm fishing. You all seem extremely knowledgable and helpful and it's reasons like this that I joined the site! And by all means, if anyone thinks of anything else, keep sending replies!!! I like to consider myself a pretty good angler, but only when it comes to certain species and most are gamefish. I also found out there are channel cats in the lake. Any tips on that one???
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dajigdog I also found out there are channel cats in the lake. Any tips on that one??? SPAM (as in the potted meat).
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I agree, many good answers on here. Here is how I target them with some sucess. If I know they are feeding in an area on top or like to hang in an area(like boat docks) I just chum with some bread. Throw it out and see what happens. They ducks will come to, but that attracts the carp as well. Then throw out a pc and hold on. I also like to chum with corn, the day before. I soak my whole canned kernal with a little vanilla extraxt or mix in some strawberry extract. The just load up a smaller cirlcw hook, small sliding sinker/swivel rig. and wait.