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Are they in yet?
I here the creeks are full of chrome.
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/04 21:32:21
Yep. caught 40. Over 60 hook ups today. Most were old looking fish. No fresh ones. Hahaha
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/05 00:13:23
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/05 09:46:35
They're up to rt. 20 in numbers. Hooked 79 at the Manchester hole yesterday but only landed 34 1/2 fish. Little Cleos drifted under a big red and white plastic bobber with some shot produced fish. There's nobody fishin the tribz this year, everyone thinks it's 2 crowded up there so they stay home. lol
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/05 11:05:25
Here we go again! Im just waiting for people to start guessing the date when someone posts the first steel pic of the season. Wont be long tho....
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/05 14:30:15
flyfisherman Here we go again! Im just waiting for people to start guessing the date when someone posts the first steel pic of the season. Wont be long tho.... First pic with yellow rope...
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/05 15:04:16
Was up there last week where a spring comes into a larger West Side tributary well above Rt 79. Was 4 steelhead that never made it back sitting below it, hooked one and lost it and no go on the others.
post edited by Loomis - 2012/07/05 16:13:40
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/05 16:43:57
Loomis Was up there last week where a spring comes into a larger West Side tributary well above Rt 79. Was 4 steelhead that never made it back sitting below it, hooked one and lost it and no go on the others. No, those were wild rainbow that naturally reproduced in that large west side drainage dit.. uh, tributary.
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/05 18:45:12
I wish someone would explain the yellow rope joke someday. LOL
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/05 20:21:36
Did you hook the one on blue powerbait?
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/05 21:09:54
I got all mine on j13 raps.....
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/06 06:52:19
Yeah.... Funny thing is im actually being serious....I used a price nymph.
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/06 08:38:56
They're definitely in the creeks. At least a handful that, like Loomis said, never make it back, or just decided to explore for whatever reason. I've seen them in mid-July before. Wouldn't exactly drive 3 hours to cast to them...but if that's what it'll take to make ya happy, knock yourself out.
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/06 09:35:57
wouldn't want to drive 3 hours to cast to them, but you may need to walk 3 hours to find them.
Some people are like Slinkies...not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/06 09:37:20
Yeah I knew you were telling the truth, I've actually seen pictures of steel caught in July while fishing for bass and whatnot. Not the healthiest lookin fish, but they're steelhead. There's also some small wild steelhead in the creeks that successfully hatched, but chances are they won't survive the whole summer and make it down to the lake, but there is a chance. During a recent survey there were a surprising number of small steelhead shocked up in the headwaters of an Ohio trib. Fall can't come soon enough....
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/06 14:30:12
Well I am new to the area and am surprised to hear that Loomis had hooked some fish recently. I didn't think that steelhead were in the Great Lakes tribs over summer like the summer run steelhead of the west. Does that mean that the greatlakes fish are actually more like steelhead or rainbows? Also if they were in the streams some already maybe something has triggered that they are hanging around already? What are the usual triggers, like I said I am new to the area but can't wait to cast some lures at the beach for them.
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/06 14:40:22
They are there year round if you know where to look KOWobblerpro. You had a predecessor....Kastmasterpro, he knew where to look.
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/06 17:17:59
in this clear, low water they like half a waxworm
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/06 19:24:17
Everytime I go for them they jizz and shoot eggs on my waders. Anyone know how to remove the stains?
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/06 20:12:43
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/07 12:34:45
Loomis Yeah.... Funny thing is im actually being serious....I used a price nymph. Absolutely! I have walked these streams enough in the last 35 years to know that what you speak is true. I was way up Walnut one year when the drought was so bad you could walk from Manchester to the Mall and not get your shoelaces wet. And I saw steel. Not a little holdover rainbow from the 3cu. But a steelhead--full sized.
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/11 13:01:14
slabdaddy I wish someone would explain the yellow rope joke someday. LOL On the Wall of Nuts during the run, guys will use yellow nylon rope as a stringer. I must admit I have been guilty. I have seen it done on the Salmon River as well for King Salmon.
fish whisper
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/11 13:13:50
I've seen a steelhead chasing minnows in late June in Lampe Marina before, the funny thing is a month from now just a few cool nights and rain will put some chrome on my smoker trays
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/11 14:38:24
I wish someone would explain the yellow rope joke someday. LOL
On the Wall of Nuts during the run, guys will use yellow nylon rope as a stringer. I must admit I have been guilty. I have seen it done on the Salmon River as well for King Salmon.
So all of the yellow rope jokes are in reference to the "weekend Warriors" from other parts of the state that swarm in to overcrowd the streams? I'm just asking because last year I had people asking me if I was using a yellow rope and I figured it was some kind of insult. I just didn't know what it meant. I equated it with helmet wearing and window licking at the time. LOL! Now I see it's a term used for "outsiders who keep fish instead of catch and release." Right?
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/11 15:34:24
If you want to be cool and fit in, use a blue rope.
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/11 15:43:29
but if you wanna be UBER cool & save the $1 a stringer costs.... just use rocks.
"If you ever get hit with a bucket of fish, be sure to close your eyes." ><)))*>
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/11 18:31:59
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/11 18:32:31
LOL I've actually seen that done before! I've also seen people have fish on a stringer(yellow btw), but they had the fish just laying on the shoreline behind them just rotting! Like a good 5 feet from the waters edge! Then there's the people who just put the fish in a bag lol.
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/11 20:55:26
If I took a leak in the creeks right now, it would help the flow and water level.
The Lord has blessed us all today... It's just that he has been particularly good to me.
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Re:Are they in yet?
2012/07/11 21:30:05
The only "cool" way, is to cook them up streamside as soon as you catch them. Otherwise we all KNOW that you're just gonna throw them in the garbage. Either as soon as you get home, and show off to family & friends. Or in 12 months, after a year of freezer burn
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