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What do you do when you are getting skunked
I was out yesterday from around 4:00 to about 8:45 on the Yough and I ended up getting skunked. I had a few bites here and there, missed one fish that spit my hook, saw a few follow my lures, but no fish. I tried pretty much everything I had in the bag. I wasnt frustrated or anything, but I also figured it would be a good topic to talk about. What do you do when you get skunked?
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Re:What do you do when you are getting skunked
2012/06/26 13:34:06
I change thru everything in my box change spots,then if all else fails I go bluegill fishing lol may sound lame but I feel like a pos if I get skunked all my buddy's burn on me cuz im the best fisherman out of our crew its only because I pay attention to the fine details I only have one buddy that can hang or out fish me thats because he understands it like I do and does research,I also think thats Wat makes the difference one times is the small things I try to show them and tell them ,its not like i have secret baits or something,I also think its because im a trapper so you gota pay close attention
I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re:What do you do when you are getting skunked
2012/06/26 15:06:04
fish stick
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Re:What do you do when you are getting skunked
2012/06/26 15:25:43
better off giving up! If i dont catch something in the first 5 or so casts then theres no fish in the water
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Re:What do you do when you are getting skunked
2012/06/26 15:53:04
Change baits and presentation until you find something that works. If you are getting follows but not bites, then speed up or slow down. Also try bigger or smaller baits. If all else fails, a worm on a hook with just enough weight to touch bottom once in a while usually produces something. Even if it's a creek chub, it knocks the skunk out of the bag.
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Re:What do you do when you are getting skunked
2012/06/26 16:36:36
yeah when there is a slow bite, it seems like the most common advice is to slow everything down. i tried that, but i still think i was moving too fast. i tried just bouncing a texas rigged tube worm slowly off the bottom with no success, just a few follows.
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Re:What do you do when you are getting skunked
2012/06/26 22:15:40
Was about to leave the lake this even.without even a hit on my best lures, when I decieded to follow my own advise. Stopped at another spot & landed a huge bass,then a couple of casts later hooked one almost as big that spit the lure,then nothing else.Never know what the next cast may bring. sam
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Re:What do you do when you are getting skunked
2012/06/26 22:54:57
Ask and hopefully Dad isn't aboard! For me, if having the "S" going, dad will be the one to "usually" get the "S" out of the box. Problem is, dad is cheap, he doesn't change line often and when he does, its from a spool he bought 10 years ago, or he gets it on one of those 5-10$ combos he thinks is a deal an just can't pitch cause it still works or I got it fixed. It just never seems to change, he'll get the fish on that saves the trip ( as far as big or such goes) and he'll lose it cause of equipment. But in his defense, he caught the largest smallie I'd ever seen and I didn't have the camera, tape or scale to go further, only a scale on a cooler....... And it was big! Smitty
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Re:What do you do when you are getting skunked
2012/06/27 08:03:54
There's one thing that I do that brightens the days when I get skunked. It enhances the euphoria on the days when I have a grand outing. It is a ritual on sunny days, overcast days, rainy days, snowy days, and it's never let me down. DUH !!! I'm surprised so many out there haven't found the magic in BEER !!!
sloppy joe 2
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Re:What do you do when you are getting skunked
2012/06/27 08:18:59
After I get to the point of giving up- I throw down at the nearest buffet
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Re:What do you do when you are getting skunked
2012/06/27 08:30:46
If fishing is slow, I'll re-focus the kids on something else. We'll watch the eagles and ospreys or when on the yough, try to find one of the local beavers and coax a tail slap out of them. Kids always got a kick out of that. If they are really bored, we'll beach the boat and start rock flipping (not tax rocks, by the way!) on the shore and "exploring," as the kids call it, and look for nymphs, crawfish and salamanders. Always something to do that will save the day.
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Re:What do you do when you are getting skunked
2012/06/27 09:20:57
I usually think slower and smaller. Sometimes it seems like you have to let the fish tell you what they want. I've fished for hours with my favorite color plastic worm, and toward the end of the trip start using stuff I almost never pull out, and then start catching fish. Is it because they like the new stuff or just because, for what ever reason, or were they just ready to start hitting. Of course I got out Friday and Saturday and got skunked two days in a row! Makes me think I shouldn't be giving advice on what to do when skunked.
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Re:What do you do when you are getting skunked
2012/06/27 09:43:09
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Re:What do you do when you are getting skunked
2012/06/27 09:43:37
Don't hold too tight to that "slow everything down" motto. Many times I've seen only a faster retrieve or a larger bait work. In fact, I've had that very thing happen the last two times I went bass fishing. They didn't want my small baits fished slowly. They would follow them all day, but not strike. So I switched to a j-11 Rapala and ripped it as fast as I could and caught fish after fish. Here's a good rule of thumb though. If you don't care what you catch, use worms. If there are smallies in the stream, use crawfish. Use as little weight as possible and you should get something. If you're still not catchin, then do what the other fella said and go gillin'!
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Re:What do you do when you are getting skunked
2012/06/27 12:48:24
Here's a good rule of thumb though. If you don't care what you catch, use worms. If there are smallies in the stream, use crawfish. Use as little weight as possible and you should get something. If you're still not catchin, then do what the other fella said and go gillin'! +1 Worms help me catch more Bass and a bunch of Cats. And I'll take panfish over skunk any day.
post edited by BadWolf - 2012/06/27 12:49:45
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Re:What do you do when you are getting skunked
2012/06/27 12:48:45
Thread Killer Veni Vidi Vici...
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Re:What do you do when you are getting skunked
2012/06/27 19:35:58
1st thing , Assessment. Am I doing something wrong? Don't be afraid to change what has worked in the past because today it's not working. Or maybe it's because the fish haven't turned on yet. I'm stopping with the assessment part because a book could be written on what to do. 2nd thing, Philosophy. " A bad day fishing...".
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Re:What do you do when you are getting skunked
2012/06/27 20:36:16
skunked? havent been there in years ;-)
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Re:What do you do when you are getting skunked
2012/06/27 22:02:43
i like fish5000's response, combined with a #3 from a post above, beer